Wildwood Red in Tooth and Claw [IC]


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Making a disgusted noise in the back of his throat Jeanpierre levels a swing at the moving corpse.

Long Sword +5 (including flank) (1d8 + 2, 19-20/x2)

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Cursed stabs again at the corpse "Can we defeat this thing or should we flee?" he yells to his companions with a quick look at the ooze.


Tur picks himself up and carefully maneuvers over to the battle.

Cursed stabs at the goblin but catches his spear point on the thing's unnatural skin.

The fuzzy bloated goblin turns from Jeanpierre to Noni and swings at the ranger but the nimble man is able to duck back from the snapping jaws and grasping claws of the ooze dripping goblin.

Noni slashes with his axe catching the goblin again as Jeanpierre lashes out with his sword from the other side, both ripping rents in the shambling goblin, revealing more green ooze within.

With more schlorping the party can hear the puddle of green ooze coming closer to Noni's back.

Tur 15
Cursed 13
Green Goblin 13
Noni 9
Jeanpierre 9


As Tur maneuvers over most rats scurry out of his way, one bloated one rushes him however, its mouth dripping green ooze as it bites down hard on the lizardman's foot, eliciting a hiss from the lizardman.


First Post
"I don't know what these things are," Jeanpierre replies as he tries again to decapitate the one before him. "It galls me to flee, but we need to know how to kill them. Retreat!"

Jeanpierre backs slowly in the direction they came, making sure his allies are going as well.

OOC: Attack, then 5 foot step back the way we came. Jeanpierre is willing to do a fighting retreat, but he'll try to make sure he's the one covering everyone's escape.


Cursed nods in response to Jeanpierre's shout and slips back out of the melee.

The bloated goblin rushes at Noni who evades its grasping hands but is caught on the arm by its snapping green jaws, leaving a slime covered wound.

Noni 9
Jeanpierre 9
Tur 15
Cursed 13
Green Goblin 13

Noni takes 1 point of damage from the bite


Noni pulls back and withdraws to join Cursed and Tur. Jeanpierre slashes but misses the small goblin thing entirely and takes a step back to cover the other's retreat. The thing presses Jeanpierre, but the knight's combat skills keep it's grasping claws at bay.

The others pull back out of the heat chamber and call for Jeanpierre.

Jeanpierre 9
Tur 15
Cursed 13
Green Goblin 13
Noni 9


First Post
With the others safely retreating, Jeanpierre moves to join them shouting "Back, foul things!"

OOC: Take a Withdraw action to join the others.


The party is able to withdraw safely out of the chamber and the goblin does not pursue out into the corridor. As you hustle back Cursed asks "Should we retire to the stalactite field to rest up and talk or all the way out of the rock mines? This place feels oppressive but outside predators might be attracted to our wounds."
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Cursed says "There is also the eating chamber but the store-rooms there had that weasel hole and there was that rustling from among the barrels. It did have those tables we could use as a barricade though and it did not feel as oppresive as the high cavern chambers."
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