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Who wants to be a Wayfinder? Part 1


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For an instant Whisper nearly calls back that she has no walls, nor is she likely to for some time...but then she pauses. Call it a hunch, maybe...but she had a feeling that he was saying more than what he was saying.

Maybe she was just paranoid.

Regardless, she changes course to walk up to the artist and his work, giving the canvas a probing look as she says, "Hello to you. Your skills are most impressive."

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The rat clinging to your leg squeaks,"Dog! Do-- Human! Human!" The rat arches its back and hisses. Midian's words, and the retreating canine, calm it quickly though. After a moments hesitation, it climbs up to his shoulder where it has a better perch. "Good here, safe here how help?"


The elf smiles at Whisper as she approaches. "Ahhh, you honor me with your kind words. The arts are often underappreciated by the masses but I can tell you have a keen eye and a taste for the finer things." With his brush he adds a few more details to the image. The painting he is working on covers only a third of the canvas. It depicts a ship riding a cresting wave. There are tiny figures standing at the railing. There is a flag flying from the mast depicting the crest of House Tharashk.
Working quickly, the artist begins filling in more of the painting. From the swift brush strokes emerges another ship, this one riding high in the water. The men at the railing hold metal blades and bows. He touches up the other ship to show damage to the hull and flames coming from the forecastle. After filling in another third of the canvas the artist's smiling face falls. He turns to Whisper. "Oh no, this is most unfortunate. My lady, it seems that I am almost out of paint and I am out of money to purchase more. If I use up the last of the colors to finish this painting and am unable to sell it I won't be able to buy more paint to create and sell more paintings. As I said, times are hard for the arts. If you are interested in purchasing this fine work I would be indebted to you. I would of course finish this last little bit that is missing and touch up a few more details. It will be a masterwork, I assure you. A mere 100 gold coins would be sufficient to restock my supplies. I know it is a great deal of money but I use only the finest colors in my works, the rest would give me a belly full of good food and a warm place to sleep tonight. What do you say my lady, will you help out a poor artist?"


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

SelcSilverhand said:
The rat clinging to your leg squeaks,"Dog! Do-- Human! Human!" The rat arches its back and hisses. Midian's words, and the retreating canine, calm it quickly though. After a moments hesitation, it climbs up to his shoulder where it has a better perch. "Good here, safe here how help?"

Midian smiles as the rat finds a secure place on his shoulder. pointing with the opposite arm so as not to unsettle the creature, Midian indicates the warehouse.

"There. Have you been inside? Do you know what the humans keep there?"


First Post
The rat begins listing everything it can remember seeing in the warehouse. "Boxes. Seeds. Meat. Rope. Wood. Dogs. Cats. Oars. Nets. Cages. Bugs. Paper. Metal. Gaffs. Plants. Nails. Oars. Tackle."


The man with the probe
"Well, I will be certain to pass any information along should I happen across it. Indeed, the very thought of a rogue Deneith mercinary strikes a nerve." Johan says.

After trying up any other loose ends, Johan will escort Seria back to the inn unless there is something else she wishes to add.


First Post
Under her porcelain mask, Whisper purses her lips, taken aback. Then she notes the painting again...and wonders.

"I've little use or place to put such a work myself," she says. "But that's not to say we cannot do business of another sort, perhaps. Your subject matter intrigues me, for example. You paint as one who has seen the truth of his subject."

She steps closer so she can speak more quietly.

"I have a particular interest in battles at sea. Battles against pirates, in fact. And not just -any- pirates either. While I cannot pay a hundred pieces for a painting, I will reward information about subjects of interest. Right now, I have two."

"There is a Captain Fairwright who owns a warehouse in town. Purchased at a city auction. I am curious though, if you've heard anything about this warehouse and what was within it at the time of auction."

"And finally, and more importantly, I've heard rumors of a connection between mercenaries hired by the Cloudreaver pirates, and House Deneith. Has a pair of sharp ears like yours heard of any such thing? And if so...where might I hear more?"

She toys with the strings of her coinpurse as she asks these questions in a low voice, so that the purse jingles invitingly.


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

SelcSilverhand said:
The rat begins listing everything it can remember seeing in the warehouse. "Boxes. Seeds. Meat. Rope. Wood. Dogs. Cats. Oars. Nets. Cages. Bugs. Paper. Metal. Gaffs. Plants. Nails. Oars. Tackle."

Midian bites his lip a moment, trying to keep in mind the animal perspective involved. Not sure the creature would understand the concept of special interest, he tries something more mundane:

"New humans came in a short time ago. Did they gather around any of the things in there?"


First Post
The smile quickly vanishes from the elf's face at Whispers offer. "My lady, I am stung. I am a simple street artist struggling to make ends meet. Though these ears hear many things my mouth knows better than to repeat them. There are always beings about who wouldn't like their personal agendas discussed openly. The corruption of local officials, the quick sales of certain properties, or the oaths of loyalty sworn for example. I prefer to keep out of such affairs, for my own health and safety of course. If I were one to inquire about such things I would want to do it far from the open streets and prying eyes. An inn perhaps."


The rat scrunches up its face as it racks its tiny brain for the information. "Hrrrrrr.... Boxes, take boxes, all the boxes. No where to hide. No more food. Then more come, bring new boxes. Boxes with food."


First Post
"Sobeit. Pleasant day to you then."

With that, Whisper continues on past the artist, feeling a bit foolish, but not overly so. She'd wasted nothing but a little time talking to the elf.

She makes her way back to the inn, to share with the others their financial gain, as well as plot their next steps.


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

SelcSilverhand said:
The rat scrunches up its face as it racks its tiny brain for the information. "Hrrrrrr.... Boxes, take boxes, all the boxes. No where to hide. No more food. Then more come, bring new boxes. Boxes with food."

Midian thinks a second. Deciding he's perhaps exhausted this line of questioning, he tries another, long shot though it may be.

"Could you show me where you get into the warehouse? Is there a secret way in big enough for a human?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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