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Who is your favorite Doctor Who?

Who is your favorite Doctor Who?


Who is your favorite, and maybe a bit why.

1. William Hartnell - Started it all, the old curmudgeon, cantankerous to the end with a granddaughter in the TARDIS.

2. Patrick Troughton - More fun and a bit younger than Hartnell, here come the Timelords themselves to muck things up. Still sporting multiple companions.

3. Jon Pertwee - Lets bring back some curmudgeon and kick in some *JUDO CHOP*. We'll switch to a 'single' companion (depending on view of Brigadier) and keep the really smart one for about three stories and then take a breakk for a while. We bring you The Master and Sarah Jane Smith before the end though.

4. Tom Baker - The Scarf, the nose, the ease of slipping between nonsense and peril, and doing it for a long time. K-9 is in the house. See ya Sarah Jane, I'm upgrading to a leather bikini barbarian and a regenerating female. The Master looks like Uncle Owen and Aunt Berue the last time we see them in Episode 4.

5. Peter Davison - I'm young, I'm hip, I have a vegitable in my lapel and I don't need no stinkin' sonic screwdriver to get me out of every jam. Lets make thois role a little meatier.

6. Colin Baker - Send in the clown, if the clown is an arrogant, condescending jerk but still fun. Worst Doctor outfit ever.

7. Sylvester McCoy - The question is, why a cane shaped like a question mark? Riding it out with fun and frivolity and a good trooper until the end umpteen years later being filled with lead by a bunch of street thugs in San Francisco.

8. Paul McGann - He got one viseo chance and pulled it off well, even though he admitted he wanted to have a buzz hair cut and play the Doctor as more of a war-weary and time-weary traveler.

9. Christopher Eccleston - How did you want to play the character Paul? That sounds great and we have some decent effects now. Isn't technology fantastic? And we have a new companion with a previous life and friends/family that have an impact on the story as well.

10. David Tennant - Played the roll in a way at a time to bring the series back to a very popular place. Had very different relationships with three very different companions. Plus he had the suit and the trench coat. He took over and made the Doctor himself a little more "fun" again while still retaining the edge that Eccleston brought.

11. Matt Smith - The youngest Doctor taking parts of many of them older versions and molding them in to a great character with sometimes complex, sometimes manic personas.

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Tennant is the one who hooked me on the role and the show. I really like all three of the "new" Doctors and am going back and watching/buying loads of the older episodes. I'm not much of a Tom Baker fan even though he was The Doctor when I was very young and he was the one in teh episodes I saw most often. I find I like Troughton a lot and am looking forward to more of the Pater Davison stories.


Jon Pertwee. He was the first Doctor I saw, although most of my early viewing was with Tom Baker. The man had class (and his stories introduced Sarah Jane)! A close second would be David Tennet, and I liked several of the others quite well.

Tom Baker - Always the epitome of Doctordom in my book, though Pertwee was awesome and I like Matt Smith too. Eccleston and Tennant rank even lower than Colin Baker, and that's saying something .

Marius Delphus

Nobody will or can top Tom in my book, though I do wish we had seen more of Paul; I hear he and Colin are doing a smashing job in their audio stories. All are/were great in their own way.


A suffusion of yellow
2. Patrick Troughton - The first irreverent Doctor and really the man who set up the Doctors 'personality'. He had the mischievious puckish wonder as well as the tempremental cantankerous streak - and the "you have no idea" eyebrow

4. Tom Baker10. David Tennant - Its hard to decide between Tenant and Tom
Tom was a great actor and the the one who really confirmed exactly what the Doctor was. He was on a rollicking ride, infinately charming yet incomprehensible and much more than he portrayed himself to be.
I think that Tenant successfully captured the essence of the Doctor and had the acting talent to portray this for a new (and perhaps more savy) audience. The focus of the companions and ttheir relationship has been a nice bit of added dramatic tension and I love too that Tennant successfully portrayed the doctor as the 'oncoming storm', charming, and manic with a big hint of 'don't mess with me'

11. Matt Smith - I agree Matt has done an excellent job of molding the best bits of the great doctors together to result in a wholey different take.

9. Christopher Eccleston - I think coming out of the Time War and reintorducing the character Eccleston did a good job., The Doctor had just been responsible for destroying his race and had become aware of just what he was in the scheme of things...

7. Sylvester McCoy - I actually enjoyed Sylvester, his doctor played up the ecclectic side but also had that dangerous hint.

1. William Hartnell - I like his portrayal, the cantankerous old dotterer fits well for what it was, but was it the Doctor?

3. Jon Pertwee - I still ambivalent about Pertwees earth-bond Doctor

5. Peter Davison - Boring and forgettable

8. Paul McGann - Who? Okay I didn't like the movie but I suppose he wasn't too bad.

6. Colin Baker - I've always called him the 'American Doctor' (with apologies to my US friends:))


First Post
damn these Hard Questions

If I had to rate them Id be

Peter Davison

Basically because hes the first Doctor I saw and can remember. I used to watch these after school on the ABC (Australian tv channel) and the first story i think I saw was Fourt to Doomsday, which was a very early 5th Doctor Story. From then on, Ive been a Doctor Who Nut for life.

To me Davisons era (and i think I DO prefer the Howell version of the theme to the original one), showed a sleeker more tech orientated version of Doctor Who. Gone was the mythical aspect of previous Doctors. Companions did more and were actually helpful.

Tom Baker is probably my next fave. He made me invest in the stories he was in because of his screen presence. Later on it felt like he was just phoning his part in, but early on it was all Gold. Some of my fave stories come from his area including Pyramids of Mars and Robots of Death.

Sylvester MccCoy ranks in at number 3. After Colin I knew I wanted something different. So I got a new theme (which I dont like too much) and the new Doctor. He went from being very Troughton to being a lot darker. He had some nasty stories to work with (and my fave villains the Cybermen got raked over the story coals in Silver Nemesis). But then I look at stories like The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (reinforcing my fear of Clowns) and I like this Doctor more.

While Ive seen most of the Pertwee episodes and quite a bit of what still exists of the 2nd and 1st Doctor is sadly dated not that well and some of the stories do seem a bit repetive. Its still Doctor who and good though.

Of the new Doctors, Eccleston ranks up there. Even though he criminally only did one season, he brough a new Vigor to the role (I dont say Fantastic anymore though). Tennant was good yes, but felt like a contuation of the previous Doctors personality. I assumed the general ADHD of the latest Doctors might be confined to Eccelestons Doctor but sadly it wasnt.


A Wicked Kendragon
I used to think Tom was best, but watching the William Hartnell episodes just makes me wish there were more.


There's a saying in the fandom: "The Doctor you're likely to be most fond of is the Doctor that you started watching the series with."

Maybe it's changed a bit. Some of the later doctors I find rather.. forgettable, really. But it seems to be holding true in this thread.

There's a saying in the fandom: "The Doctor you're likely to be most fond of is the Doctor that you started watching the series with."

I've heard that before, but apparently I'm an anomaly. I started with the Eccleston (9th) incarnation, not counting a few sporadic minutes of viewing here and there in the past. Since then, I've watched all the new series, and a whole bunch of the old series, and while Eccleston is one of my favorites, he's not my top choice. That goes to Tennant.

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