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Who hasn't RPG'd in a while?


Moved a little over a year ago to a new city. Before that, went through the whole pregnancy thing, raising infants, and so forth, so its really been about 4 years before I've done much gaming at all, and really more than 10 since I was in a sustained stable gaming group that had been together for years.

Really starting to miss it. At this point, I'd be happy with a few one shots.

Hoping to find some gamers. Found some board gamers for a while, and that was nice, but its not the same. I'm in an industry were literally everyone was a dungeonhead at one time, but everyone I've ran into so far whose breached the topic has been quick to do the whole, "But I was such a nerd back then and now I'm so much cooler (working in IT) and more mature (playing World of Warcraft) so I don't do that anymore." thing. I ran into an active DM, but he was younger and I could tell from his personality (snarky gothboi) that other than the game we didn't have alot in common, and perhaps if his game was casual beer and pretzels (which really depends on everyone having a common culture and compatible personalities) not even that.

I've tried before in new cities (several times actually) gaming with total strangers, but it rarely works out for long. (On the other hand, the best group I was ever in started with me just introducing myself and asking if they minded if I came to play next week.) I've even advertised before in local gaming stores (yes, I've been that guy), but what I discovered is that if you do that, you end up with the sort of players that inspire episodes in 'Knights of the Dinner Table' - gamers that have been rejected from every other table in town for one reason or the other (aggro power gamers, rules lawyers, people so shy they are barely able to communicate out of charater much less in character, punks on drugs, low function aspberger's, people who seem to believe they are their character, I've seen it all). By this time, I'd probably just give up and risk it, except now I've got kids now, and am not sure if I'm really willing to do the work of DM.

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I was in two groups, all friends, but both broke up for various reasons. In fact, both are technically just taking a break, but its been 3-4 years now...


First Post
I suppose this isn't quite what you're referring to, but it occurred to me just now that while I've been DMing semi-regular, I haven't actually played in a campaign in a couple of years. Going to bug me, now.


Getting lost in fantasy maps
It's been a long long while. I haven't gamed with a non-convention table in . . . what . . . 7 years now? I got involved with Living Greyhawk early in its run, then quickly moved in to regional administration. I was surprised how much authoring adventures, editing other's adventures, putting together game days and conventions, would take from my personal game time.

Not only that, it took away my enthusiasm significantly. When LG was took out behind the barn and put to rest I lost enthusiasm entirely. I hadn't gamed in any capacity since the summer of 2007, plus it was a long slow decline through that year.

But it has been a while now and I really want to get back. I want to give 4e a try. I've posted a thread in the Gamers Seeking Gamers forum on ENWorld (see my sig) hoping to find a group willing to teach an old(ish) dog a new system.

Yet . . . I have a family and a home now. To be honest, I have to believe these too have had an affect on my gaming availability. ;)


Well, it's been about 7 months since I gamed with my local group. They are really mired in a 3.5 game that just wasn't doing it for me anymore. Plus, the group became less & less social. I've been tempted to go back, but I need something different.

questing gm

First Post
I left my group back in my hometown as I'm now in uni in another state. Every time I'm back for the semester breaks, there's never enough time to prepare a campaign or find a good scheduling time with the group for one shots.

Now that I think about it, I haven't play since 4e was released and that was....almost 9 months ago. :eek:

I'm hoping to change that this year. ;)


I haven't played IRL for too long to remember. Currently, job, young kids (one of 2 years and one 4 months old) and all that draw too much time away. Also, being in the Netherlands, players are not plenty and easy to find. Furthermore, my preferences for 1st or 2nd edition DnD do not help mucht either...


Doors and Corners
However, I seem to have grown too used to my current lifestyle such that I probably would think twice about joining a real life group if I was offered a chance.
This is most definitely my problem. My life is so comfortable now. Great income. Loving daughter. Got a 58 in. Plasma and B-ray player. Got my books and my computers. It's very difficult for me to get up and leave it for a game I may or may not enjoy depending on the people involved.

Top that with my continuing education (I'll soon be moving back to Texas to participate in the VA/DOD Joint U.S. Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing) and I just don't have the drive to move on gaming.

I LOVE to dream about it and think about it and read about it, but I can't seem to make into over that hump anymore.

For those of you who do not have your location spelled out, please mention the city where you live and be sure your email or pm is available to receive invitations.
Currently in Los Angeles. Moving in May to San Antonio TX. Moving in June of 2010 to Augusta GA. Moving in December 2011 back to Los Angeles CA. Ain't education fun!
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My group broke up about....holy crap, 5 years ago. There are only three of us left, and we haven't gotten together for several months now. We are actually going to get together this weekend, and I am super excited about it. We have been trying to find some other players to game with, but as someone mentioned before, its tough to find people who are, ummm shall we say "living in our reality".

Voidrunner's Codex

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