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Why the hate, people?

Last time I bothered to count, I'd played 30 or so different RPGs. I like learning new systems, experiencing different ideas, and reading about new worlds.

Many of my players do not.

To me, the biggest reason to stick with D20 is that I can change genres without making my players learn an entirely new system. To some extent, this is unfortunate, as they don't get to experience some of the neat mechanics that other games use. But I can go from standard D&D, to low magic Grim Tales, to LotR-esque Midnight, to d20 Modern variants like Urban Arcana or Spycraft, superheroes, post-apocalypse, etc, without either confusing the hell out of them, or making them spend a bunch of money on books they might only use once.

And for me GURPS doesn't cut it. The flexibility offered by d20 and OGL results in a lot more creative products and flavor variations than GURPS.

So, name a system, and I've probably played it (unless its essentially anime/martial arts oriented). Most of them have at least one thing that they do really well, whether its a cool setting, a neat mechanic, or whatever. And I'll still collect em, still read em, still enjoy them.

But I probably won't play them much.

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fusangite said:
It's the best place online I've found to argue. Here are my top 5 reasons ENWorld is a good place to argue:<SNIP>

...And these five reasons are why it's a great place to DISCUSS, but a terrible place to ARGUE. :)


I'm not looking for the "one perfect system". I found a system, it works for me, and I have no incentive to go out looking for something else when I already have what I want. I certainly don't begrudge anyone their favorite -- or lack of a favorite. Everyone's in this hobby to satisfy an urge, and if your urge is to learn many different systems, or seek out the "right system" for a given situation, then go for it and have fun.

Mr. Lobo

First Post
The reason I don't branch out into other RPG systems comes down to dollars. I can't justify spending the kind of money required to branch out into other systems. Heck, I couldn't justify buying the 3.5 revision. I spent close to a grand on 3.0 rules and supplements. When 3.5 came out the only RP product I bought was the reformatted Dungeon because it had the Isle of Dread. Just in time for my new Moldvay campaign I was starting.

I have played in a d20 Star Wars campaign and another system (can't even think of the name right now) in the past two years and it was okay. But I didn't have to shell out money to play in these games and they were short lived anyway.

Henry has a good pointer for info on RP gaming philosophy. Here's another:

The Forge - http://www.indie-rpgs.com/

Mr. Lobo
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First Post
I don't hate any system I've played. They all have their merits. OK, Shadowrun didn't have any merits, but I still didn't hate it. I find the D20 system annoying in many respects (levels, classes, hp, AC, spells), but I love the system as a whole. I am particularly fond of certain systems (Alternity, despite it's "Amazing" issues; and SAGA, despite it's invincibility and player-centric issues) and so I pull from them to make D20 better. Which amounts to lots of complaining where complaining is due.

I imagine a lot of people are similar to me and do not actually hate all systems but the one they play.


First Post
There are very few systems that I "hate" (well, F.A.T.A.L., but let's not go there...). And if you want "True Hate", there are other forums than ENWorld that are much better for this (WotC boards, RPGNet, etc.).

I think part of the problem here has less to do with adherence to a given system, however, than in the supposed anonymity of the net in general. Look at any board, be it politics, art, movies, or even golf and you will find people with rabid stances; if you talk to those same people offline (actually meet them), you will find them far less strident. Since the internet places a keyboard and screen between you and your audience, an audience that you are likely never to actually see face to face, many people feel free to release their frustrations by taking up much more extreme positions than they actually take on a day-to-day basis.

Just a thought...

die_kluge said:
I've yet to really find the perfect system.

I have. :) Its just whatever I happen to be playing at the time. I like tons of different systems, though d20 happens to populate my gaming habits. That more because of Star Wars than D&D, actually, but I still love D&D


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Darkness said:
I'm a tactician/method actor, which is kind of an odd combination but that's just how I am.

Heh, I've got the same tendency. I have a natural affinity for tweaking game systems and making characters how I want. I say that I use my powergaming tendencies for Good rather than Evil. If I'm going to be playing a tragic half-elven bard with an affinity for fine wines, he'll be the best darn...one of those...that I can squeeze out of the system.

I really have a lot of interest in other systems however. I'm a pretty big believer that system *does* matter. It doesn't matter for the DM, because the DM can do what he likes in any system. It matters a great deal for the players. The assumptions and tendencies of the system will encourage or discourage certain behaviours. D&D for instance encourages careful, tactical play. If you play in a careless manner - charging directly at the evil general for instance, you'll get all kinds of attacks of opportunity on you. If you want to jump to a rope, swing on a chandalier, and land next to the captured princess, you'll have a whole litany of jump, tumble, and balance checks to succees. On the other hand if you carefully consider each move, ensure that the group as a whole works as a team, and analyze the specific tactics used in the situation you will do rather well.

Exalted is near the opposite. Both the above examples of charging the general or swinging on the chandalier would not only not be punished, but would actually be rewarded. You get bonus dice for doing such exciting things. There's some of the tactical element in Exalted as well, with what charms to use and such. But not nearly so much as in D&D.

Cinematic Unisystem puts most of the emphasis on the cinematic, and little on the tactical. This game (Buffy or Angel currently) is about kicking ass and taking names. You don't get a bonus to do 'cool stuff', you get drama points that make it a virtual certainty - +10 on a d10 system. And you get these points back for doing other things that are in-genre, like having issues about something, making a funny line, or getting blatently screwed over by the GM.

The different rulesets provide vastly different feels and will encourage different player behaviour. I do have to admit that I twitch a bit when I hear D&D/d20 players say they don't want to bother with learning a new rules system. If you can handle the d20 monster, most other games are going to be cake. Unisystem you'll have down pat in about half an hour. Its really not that complicated. The new WoD is pretty easy as well. Exalted is a bit more complicated - I'd say its not as complex as d20, but its getting there.


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Salad Shooter said:
So, does the majority of you that only like one system like it because you've found your perfect world? Do you only like one system because you've never played in another setting? Do you fear for your wallet to much to branch out (I know mine is hurting...)? Why?
No "hate" from me... but as a few others mentioned, time is certainly a major factor. I'm not interested in spending my (limited and valuable) time learning a new system for questionable benefits.

I am a believer, though, that one system can't do it all, and that certain systems are inappropriate for certain (widely-defined) genres. Thus, my group uses one system for medieval/fantasy, and another system for modern/futuristic.

But that's it.

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