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Who Wants to be a Wayfinder? The New Class


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Whisper caught eyes with the black-cloaked captain just as the ship careened those last few dozen feet. The bastard winked.

All hands braced themselves. Tel, full well knowing that he'd never make it below deck in time, threw himself to the ground. Vhir fell back as the skeletal wolf leapt at him, its glistening fangs threatening to rip out his threat. Sool moved forward pushing Whisper down, trying to protect her with his own body. The Captain just cursed, standing his grown with an angry scowl in his eye.

And then, suddenly, the universe sighed. Clouds enshrouded the ship, blinding everyone. All of the crew tensed for the inevitable jarring crash, but it never came. The fog bank lasted only a moment but when it cleared, the Sympatico was alone in the sky. The sun was setting, a few of the moons just rising. There was no sign of their undead assailants....

Down below, Midian cringed as his spear missed once more but, suddenly, his foes vanished into mist, almost as if they had never existed.

Up above, the crew stood stunned. A few moments passed with not a sound, and then everything started happening again. "Get those men below deck! Someone find the medic!" Captain Arack yelled, cradling his arrow wound; the shaft was still erupting from his arm. "Let's get on with this godsforsaken trip, before they come back to finish us off!"

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Midian gaped a moment at the sudden disappearance of his opponents. He looked around, not sure if he should trust they wouldn't be springing back into existence. Then he decided he was going to stop looking askance at serendipity least it take offense and reverse itself. Instead, he hustled through the halls, calling out to try to find the rest of the crew. Johan was stable, but he still needed more healing; Midian himself was fresh out. Then there was poor Talbot, frozen in place by the nasty creature Midian had actually managed to slay.

"Vhir? Professor? There are wounded down here, and I'm afraid I haven't the spells or skills to help them."
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Tel helps carry the wounded he can belowdecks for medics to tend. While down there he grabs his sword, staps it to his back, ready to use it just in case the undead enemies return.

"What in the name of all that is Sovereign was that?"


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Whisper waits for Sool to get up off of her, then picks herself up...accepting a hand if offered...and brushes off her clothes and cloak.

"Thank you, she says quietly to the wizard. "I'm afraid I wasn't much help in all that. Please accept this though. It will ease the wound you took as you saved me far worse pains.

She plucks a small vial of cherry-red fluid from her pouch and offers it to the mage.


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Vhir helps carry Boromer below to where the wounded are being gathered. He binds the wounds of others with clean cloth and doesn't attend to his own gashes until the others are seen to.

Do I still have that cure light wounds available? Or did that get used on the wolf? If it is still available, I will cast it on whoever is still unconcious, Boromer or Johan. That's my last heal for the day.
For the other person, I will use Heal to provide "long term care" so they can get their HP's back twice as fast. 2hp every 8 hours. 15


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SelcSilverhand said:
For the other person, I will use Heal to provide "long term care" so they can get their HP's back twice as fast. 2hp every 8 hours. 15

OOC: Don't know if your character would know, but long term care will have no benefit for Boromar. He'd need long-term "repair". So if you have craft-weaponsmithing or -armorsmithing, feel free to proceed. Otherwise, he'll stay at -1 hps for a while...

(Oh, and he weighs 270 pounds. He's a lighter model.)[/OOC]

IC: Boromar lies motionless. He is an apparently lifeless form of metal and wood.


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Noone had an answer for Tel. Save for, "Let's just get moving."

* * * * * *

Sool smiled at Whisper. "Keep it, Giphil's got some healing skill, besides its nothing that the ship's medic couldn't handle with a few pots of leeches," Sool's smile/grimace was absolutely adorable.

* * * * * *

Boromar's eyes snapped open, his arm reaching forward to strike down the vile skeletal wolf causing the shirtless gnome to jump back in mild surprise. Boromar's arm froze in mid-swing, however, as he assessed the situation. "Welcome back to the world of the living," Giphil, the ship's artificer said, with a nod and a grin before scurrying off, a slender white-painted stick clutched in his fingers.

* * * * * *

And the time passed. An inventory of crew and cargo proved that their ghostly assailants had somehow made off with a few hundred pounds of the ship's cargo ("Corn. We were transporting agricultural goods," the Captain confided to Johan) and had also claimed the lives of three crewmembers. Their bodies were nowhere to be found.

Sharn was a blur, for the students spent so little time there. The ship-ride was interminably boring, though the appearance of sahuagin astride what appeared to be massive goldfish had gotten their hearts pounding, but a quick discussion between the fishmen and the captain proved to dissolve tensions.

And then they had arrived in the lawless port-town of Stormreach.

And, if any of the adventurers had bothered to scan the sky, they might have noted the presence of a single black cloud, hanging just out of sight. A paranoid fellow might have noted that the same cloud had been hanging about throughout the entire journey. But none of them did notice, and now they were at the continent of mystery, a place where anyone or anything could be lurking around the next corner.

[sblock]And we call this a break point. I've given you no acting options, so everyone has to wait for me! You can all have xp when I get around to it.[/sblock]


The man with the probe
Johan's first words upon awaking are "Is Ashal alright?"

While not fully healed, he spends the next few days trying to not be slowed down by his injuries. He spends a lot of time on deck, talking with whoever's available.

OOC: Break means plenty of IC RP opertunities for us without GM intervention ;) Feel free to have fun guys :)


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Vhir duties to the injured keep him down below for quite some time, but he does manage to get topside near the end of the voyage to interact with his classmates. He spies Johan standing off by himself and wanders over.

"Greetings Johan, how are your injuries this morning? I trust that you are healing well." He relates to the paladin his encounter with the skeletal wolf, the undead crewmen, the ghostly ship. "You have studied religion, the nature of life, death, and afterlife, what is your view of the undead we saw? What is their purpose for clinging to their life that was?"

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