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Who Wants to be a Wayfinder? The Alumni


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After a few more attempts, Jaron manages to snap the deadbolt holding the door shut. It flies open and slams against the far wall with a loud clang that echos down the tunnel. Holding up his sunrod, Jaron can see a long narrow tunnel stretching away out of sight that seems free of sewage. Noticing a placard against the wall, he wipes some grime from the face to read the letters written on it. "Maintenance Access #843 East" is stamped on the metal. The floors and walls are formed of expertly carved stone that is still tightly sealed. The ceiling is cluttered with metal piping running the length of the tunnel. Leading the way (I presume), Jaron holds his light high and proceeds cautiously down the tunnel. There are several boot prints here but they look quite old. It is hard to pick out your quarry's prints from among them but at least he has few places to run to. The access tunnel seems to be unending. At random intervals you pass metal doors similar to the one you entered by. From the amount of rust and grime, you can tell no one has used the doors recently. The pipes in the ceiling often split off at the doorways and pass through the stone into the rooms beyond. Next to each door are more metal placards indicating what function the room beyond serves. "Sub Reclaimator #5", "Primary Throughput Access: Mile 4", "Pebble Bed East", and several others. Most of the rooms behind the closed doors are silent, but at a few you can feel the low thrum of machinery operating beyond. After the seventh door Plonk notices something amiss. This door is missing its identification placard. Plonk brushes the hinges with his fingers and they come away with a film of fresh grease. He checks the handle and pushes gently on the door which swings easily.

The room beyond is dark and silent but the for distant squeaks of rats disturbed by your light. There is a narrow hallway 15 feet long before it opens up into a larger room. The ceiling is at least 30' high here. You can see at least 2 broken tables and several heavy chains hanging from the ceiling from your vantage point outside.

With weapons in hand the party enters the hallway slowly. Just before coming to the next room Jaron feels something like a thread pulled tight across his legs. There is a soft "clink" in the ceiling above and in a split second everyone sees a large round clay jug attached to a rope fall out of the ceiling and swing in an arc down the hallway!

OOC: Rolled the spots for the wire, highest I had was 12. I need Reflex saves from everyone who entered the hallway to the room.

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Prof Yeti

First Post
Jaron Dain - Paragon

As if in slow motion Jaron watches the the clay jug swing down on his position. His brain screams to move but his legs feel like he is traveling thru mud. With a herculean effort he finally gets his body to resspond and he dives for what he hopes is away. "Duck and cover!"

OOC - Reflex Save (1d20+3=23) (Cool a Natural 20)


First Post
ooc: I was hoping Plonk would roll his own save so I wouldn't have to use Mine but we gotta keep moving. I'll put up a map later.

Plonk looks up just in time to see the clay jug swingi down from the ceiling and crash into his forehead! The fragile clay jug shatters and its contents spray all over the gnome. Immediately the entire tunnel is filled with the overwhelming, cloying stench of rotting meat. You look back to see Plonk covered head to toe in a thick black fluid spotted with chunks of gristle and bone. The air in the tunnel is so suffused with the smell that it is difficult to breathe. You can almost feel the substance sticking to your lungs.

ooc: Plonk - Fort DC14 or be nauseated for 3 rounds and sickened for another 2 rounds after that. Jaron/Kala - Fort DC12 to avoid being sickened for 5 rounds. If you make your saves it negates the effect.

The Room:
The room you are standing in is massive. It is nearly 100' square and 3 stories tall. Most of the space is filled with bits and pieces of machinery. You see oversized fan blades, thick pipes, gears, clamps, rusted valves, and a slew of other devices you can't readily identify. Some objects are covered in tarps but most are stacked haphazardly or strewn across the floor. Numerous thick chains hang from the ceiling above you. Many are attached to pulleys and are set in tracks to facilitate the movement of large heavy equipment. Above you you can see 2 more floors shrouded in darkness. Squinting your eyes you can make out more objects covered in cloth. Everything is covered with a layer of dust and you can see several different tracks on the floor. In the corners of the room you can see numerous rodents crawling all over each other. Some of them are lifting their small noses into the air and sniffing.

Listen checks: 15 and 18
Somewhere above you a chain jingles as if brushed by something moving. Looking up into the darkness however reveals nothing.

Prof Yeti

First Post
Jaron Dain - Paragon

Making it to a relatively isolated section of the huge room, the rancid odor wafting from the gnome cause a violent expulsion of Jaron' former repast. "By the Host my friend! That is truly foul. Is there nothing we can do to remedy the situation?" And with that Jaron once again feels the press of meals long since digested arise again.

OOC - Fort Save (1d20=4) (urp! I'm not feeling that well. urp!)


"What did you do in there?" Teivel calls from back farther, "I remember you had a knack for making things especially pungent in herbalism Kala, but at least out of the lab keep it clean!" He jokes, although even that far back he coughs a bit on the fumes.

Prof Yeti

First Post
Jaron Dain - Paragon

Waiting for his retching to subside, Jaron finally finds the power to once again stand upright. As soon as he does he notices the plight of his gnomish companion. "Plonk! Are you okay my friend?"


First Post
FORT! (1d20+4=7)

"And there I go... I've thrown up, in my own mouth," Kala shuddered, pushing into the room to get away from the stench-laden gnome.

The shifter, onc emore thankful that she was not a wildhunt, suddenly froze in her tracks. "Somebody's up there," she growled, pointing at the cieling. "Somebody, give us some light!"


First Post
Jarons sunrod still glows brightly, revealing the area directly around you, but the far corners are shrouded with darkness and shadows that shift as the light moves with Jarons hand. Plonk busys himself pouring his waterskins over his head and chest to rid himself of some of the foul substance between shuddering waves of nausea.

In the corners of the room, the rats are no longer trying to flee the light. They have begun scampering from cover to cover, coming closer, their tiny noses lifted into the air.

Okay, not the prettiest map but it'll do. You're looking at a 
100' square room. The second and third floors extend about 
10' out from the walls but the upper floors go into the walls 
20'. So the second and third floors have 30' from wall to 
edge. You can see more objects covered in tarps up there. 

1 |                   |
2 | ...o.........XXX. |
3 | .               . |
4 | .        ###    . |
5 | .        ###    . |
6 | .               . |
7 | .##        o    . |
8 | .##             . |
9 | .               . |
10| .       ####    . |
11| .               . |
12| .   o           . |
13| .               . |
14| .       o       . |
15| .##         ####. |
16| .               . |
17| .               . |
18| .   #####K J    . |
19| ................. |
20|_______[ ]_________|
          [ ]

K = Kala
J = Jaron
P = Plonk
T = Teivel

# = Misc. Objects, some are quite large. 
o = Chains hanging from the ceiling within reach. 
. = Second and Third floor overhang. 
X = Broken metal stairway to second and third floor

ooc: Give me initiative, spot, and listen checks next posts. Don't forget your negatives for being sickened. This is your second round of being sickened.
Sickened: The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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