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Wizardru's Story Hour PCs


It's 2004! Time for some new beasties!

Meet the Gulthias Brute:

Gulthias Brute 1; Gulthias brute Bbn6: CR 20; ECL 16; Size L; HD 10d8+70 + 6d12+42; hp 225; Init +5; Spd 40 ft (base 30 ft), ; base speed 40 ft.; AC 26, touch 10, FF 25; BAB +13/+8/+3; Atk: +22/+17/+12 melee (2d6 + 10, morningstars), +22/+17/+12 melee (1d8 + 10, or claws), +13/+13 ranged (1d8 + 9, or javelins); SA Adhesive, Improved Grab, Felling Strike, Punishing Strike, Rapid Strike; SQ Low-light vision, superior two-weapon fighting, scent, darkvision, resistance to fire, electricity, and cold 10, DR 15/+3, SR 25; SV Fort +16, Ref +4, Will +8; AL CE; Str 30, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13.

Skills and Feats: Appraise -2, Balance +5, Bluff +1, Climb +10, Concentration +7, Craft (Armorsmith) -2, Craft (Bowmaking) -2, Craft (Gemcutting) -2, Craft (Locksmithing) -2, Craft (Trapmaking) -2, Craft (Weaponsmith) -2, Craft (Other) -2, Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +1, Forgery -2, Gather Information +1, Heal +1, Hide +1, Intimidate +1, Survival +1, Jump +26, Listen +11, Move Silently +1, Perform +1, Ride +1, Search +1, Sense Motive +1, Spot +11, Swim +10, Use Rope +1, Remote View -2; Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Endurance, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency.

Possessions: Morningstars, Javelins.


Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex):
An brute fights with a morningstar or javelin in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the brute does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for attacking with two weapons.

Adhesive (Ex): The brute exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items touching it. An adhesive-covered brute automatically grapples any creature it hits with its natural attack(s). The creature then adds its HD + its Constitution modifier (+16) to subsequent grapple checks. The brute may automatically deal damage with natural attacks each round against any creature stuck to it, up to its maximum number of attacks. A weapon that strikes an adhesive-coated brute is also stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 21). A successful Strength check (DC 21) is needed to pry it off. Strong alcohol dissolves the adhesive. A pint of wine or a similar liquid weakens it, but the brute still has half its normal bonus to grapple checks. The brute can dissolve its adhesive at will, but the substance does not break down after the creature dies.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the brute must hit an opponent of up to two size categories smaller than itself with a natural attack.

Felling Strike (Ex): Twice per day, when a brute scores a successful critical hit, it can elect to make a felling strike by rolling again. If the result of this third roll would hit the target, the target takes the full damage from the critical hit as normal, but must also make a saving throw (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die.

Punishing Strike (Ex): Twice per day plus an additional time per 10 HD, a brute may make a mighty attack against any one opponent, adding its Charisma bonus (+1) to the attack roll and its HD and character level total (+10) to the damage. Use of this ability must be declared prior to making the attack. If the attack misses, that punishing strike attempt is used for the day. This ability cannot be used more often than once every 1d4+1 rounds.

Rapid Strike (Su): Three times per day, a brute may grant itself the effects of a haste spell (self only) as if cast by a sorcerer with a level equal to the brute’s HD (10).

Immunities (Ex): Brutes are immune to disease, poison, paralysis, stunning, and all mind-influencing spells and effects.

Resistance to Energy (Ex):Fire, Cold, Electricity 10 each.

*Skills: A brute's two heads give it a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. The reptilian template provides +4 racial bonus to jump and balance checks.

[Edit]: Corrected typos and fixed Init value. (Thanks, Zad.)
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Bolo at 22nd level

Bolo Brandybuck
Elf, 21st level Druid/ 1st Level Divine Agent of Ehlonna
Medium Discerning Humanoid (Elf)
Hit Dice: 22d8+22 (154 hp/ 176 with belt.)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 31 (+2 Dex, +10 Dragonhide Breastplate, +2 heavy shield, +3 ring, +4 natural armor), touch 15, flat-footed 29
Base Attack: +14/+9/+4 +1 Epic
Attack: MW Scimitar +16/+11/+6 melee (1d6+1/18–20/x2) or MW Comp. Longbow +17/+12/+7 ranged (1d8/x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Magic, Wildshapes
Special Qualities: Elven traits, Druid Abilities: Animal companion, Nature sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Trackless step, Resist Nature’s Lure, Wildshapes [Tiny to huge, plants], Venom Immunity, 1000 faces, Timeless Body. Bolo has access to the Good Domain through his Divine Agent class level, Casts “Good” Spells at +1 level. Immune to Charms.
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +25 (27)*
Abilities: Str 11 (13), Dex 15, Con 12 (14), Int 18, Wis 30 (34), Cha 19
Skills: Knowledge Nature +36, Listen +20 (22), Search +6, Spot +17 (19), Diplomacy +13, Sense Motive +20 (22), Concentration +15 (+18), Craft Wicker +6, Handle Animal +23 (25), Knowledge Planes +8, Knowledge Psionics +9, Move silently +2, Ride Dog +8, Spellcraft +24, Swim +1 (+3), Survival +39 (41), Knowledge Fae +18, Knowledge Folklore +11, Perform Storytelling +13, Bluff +8
Feats: Leadership, Evolve, Iron Will, Track, Plant Control, Fast Wildshape, Nature Spell, Extra Wildshape (Animal-Magical Beast 8/Elemental 4), Magical Beast Wild Shape.
Environment: The Grove in the Land of Black Ice
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Bolo’s basic look is that of a slightly smaller than average elf. He has chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. He has tufts of fur on the tops of his feet like a Halfling does. He has a tattoo of a tree on his chest and various tribal style tattoos along his body. Due to Bolo’s 1000 faces ability he can change his appearance at will and does so often. He typically dresses in a mix of Halfling and Elvish styles.

Combat: Bolo tends to think defensively. He will cast Dispel Magic or Greater Dispel Magic at the largest opponent before they can get an attack off if he can. From there he will switch into an elemental form and combine his combat abilities with his spell casting. His favorite form is the Air Elemental.
Discerning Elf and Druid Traits (Ex): Discerning Elves possess the following racial and insight traits.
· +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
· Medium size.
· An elf ’s base land speed is 30 feet.
· Immunities to sleep spells and effects and charm effects, Immune to all poisons.
· +4 to save vs. Fae magic (Resist Natures Lure)
· +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
· Low-light vision.
· +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
· +4 insight bonus to all fear and compulsion effects (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
· +4 insight bonus to concentration checks.
· +4 insight bonus to will saves versus illusion and enchantment effects. (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
· +4 insight bonus to Sense Motive
· Weapon Proficiency: Elves are automatically proficient with the Longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, Shortbow, and composite Shortbow.
Gift of the Divine Breath:
· +4 insight bonus to saves vs. death spells and death effects.
· +2 insight bonus to Initiative
· +1 to Wisdom
Book and Tome adds:
+2 Int., +2 Wis, +2 Cha.

Languages: Common, Elf, Sylvan, Druidic, Giant, Terran, Auran, Aquan, Ignan, Halfling & Blue Bugbear.

Druid Traits: Nature Sense (Ex), Wild Empathy (Ex), Woodland Stride (Ex), Trackless Step (Ex), Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex), Wild Shape (Su), Venom Immunity (Ex), A Thousand Faces (Su), Timeless Body (Ex), Animal Companion (Ex).

Equipment of note:
+5 Green Dragonhide Breastplate (Wild ability)
Coat of Resistance +3
Gloves of Man: Glove of storing Right hand (Master work Scimitar)
Glove of Storing Left Hand (Master work heavy Darkwood Shield)
Bulette Belt: +4 Natural Armor, +4 STR, +4 CON
Circlet of Speech: Speak with Animals, Comprehend Languages and Read Magic
Ring of Feather Fall
+3 Ring of Protection
Horn of Fog
Heward’s Handy Haversack
Periapt of Wisdom +4
Ioun Stone (absorbs spells of 4th level or lower Max 20 spell levels)
Quiver of Ehlonna
Masterwork Composite Long Bow
Bracers of Mighty Fists +2
Rod of Flame Extinguishing
Vibrant Purple: Stores 3 spell levels (spells listed on spell sheet)
Dark Blue: Alertness
Portable Hole
Leaf of The First Ash. May be used to word of recall 1\week. Only works for druids and only to the 1st ash.
Ring of Beory

EXP: 231,066 (as of 1/18/04)

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Bolo's basic spell load out at 22nd level

Bolo’s spell list

Orisons: DC: 22
1. Detect Magic
2. Detect Poison
3. Purify Food and Drink
4. Mending
5. Dawn
6. Fire Eyes

1st Level: DC: 23/24
(D) Protection from Evil
1. Lion’s Charge
2. Rapid Burrowing
3. Detect Animals and Plants
4. Entangle
5. Faerie Fire
6. Jump
7. Charm Animal
8. Powersight

2nd Level: DC: 24/25
(D) Aid
1. Barkskin
2. Bear’s Endurance
3. Bull’s Strength
4. Flame Blade
5. Resist Energy
6. Summon Swarm
7. Reduce Animal
8. Briar Web

3rd Level: DC: 25/26
(D) Magic Circle against Evil
1. Call Lightning
2. Greater Magic Fang
3. Meld into stone
4. Quench
5. Neutralize Poison
6. Wind wall
7. Embrace the Wild
8. Embrace the Wild

4th Level: DC: 26/27
(D) Holy Smite
1. Flame strike
2. Flame Strike
3. Sudden Stalagmite
4. Ice Storm
5. Air Walk
6. Rusting Grasp
7. Last Breath
8. Reincarnate

5th Level: DC: 27/28
(D) Dispel Evil
1. Baleful Polymorph
2. Cure Critical Wounds
3. Wall of Fire
4. Stone Skin
5. Animal Growth
6. Commune with Nature
7. Death Ward

6th Level: DC: 28/29
(D) Blade Barrier
1. Anti-Life Shell
2. Transport via plant
3. Greater Dispel Magic
4. Greater Dispel Magic
5. Wall of Stone
6. Move Earth

7th Level: DC: 29/30
(D) Holy Word
1. True Seeing
2. Firestorm
3. Sunbeam
4. Fire Storm
5. Transmute Metal to wood
6. Deep Song

8th Level: DC: 30/31
(D) Holy Aura
1. Reverse Gravity
2. Cure Serious wounds, Mass
3. Control Plants
4. Repel Metal and stone
5. Earthquake
6. Word of Recall (Grove in the Land of the Black Ice)

9th Level: DC: 31/32
(D) Summon Monster IX
1. Elemental Swarm
2. Shape Change
3. Foresight
4. Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
5. Invulnerability to Elements


Sundry/ Item Spells
Goodberrys: 32 at ant one time.
Staff Spell: Cure Serious Wounds, Mass.
Ioun Stone: Cast by Scorch
1. Socking Grasp:
2. Magic Missile:
3. True Strike:
Leaf of the First Ash: May be used to cast ‘Word of recall’ to the First Ash 1x per week.
Beory’s Ring: Contact the Druids (more is unknown)

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Janni Brandybuck {Bolo} level 23

Bolo Brandybuck
21st level Druid/ 1st Level Divine Agent of Ehlonna/1st level Janni
Medium Fey Outsider (Native) {Janni}
Hit Dice: 23d8+46 (182 hp/205 with belt.)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 30 (+1 Dex, +10 Dragonhide Breastplate, +2 heavy shield, +3 ring, +4 natural armor), touch 14, flat-footed 29
Base Attack: +16/+11/+6
Attack: MW Scimitar +18/+13/+8 melee (1d6+2/18–20/x2) or MW Comp. Longbow +16/+11/+6 ranged (1d8+2/x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Magic, Wildshapes
Special Qualities: Fey traits, Immune to all Enchantments and Charms.
Druid Abilities: Animal Companion, Nature sense, Wild Empathy (26/22), Woodland Stride, Trackless step, Resist Nature’s Lure, Wildshapes [Tiny to huge], Venom Immunity, 1000 faces, Timeless Body.
Divine Agent Abilities: Casts “Good” Spells at +1 level. Gain 1 Good Domain spell per level.
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +25 (27)*
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 32, Cha 19
Abilities with Items: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 36, Cha 19
Skills: Knowledge Nature +39, Listen +23 (25), Search +6, Spot +19 (21), Diplomacy +13, Sense Motive +23 (25), Concentration +17 (+20), Craft Wicker +7, Handle Animal +25 (27), Knowledge Planes +8, Knowledge Psionics +9, Move silently +3, Ride Dog +8, Spellcraft +26, Swim +1 (+3), Survival +42 (44), Knowledge Fae +18, Knowledge Folklore +11, Perform Storytelling +13, Bluff +8
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Druidic, Giant, Terran, Auran, Aquan, Ignan, Halfling & Blue Bugbear.
Feats: Leadership, Evolve, Iron Will, Track, Plant Control, Fast Wildshape, Nature Spell, Extra Wildshape (Animal-Plant-Magical Beast 8/Elemental 4), Magical Beast Wild Shape, Improved Initiative, Improved Elemental Wildshape.
Environment: The Grove in the Land of Black Ice
Alignment: Neutral Good
Experience: 251,322 (as of 10/15/04)
Next Level: 253,000

Appearance: Bolo’s basic look. 6’ 8” tall 215 lbs. Burnished copper skin. Golden hair. Bolo has a golden glittery sheen to his skin and hair. He has a tattoo of a tree on his chest and various tribal style tattoos along his body. Due to Bolo’s 1000 faces ability he can change his appearance at will and does so often. He typically dresses in “Arabian” style.

Combat: Bolo tends to think defensively. He will cast Dispel Magic or Greater Dispel Magic at the largest opponent before they can get an attack off if he can. From there he will switch into an elemental form and combine his combat abilities with his spell casting. His favorite forms are the Air Elemental and Blink Dog.

Fey Jan Traits (Ex): Fey Jan possess the following racial and insight traits.
· +4 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
· Medium size.
· A Jan ’s base land speed is 30 feet.
· Immunities to “Humanoid” only spells, enchantments and charm effects, Immune to all poisons.
· +4 to save vs. Fae magic (Resist Natures Lure)
· +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
· Darkvision 60 foot.
· +4 insight bonus to all fear and compulsion effects (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
· +4 insight bonus to concentration checks.
· +4 insight bonus to will saves versus illusion and enchantment effects. (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
· +4 insight bonus to Sense Motive
· Weapon Proficiency: All simple and Martial weapons. All light and medium armor
Gift of the Divine Breath:
· +4 insight bonus to saves vs. death spells and death effects.
· +2 insight bonus to Initiative
· +1 to Wisdom
Book and Tome adds:
+2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha.

Equipment of note:
+5 Green Dragonhide Breastplate (Wild ability)
Robe of Resistance +3
Gloves of Man: (Built into Gloves of Storing)
Glove of storing Right hand (Rod of fire extinguishing)
Glove of Storing Left Hand (Master work heavy Darkwood Shield)
Bulette Belt: +4 Natural Armor, +4 STR, +4 CON
Circlet of Understanding: Speak with Animals, Comprehend Languages and Read Magic
Ring of Feather Fall
+3 Ring of Protection
Horn of Fog
Heward’s Handy Haversack
Periapt of Wisdom +4
Quiver of Ehlonna (modified for Wands, Staves and Rods)
Masterwork Composite Long Bow (+2 mighty)
Bracers of Mighty Fists +2
Rod of Flame Extinguishing
Ioun Stone: Vibrant Purple: Stores 3 spell levels (spells listed on spell sheet)
Ioun Stone: Dark Blue (Alertness)
Ioun Stone: Pale Lavender (absorbs spells of 4th level or lower Max 20 spell levels)
Portable Hole
Leaf of The First Ash.
Ring of Beory.

New info: Bolo has the blood of Ashardalon.


First Post

This stat block is current as of Fire in the Blood, Chapter 2. Kayleigh is very close to 24th level and will be gaining Epic Weapon Specialization and another undetermined epic feat. (And yes, a point of Dex). Sorry for the mixed fonts - I'm getting a lot of errors from the editor lately.

Kayleigh Drake
Female medium humanoid (Elf)
Ftr 4/Sor 4/Arcane Archer 13/Eldritch Knight 2

Hit Dice: 23 (237 hp)

Initiative: 19

Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft.(12 squares)

Armor Class: 45 (+13 dex, +8 bracers of armor, + natural armor, +4 ring of protection, +4 earring of shield), touch 41, flat-footed 33

Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+25

Attack: Dawnfire +45 (1d8 + 15/x3)

Full Attack: Dawnfire +45/+45/+41/+36/+31 (1d8 + 15/x3)

Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.

Special Attacks: Spells

Special Qualities: Elven traits, Arcane Archer abilities: Imbue Arrow (magic, good, flaming, ghost touch), Penetrating Arrow, Arcane shot I & II, Enhance Effect (flaming burst), Greater Augmentation (epic), Greater Augmentation (fiery burst), +4 insight bonus to saves vs death magic and death attacks.

Saves: Fort +28 Reflex +31 Will +22

Abilities: Str 20, Dex 37, Con 20 Int 22, Wis 19, Cha 20

Skills: Climb +11, Concentration +12, Craft - Bowmaking +41, Diplomacy +9, Hide +44, Knowledge, Arcana +10, Listen +36, Move Silently +44, Ride +20, Spellcraft +20, Spot +51, Tumble +16

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus: Longbow, Weapon Specialization: Longbow, Rapid shot, Improved Rapid Shot, Improved Initiative, Iron will, Manyshot, Great Fortitude, Improved Precise Shot, Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow

Treasure: Dawnfire (bow), Special Quiver of Ehlonna (creates endless normal arrows), 300 cold iron arrows, 200 silver arrows, 20 adamantite arrows, visual/audible signal arrows, 10 Holy Water arrows, 10 alchemist fire arrows, 1 arrow of slaying (lawful outsiders), 50 feet elven rope, masterwork bowmakers tools, Hewards handy haversack, journal, masterwork harp, assorted flasks and bottles, wide assortment of clothing, belt of resistance +5, bracers of armor +8, rod of lesser extend spell, green slaad cloak (+5 natural armor bonus, 10 sonic resist, 5 fire/cold/acid/elec resist, Cast See Invis at will, Cast Fear 1/day, DC18, caster level 15), ring of protection +4, gauntlets of magnificence, vest of Entropic Shield, robe of blending, earring of shield, ioun stone: pale green prism, luckstone, boots of flight (use activated fly spell), ring of evasion, ioun stone: +1 AC, 1 potion of heroism, potion of blur, 3 potions of cure serious wounds, 3 potions of cure light wounds, wand of mage armor (20 charges), wand of magic missile (25 charges, 7th level), wand of magic missiles (30 charges, 3rd level), wand of dispel magic (6 charges, 5th level), wand of fireball (25 charges, 6th level), wand of silence (20 charges), wand of mirror image (20 charges), wand of blink (20 charges), wand of levitate (10 charges), prismatic bypass kit (set of scrolls with spells to bypass prismatic sphere/wall), scroll of plane shift, Wand of wall of ice (47 charges group property), Wand of knock (39 charges, group property), torc of fire immunity, ring of cold resistance (major), ring of teleport without error (10 charges, group), Dravot seeking arrow

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Spells Known: 0 Level: Light, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Mending, Open/Close, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic. 1st level: Obscuring Mist, True Strike, Charm Person, Silent Image, Aran'gel's Edge. 2nd Level: Glitterdust, Blur, Mirror Image, Darkvision. 3rd level: Protection from Energy, Fly, Haste. 4th level: Elemental Infusion, Dimensional Anchor. 5th level: Teleport.

Notes: Note that this is the Nifft variant of the AA class, removing some of the special abilities and adding some increases in caster level.

Dawnfire, Guardian of Celene:
In the hands of most wielders, Dawnfire acts like a +2 mighty composite longbow. However Dawnfire was made for the Elven Champions and in the hands of such a wielder, its full power becomes apparent. It is a +8 mighty composite longbow. The strength bonus adjusts to fit the wielder. It bestows +15 to spot checks, as well as See Invisible, and Protection from Evil.

In addition, the wielder can use the following spell-like powers from the bow. Each use consumes the listed charges. The bow has 21 charges and the charges are refreshed each day at dawn. To use each effect, the wielder fires an arrow to deliver the spell and must hit the target with a normal attack. (The arrow delivers normal damage in addition to the spell effect.) If the attack misses, resolve area spells with grenade rules.

Ray of Enfeeblement (empowered) - (1d6+5)*1.5 strength drain, 10th level caster, 1 charge
Fireball - 10d6, 10th level caster, 1 charge (DC 20 reflex)
Greater Dispel Magic - 20th level caster (+20 to check), 2 charges
Chain Lightning - 20d6 primary target, 20th level caster, 2 charges (DC 25)
Polar Ray - 20d6, 20th level caster, 3 charges
Delayed Blast Fireball - 20d6, 20th level caster, 3 charges (DC 25)

Note: The Arcane Archer may use her Penetrating Arrow ability to overcome SR for these spell effects.

The arcane archer may also use bow charges to support the Arcane Shot ability. Each charge used this way adds +1 to hit and +1d6 damage to the next attack. This cannot be used in a round in which a spell effect from the bow is used.

Hit points:90

Appearance: The bow is made of a solid ash staff which in fact was donated by the First Ash. The wood has not been cut, shaved or sanded, but instead has been "encouraged" in the elven way into the shape needed with two growths of wood intertwining along each limb. The wood is a rich gold color. Inlaid into the surface, again without any visible cutting, is delicate elven scrollwork. The color will vary from the color red sunrise to the blue-white of a morning frost to the purple-silver of a stroke of lightning from a summer storm, depending on the angle of the viewer. The string looks as if it was fashioned from from moonlight and dew, looping around the ends of the bow without any apparent knot.
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First Post
Out of curiosity, how is your attack with your bow at +46? By my math, it looks like it's closer to +44 (20 BAB, +13 Dex, +8 weapon, +3 feats.) And are you permanently hasted in some way? Is that how you got the second attack at full BAB?


First Post
Easy question first: Rapid shot allows an extra attack, taking -2 to all attacks. Improved Rapid Shot (a feat published in Dragon Magazine) removes that penalty. So there's really no reason not to use rapid shot if you're doing a full round attack. Hasted, I get another shot ;)

As for the attack bonus...let's see...

BAB: 20
Dex: 13
Feat: 3 (+1 weapon focus, +2 epic weapon focus)
+8 bow
+1 from ioun stone

That's 45. I think when I copied some stuff for the stat block, I hadn't turned off the haste spell in the spreadsheet so it got 46 instead of 45. That or I got the one for the "inside 30 feet" number which would have added the bonus for point blank shot.
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First Post
Ah, that explains it. I thought it had something to do with Rapid Shot, but I forgot about that feat in Dragon completely. What issue was that in? I may have to remember that.


First Post
Many Bothans died to bring you this stat block.

I'm not sure which Dragon it was - was quite a while ago, near the start of 3e. It was in an article by one of the notables (Skip? Monte?) about making new feats and balancing feats and it was used as an example.

Val's stat block

Okay, since I'm almost 25th, I'll just do it if I were already 25th and save myself the trouble...

Valanthe the Sleepless
Rogue 10/Shadow Dancer 10/Void Incarnate 5

Str: 22
Dex: 35
Con: 22
Int: 23
Wis: 20
Cha: 15

254 HP
Ref: 31
Fort: 16
Will: 15

Feats: Blind Fighting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Lightning Reflexes, Expertise, Improved Initiative,

Epic Feats: Dexterous Will, Dexterous Fort.

Special Abilities: Sneak Att +5D6, Crippling Strike, Slippery Mind, Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll, Uncanny Dodge, Hide in Plain Sight, Summon Shadows (3), Shadow Jump (160’/ day), Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Blank Aura, Void Presence, Mettle of Fortitude, Balnk Mind, +4 insight bonus on all saves vs. death magic/spells and attacks

AC: 37 normal, 32 touch, 37 flatfooted
Init: +18
BAB: +15/+10/+5
Grapple: +21

Skills: Appraise 9, Balance 27, Bluff 29, Climb 7 (9), Decipher Scripts 19, Disable Device 30, Disguise 2 (4), Escape Artist 37 (39), Forgery 6, Gather Info 2, Hide 66, Jump 14, Knowledge Vitaesis 9, Knowledge Shadow Plane 9, Listen 24, Move Silently 65, Open Lock 33, Perform 7, Ride 12, Search 32, Sense Motive 19, Sleight of Hand 28, Spot 30, Swim 7, Tumble 32, Use Magic Device 22 (24), Use Rope 13 (15), Urban Lore 9

Sceadusceaft (ShadowCut) +6: +33/+28/+23 - 1d6+12
Sword of Subtlety: +28/+23/+18 - 1d6+7 (extra +2d6 vs Lawful)
Sword of Subtlety Sneak Att: +31/+26/+21 - 1d6+10 (extra +2d6 vs Lawful)
Sword of Bane +3: +30/+25/+20 - 1d6+9
Sword of Bane vs. Undead/Dragon: +32/+27/+22 - 3d6+11
Pale Piercer +3: +30/+25/+20 - 1d4+9
Pale Piercer vs. Incorporeal: +32/+27/+22 - 3d4+11

Equipment: Sceadusceaft (ShadowCut) +6, Sword of Subtlety +1, chaotic, Sword of Bane +3/+5, (Bane vs Undead and Dragons), Pale Piercer +3/+5, Ghost touch, Bracers of Armor +8, Belt (+6 to all atributes) , Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Mantle of Greater Stealth, Vest of Escape, Boots of Speed, Ring of Arachnida, Ring - Deflection +2/Resistance +2, Tattoo – Shadow Blink, Small Flying Carpet (speed 210’)

Misc Items: Dimensional Prism, 4 vial of Ghost oil, 4 vials of Gravebane, 4 vials of StoneBreaker Acid, 4 Keoghtum’s Ointment, 4 Salve of Slipperiness, 5 Silver Sheen, 4 Alchemists Fire, assortment of flasks and bottles, travel gear, clothing, Masterwork Thieves tools, 3 Gith amulets, others too numerous to list

Scrolls: 2 Dimensional Anchor, 3 Shadow Blast, 2 Imp. Invisibility, 2 Shadow Fade, 1 Lessor Restoration, 1 Invis. to Undead,

Potions: 5 Cure Serious, 5 Cure Moderate, plus misc.

Wands: Magic Missle (7th lvl), Silence, Cure Mod. Wounds (35)

3 Shadow Companions: Verilunda, Berlden, and Little Shade

Shadow Cut: +6 Chaotic, Jade Vitaesis, Medium Longsword, AL: CG, Int 13, Wis 10 Cha 13 Ego 17, Empathic Communication, 60’ vision and hearing, Darkness 3x/day, Locate Object 3x/day, Change from Longsword to short sword as standard action

special purpose: Defeat the Shadow King and his minions
dedicated power: 15d6 Greater Shout 3x/day
personality: coming soon

There's some stuff I am missing under equipment, wands, scroll, etc. I just need to sort thru my many, many sheets of inventory. The running joke is that to figure out Val's inventory, just look on any page in the Equipment/items/magic/items section in the PHB, DMG, etc...

*note, need to update skill points from leveling.

Voidrunner's Codex

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