wikidogres DS camp


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so here goes my character-(if he seems a little high-powered, he needs to be, WiKidOgre let us start with the value of a 6th lvl character at 4th lvl)
Male Halfling (strongheart) Rog3/Ftr2 CR ??? (spellware throws me); small-sized Halfling; Init +5; AC: 23 (flatfooted 18, touch 16); Spd 40', 120'(run); Hit Dice 3d6+6+2d10+7 (46 HP); BaB +4; Melee, +5 (1d6 Retractable Claws 17x2); Ranged, +12 (3d6 MWLBP 20x2), +10 Ranged;SV Fort +7 , Ref +8, Will +4; AL CG; Str 11, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 14.

Skills: Balance 10, Bluff 4, Climb 4, Diplomacy 2, Disable Device 5, Disguise 2, Escape Artist 5, Forgery 2, Freefall 7, Gather Info 4, Hide 24, Innuendo 3, Intimidate 5, Jump 20, Listen 10, Move Silently 22, Navigate 6, Open Lock 6, Pilot 11, Search 7, Sense Motive 3, Spot 8, Tumble 12, Use Devcie 4, Use Magic Device 4

Feats: Ambidexterity, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Two Gun Shooting, Weapon Focus (Blaster Pistol)

Languages: common, halfling(mafia), Draconic, ork (and whatever languages i have programed into my translator)

Class Abilities: Rogue 3- sneak attack +2d6, evasion, uncanny dodge; Ftr 2- 2bonus feats, simple and martial wpn prof, light/medium/heavy Armor Prof

Stealth- +10 bonus to move silently and hide checks
Retractable Claws- 1d6 17x2 free use of improved unarmed strike
Resistance (basic)- ignore 5points of Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Negative and Sonic Damage from each source
Magic Sense- detect magic at will

Equipment: +1 Combat Fatigues, 2xblaster pistols, 2xspare clips, flashlight, resperator, spare energy cell, datapad, 1 blank disk, all-in-one headset (includes-personal communicator, language translator, night-vision), signal jammer, 2 frag grenades, 400gp (damn havin to trade in gold for cred), 6 gems (not quite as hard as changing gold), 300 Silver(!!!!!), a ring (Magic Sense proves its usefullness yet again...), boots of springing and striding.

now, if my twin bro would just post his stats...U would see how un-alike we are...
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I let them start with with eq value of 6th level instead of 4th, because thier are only 3 of them. Some may think it is a mistake, but, all 3 of them almost had the A$$ handed to them in the first venture!


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Male Halfling (strongheart) Monk3/Psion2
(i'll post the rest of his stats when I get home...I don't have them here at work..)

Do to situations beyond his control he has become the tank of the group....which is kinda funny...considering he has a lil over 27 hp... but he has a Weapon Harness with a blaster rifle bolted to it...(which is the only way he can weild it and still be mobile)


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digitaldark said:
Do to situations beyond his control he has become the tank of the group....which is kinda funny...considering he has a lil over 27 hp... but he has a Weapon Harness with a blaster rifle bolted to it...(which is the only way he can weild it and still be mobile)

Tank! My! Aaahhhh...err...rearend, bro!!! Just cause U carry a tank cannon around, doesnt a tank make U (how U like that for some zen BS). So yeah, U vaped a drow...Big deal! If it wasnt fer me stunnin him, U never would got the shot off in time. o these days, bro....juz u wait....


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The funny thing is, they both threaten to kill each other all the time, one of these days i am going to have them both roll for initiative!!:cool:


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WHAT!!!! i didn miss sssshhhheeeee...!!!! i shot him in the shoulder!!! thats what got him to stand still long enuf for U to vape him!!!

But it sure was fun to watch his one lackey be soo scared he dropt the grenade on his foot...after arming it!!! ROFLMAO!!! that was classic!!!

Mr Fidgit

First Post
so are we going to get Nathynrix's stats from digitaldark?

is wikidogre going to post the third PC's stats?

and are we going to get to hear more about the campaign? (or is it just your basic PCs vs the imperial Drow Dragonstar game? ;) )

i'll be tuning in to find out! :D


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OOC: what we know so far is that there has been an outbreak of metalic dragon egg thefts recently. The media is flashing pics of this elf chik while Wyndan and Ny are sitting in a casino. 3rd PC, Balien, is sitting at home watching news. both he and Ny see the broadcast (i guess i was too busy talking smack to notice). Suddenly, Balien sees someone run thru his backyard, followed by a couple drow. Same time, 5 ISPD drow bust into the casino and start pushing people around...including Ny. I start pushing Ny's buttons about "U-gonna-letem-getaway-wit-dat" stuff. As the drow start racing for the door, we see chik run past. I get tired of yelling at Ny to stand up for hisself and i shoot the drow leader (shoulda seen WiKids face :D ) . i do minimal damage, but then Ny pulls out a massive crit and burns a massive hole in Lead's chest. Balien, shooting from the wall in his back yard, drops one o the Drow chasing the chik.

Basically, we all meet up, notice chik is same chik from news, but she is soulmech and doesnt know who she is. we all decide that it best to get off the planet, and while making way to local shuttle port, we get caught in traffic jam (sux that they still have traffic jams in fantasy/sci-fi) b/c of orc ISPD troopers have set up road block. We take to long deciding what to do and a hover ship comes up behind us with guns and orcs. We suddenly force way off road, fall really far, evade capture, then make it to shiport where we meet up with a "mr. jones" who says he knows sarah (the soulmech elf) and agrees to fly us off planet. While boarding his ship, bounty hunters attack us, i nearly die (talking -7 here) but manage to make it off world.

Mr Jones tells us that he and sarah work for the Gold Dragon Army, and sarah was a top operative and she was investigating the "eggnappings" when she went MIA.

Now we are on a hunt to find out who is taking the eggs.

wadeva U say bro, but U know with out me, there wouldnt be anythin for U to finish, and yer life would be Ultra-Dull. :p

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