Who's Hype for Dark Sun???

Actually, Kalak died right in the introductory adventure that was included in the original box.
So instead of letting the characters watch Kalak get killed by some NPCs - before those NPCs proceed to ruin the setting -, the characters just hear about it, and the setting won't be ruined? ;) :D

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This is the part where I mention WHAT the first supplement for the original Dark Sun setting was.


Epic Play not appropriate for Dark Sun!?!

Hellllll, Dark Sun INVENTED it.
Thanks for the solid backup, yo. I don't know much about Dark Sun, but I too found the idea of "no Epic Dark Sun" pretty flimsy.

"Must spread XP before giving to DracoSuave again..."


First Post
Actually, Kalak died right in the introductory adventure that was included in the original box.
So instead of letting the characters watch Kalak get killed by some NPCs - before those NPCs proceed to ruin the setting -, the characters just hear about it, and the setting won't be ruined? ;) :D

Sadira -was- a bitch.


I wasn't denouncing Dark Sun as epic... Dark Sun -invented- epic level play for AD&D. The first 21st level AD&D character was a Dark Sun character... probably a gladiator gaining a standing army to stand beside his 'friend' who was slowly becoming a horrible defiling dragon creature.


Actually, Kalak died right in the introductory adventure that was included in the original box.
So instead of letting the characters watch Kalak get killed by some NPCs - before those NPCs proceed to ruin the setting -, the characters just hear about it, and the setting won't be ruined? ;) :D

I prefer to believe that the Prism Pentad was a bad dream


Ironicly, the Prism Pentad was written by the designer of the setting...


Yeah, pretty crazy.

Hmm.. we have an entire setting based on a worldwide devastation brought on by harmful sorcery... what should we put on the other side of this mountain?? I've got it! UBER FOREST!!


I wasn't denouncing Dark Sun as epic...
Nor I. I apologize if I've misrepresented my position.

I'm interested in Dark Sun. Based on my understanding of it, it has opportunities for adventure at every tier of play. I had been trying to say that I disagree with people who feel that Dark Sun is not appropriate for Epic. Aside from the obvious Heroic-tier "mere survival" theme, Dark Sun clearly has a lot of adventure potential all the way up to 30th level, in my opinion as a non-expert on the setting.

From what I can tell, you and I are on the same figurative page.


Always In School Gamer
Right, but my point was that the Free RPG Day adventure migiht not be anything new.

Though, I heard some place that it will be a new adventure, with the same pregens from D&D XP.

I guess we'll find out in two weeks.

In my capacity as a DDE coordinator I met with Chris Tulach (author of the D&DXP Dark Sun Preview) to talk about Season 2 of the campaign (yay Dark Sun!) and he said the Free RPG Gameday adventure uses the same maps and pre-gen PCs (only they are on the much nicer card stock that DDE and WWGD use) but the adventure is a brand new one (he is writing it).

I am looking forward to Dark Sun this year and there is going to be a lot of it.

My two coppers,


First Post
Nor I. I apologize if I've misrepresented my position.

I'm interested in Dark Sun. Based on my understanding of it, it has opportunities for adventure at every tier of play. I had been trying to say that I disagree with people who feel that Dark Sun is not appropriate for Epic. Aside from the obvious Heroic-tier "mere survival" theme, Dark Sun clearly has a lot of adventure potential all the way up to 30th level, in my opinion as a non-expert on the setting.

From what I can tell, you and I are on the same figurative page.

In that case


And I for one am looking greatly forward to the Dark Sun campaign. I <3 that setting.

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