3PP Release Which is more intriguing?

Which would you rather see?

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PJ Coffey

PJ Coffey (they/them)
As neat as the martial arts option could be, rules for athletic games is something I haven't seen much of and would be a handy thing!

They do seem popular! I suspect I'm going to have to commission both if I can get the cash to pay the writer. I'm cautiously optimistic that it'll make the goal. 😀

PJ Coffey

PJ Coffey (they/them)
I am not just reading them, I am trying to understand them.
Well, I might have a little insight into that. No promises.

I don't regard Constitution (Insight) or Charisma (Insight) to be meaningful terms.

Maybe Charisma Insight is engaging someone and bringing out information by being an engaged listener? 😀

Constitution (Insight) could be someone noticing that another individual is not feeling well because of a disease, an unseen injury or a poison. In RL, doctors and other medical professionals are trained to look for signs that someone isn't well. It could be the same case in a fantasy setting.

PJ Coffey

PJ Coffey (they/them)
Constitution (Insight) could be someone noticing that another individual is not feeling well because of a disease, an unseen injury or a poison. In RL, doctors and other medical professionals are trained to look for signs that someone isn't well. It could be the same case in a fantasy setting.

If you wanted to rule that way, I'd be fine with that, but Wisdom is seeing things and this seems very much a Wisdom (Medicine) roll. 😀

From A5e's Adventurers' Guide:

Medicine. A character can perform a Medicine check to stabilize a dying creature, treat or diagnose a disease or poison, or determine a cause of death. The most commonly used ability score is Wisdom. A character might use Intelligence to diagnose a rare poison or Constitution to nurse someone through a lengthy and dangerous illness .Specialties: animals, autopsy, diseases, herbalism, poisons.

I like how A5e allows the DM to use the other ability scores for skill checks other than the one typically associated with a particular skill. Out-of-the-box thinking? ;)

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
And what if the Olympics-like event involves magic-use as a sport?

Apparently this is very easy. 😀 I'm looking forward to seeing the draft!
There will be at least one example of using magic WITHIN normal sports and another example of a magical sport without normality.

So fund this, because I'm very excited for this feature. A5e offers bits that will help sports work better than in normie D&D.

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