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Who Will Get the Axe?


First Post
I wouldn't call it a successful product launch. Just because WotC's warehouse ran out of books doesn't mean distributors and stores ran out of books.

Simply put distributors over ordered and the books aren't moving. Yeah WotC had to go to a second print run.. but if it was needed... why cancel projects and fire employees. Because they're losing money.

So your thesis is that distributors and game stores as a group are massively incompetent when it comes to ordering product?

It is a wonder the hobby has lasted all these years.

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First Post
I was so bummed to hear about Linae. I have to say that, other than perhaps only Sue Cook, I cant think of a person who is more universally liked, respected and considered honest and friendly as Linae. She really is great. She and Scott have been so amazing in keeping up the fight for third party publishers. I am sad to see her go. That doesnt undermine my confidence in Scott to get things done for the GSL, but I sure wish Lidda was still there with him. Linae, from what I know of her, seems like the kind of person who will bloom where she is planted so I expect great things from her wherever the road takes her.

Linae, you know you have my thoughts and best wishes. Gaming needs more people like you, not less.



First Post
Sorry to see that you got the axe, Linae. You were my favorite "good face" at Wizards of the Coast. :) Even a lot of the kookier people (talking mostly about the WotC boards) seemed to calm down and appreciate your input. Good luck to Scott managing without you.

On a positive note, I seriously doubt you are going to spend much time unemployed. You are far too talented and well-liked in the gaming industry-- and greater gaming community--to not get offers from several companies pretty quickly.

Take a little time for yourself to relax anyway. Good luck to you!


First Post
Wow - I'm really feeling the love!

It's been amazing to see all the message boards, blogs, and personal emails singing my praises. I had no idea anyone cared so this is awesome.

Thanks everyone for all the support. :D


Eternal Optimist
Wow - I'm really feeling the love!

It's been amazing to see all the message boards, blogs, and personal emails singing my praises. I had no idea anyone cared so this is awesome.

Thanks everyone for all the support. :D

Best wishes from Down Under, Linae. I hope you find a new job quickly, and it's doing something you enjoy.

I'm so sorry to hear you'll no longer at Wizards; you were exceptional there.



First Post
Wow - I'm really feeling the love!

It's been amazing to see all the message boards, blogs, and personal emails singing my praises. I had no idea anyone cared so this is awesome.

Thanks everyone for all the support. :D

You deserve it. You were unfailingly polite and kind. Not to mention knowledgeable.

Even more unusual -- you always seemed to know what not to say and when not to respond.

Rare talents, all. You won't go without employment long.


I wouldn't call it a successful product launch. Just because WotC's warehouse ran out of books doesn't mean distributors and stores ran out of books.

Simply put distributors over ordered and the books aren't moving. Yeah WotC had to go to a second print run.. but if it was needed... why cancel projects and fire employees. Because they're losing money.


First, having heard from quite a lot of people at all stages of the distribution chain, 4e is selling. Well. And so are adventures, which means people aren't just buying, but actually playing. Whether or not you like 4e, its commercial success is an objective fact. (I have never understood why people seem compelled to conflate "I don't like it" with "It's a commercial failure". Most of my favorite TV shows were canceled early, and Robert Jordan is (well, was) a best selling writer. A sure sign of pure Nerd Rage overwhelming the logic circuits is when someone claims something is a 'failure' on no basis other than 'I don't like it' -- see unending "WoW is dying!" posts on MMO forums for good examples.)

Second, assuming the layoffs are correlated directly to 4e sales is specious at best. Consider:
a)Development is over. Maintenance is a lot easier. Fewer people are needed.
b)4e "raised the bar" as to what level of sales could be expected. Product lines which seemed to be "acceptable" now look "underperforming". Why not cut them and shift the survivors to D&D?
c)It's always easier to bring in the next crop of freelancers at reduced salaries and get rid of the old hands who have earned benefits.
d)If 4e was a flop, wouldn't the Brand Manager be getting the axe as well?
e)Corporations don't use Earth Logic. Attempting to apply it will always result in headaches and wrong conclusions.
f)Gleemax was the "shot across the bow". Someone at corporate realized,too late, that they couldn't outdo MySpace. This has nothing to do with 4e's success.

IAE, if you want to argue "Is 4e a success?", take it to a forked thread.



Really, you were a delight to work with. Let us know where you land so we can buy some of their product to reward their good taste.

Robert D
Final Redoubt Press

Voidrunner's Codex

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