Whirtlestaff's Wizards' Academy Revisited, OOC01

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Scott DeWar said:
[sblock=will save to survive reading this]

me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!
me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me!

i think you get the picture now

So, does that mean that you're interested, or what? :D

J. Alexander

First Post

Count me in....i may tweak Malfoy a little by adding one level of cleric............with a necormatic bent..if that is acceptable.......to reflect his familes history and association with undead.........when are you looking at starting again..i should be able to get everthing done by next friday.


J. Alexander said:
Count me in....i may tweak Malfoy a little by adding one level of cleric............with a necormatic bent..if that is acceptable.......to reflect his familes history and association with undead.........when are you looking at starting again..i should be able to get everthing done by next friday.
Yes, of course! Tweak away! Sounds like great fun, to tell you the truth.

I really hadn't got far enough to think of a tentative starting date, but next Friday sounds okay to me. Shall we say, then, Friday, May 2, 2008? (If my mental calendar calculations are correct, that is...)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
may second is a friday, but just to let you know, i have a doctor's appt on that day that includes a fast...and diabetes and fasts do not mix well. they mix like alcahol and driving : try all you want, still not a good idea.


Scott DeWar said:
may second is a friday, but just to let you know, i have a doctor's appt on that day that includes a fast...and diabetes and fasts do not mix well. they mix like alcahol and driving : try all you want, still not a good idea.
Okay, so would Saturday, May 3rd work better? (I guess it would have to be at least a bit better.) If so, then that's what we'll shoot for. That gives me 8 days to figure out what's going on....;)


The New, Improved Rogues Gallery is here:


The New, Improved IC thread is here:


We'll keep using this same OOC thread, I guess.

There are character creation guidelines in the first post of the new rogues gallery, and in this post. Previously rolled characters will not be used. Use the same name and personality if you want, but I was far too generous with stats last time, so we gots to tone it down to a 32 point buy. Standard starting cash, but no magic item costing over 2,500 gp. Permissible sources for initial character goodies: dmg, ph, phII, complete arcane, complete mage, spell compendium. No Magic Item Compendium items at the start. If the book isn't on the list I just gave, then it's not allowed. Prestige classes are permissible, if you can meet the requirements at or before 4th level.

Hopefully, I covered everything, either here, or in the first post of the new RG. If it's not answered here, look there first, then ask me. :)
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renau1g, your interest is much appreciated! Submit a character using the guidelines posted in the OOC and RG threads, We've always got room for ONE more (and, anyway, like I said, we've had some casualties, too). Although, I must admit that I was probably overly ambitious last time regarding party size, so we might have more luck with a smaller group. As cool as it sounds to split into two groups, I know beyond a glimmer of a shadow that there is no way I can pull that one off!


renau1g, when you submit a character, please just edit the post that you already made to the RG, instead of making another post, ok? This is now impossible, because that RG was in the wrong forum, so a new one has been opened.
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