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Who hasn't RPG'd in a while?


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I thought I would start this thread for all of us who love to role play, and have done so vehemently in days gone by, but now find themselves in a place or situation in their life where its just not feasible.

For me, my situation is thus:

My work had transferred me to another province and invariably took me away from my gaming group who are now two time zones away. As a result I live in a small town where there is no gaming community, no game store and no real outlet to ply my DMing trade. I have tried numerous times to set up a game via webcam with my old group but scheduling was a nightmare. I have also tried to go the webcam route with others closer to my current home but again, scheduling was a major hassle. So, here I sit, with an entire campaign world of my own creation not being used. I have plot lines not being forwarded and I'm stagnating in a state of Arrested RPG Development. Long do I yearn for the days when I could get together with my friends and slay dragons.

I really miss role playing...:.-(

So, if you're in the same situation as me, share your story. We, the forgotten gamers...

(The above was really just added drama for sympathetic effect)

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I´ve not gamed since WoW started to dominate. The group just disintegrated, and I´m the last man standing. I also live in a very remote area: no store, no gamers, nothing.
We are a group of oldtimers that -once a year - gathers to play some Magic:the Gathering for an extended weekend. I really love M:tg, but nothing beats D&D with some good friends.



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Well, I've cut down, both in terms of player count, and game frequency. If that counts. (?)

But that's not a bad thing, as it turns out. :)

Also, now, I have more time for other kinds of games, not to mention all that other stuff (y'know, life or whatever it's called. . .) :hmm:

Infernal Teddy

I havn't gamed outside of conventions for about three years. I've moved to an area with MORE gamers, ironicaly, but it's all closed groups, now new players welcome :( The Girlfiend and I are still loooking though...


This thread is directly addressed to me. I surf the threads here just to get a small taste of the RPG banquet I used to partake in wholeheartedly. The old group has gone and dispersed into the wind... I tried getting a group together again when 4e came out, but time constraints seem to always get in the way. (on the plus side, 2 or 3 new female players who are SO's now exist) I may try once again with the release of PHB2.

And yes, WOW is partly responsible here too...


The last time I ran a face-to-face game of D&D was in 1994. I started running games online in 1995 and that seems to suffice, given my schedule.

Mister Doug

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The combination of being in my 40s, having my game group scattered around the county, and starting a doctoral program (while working full time) have all really killed my gaming. And most of my social life.

However, look like I might have a game next weekend, and I have been doing some blogging about a game I hope to run some time in the moderately near future. But actually sitting down at a game table? It's been about 3 years...



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Let's see... my last game was probably 12 or so years ago. I was in secondary school, which probably would qualify as high school in the US? We usually have 6 years of primary school, 5 of secondary. Anyway, I gamed in school for years 4-6 in primary, 2-4 in secondary. I gamed during recess, during free periods and whenever we could find time. Mostly DMed, not that I minded.

By year 4 of secondary, we were split into streams, I went into the science stream, my friends went into technical. Different classes, more classes and tuition, it all meant less game time. From then on, no more gaming. I still read articles and bought Dragon and other gaming materials when I could, but it became a purely passive and personal hobby. Have a friend now with similar interests, but we don't game together... or at all. Sad.

Do I miss those days? I'd like to think I do. However, I seem to have grown too used to my current lifestyle such that I probably would think twice about joining a real life group if I was offered a chance.

Silvercat Moonpaw

I don't know if I should get to post here, as I can (with great difficulty) find games online. Also I've never been part of the intense play other people talk about. But I know how it feels when you have hobbies (RPGing included) that you don't get as much out of as you wish you did as that describes my whole life. :)

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