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Who wants to be a Wayfinder? Part 1


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The rat guides Midian farther down the alley to where the wooden front of the warehouse merges with the cliff face and extends deeper into the stone. Low to the ground part of the wall has warped and further expanded by vermin chewing through the wood. With some crawling and wiggling it might be possible to fit a human through the opening. Peering through you can see little in the darkened interior.

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Midian Rightson, human druid

SelcSilverhand said:
The rat guides Midian farther down the alley to where the wooden front of the warehouse merges with the cliff face and extends deeper into the stone. Low to the ground part of the wall has warped and further expanded by vermin chewing through the wood. With some crawling and wiggling it might be possible to fit a human through the opening. Peering through you can see little in the darkened interior.

Midian marks the spot mentally, then urges the rat off his shoulder and back onto the ground.

"Thank you, little one," he says. "Now back to your foraging. Find good food; stay away from dogs."

Though he has no real insights into the contents of the warehouse, the druid comforts himself that he has a possible entrance, and heads back to meet the others with his findings.


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At this point everyone has returned once more to the Roc's Clutch with their findings. It is late in the evening now and most of the patrons are well into their drinks. The sailors and townsfolk are drunkenly singing loudly and offkey to the laughter of their fellows. Few seem to take much notice of you as you return to the inn.


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Midian Rightson, human druid

Midian offers up his information, scant as it is.

"I'm afraid the perceptual differences made it difficult to get much useful information on the interior of the warehouse from animals," he admits. "What's 'important' to a wharf rat isn't quite the same thing as what's important to us. I did, however, find a breach we might be able to use to sneak in if need be--albeit the fit's probably tight."

Mista Collins

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"Johan and I weren't able to get any leads, but we did learn a few things. We were informed that the Cloudreavers were a purely pirate group, which we already knew. They operate out in the open and don't hide the fact that they are pirates. House Deneith claims they would never offical sell their services to such a radical group. So the man who appraoched Captain Fairwright was either a renegade or possibly used ink to imitate the mark to ruin the reputation of the house."

Seria looks to Johan to make sure she recollected what she heard correctly. "What of you Whisper, did you come across anything while out shopping?"


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"Regrettably little," the changeling admits sourly. "A street artist grubbing for handouts. Talented as he was, we've no need for paintings, and if he knew anything of value to us, he did not see fit to relate it. On the other hand..."

She spills out money onto the table and carefully separates it into each person's share.

"We do have some funds to our names now, which can only help. In fact, I believe if there's nothing pressing to do tomorrow, I will summon a familiar. It may be a useful asset in times to come."


First Post
Midian Rightson, human druid

Midian smiles.

"I try not to be too material, but funds are a welcome sight," he admits. "We should see about some healing potions, I'd say."

[sblock=OOC]How much is each character's share?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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