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Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

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Dravot's speech nearly had me crying. That was very moving. Mass props for the cleric.
Wow. You just made my whole day. Thank you. It fell to me to make that one sell, and I'm glad you felt that moved by it.

As for the whole pruning thing, it was an option to make another thread but we figured it would be better to keep it all together. I think it makes life a little eaiser for people just joining the story, not to mention keeps the hit count preserved ;)

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Down with the Dead Men - Chapter 3

Down with the Dead Men – Chapter 3

OOC Notes:

Exp for 22 is 3600, for 23 is 2650.

This Week’s Adventure:

We made some final tactical preparations before setting off for the Deathvent. Lord Gelban sent us a group of four bronze dragons for additional support, and the Temple of Wee Jas offered us fifteen tatterdemelions. Unfortunately we could only take ten due to problems transporting them all.

We skimmed across the surface of the sea flying by various means. (I should note that our draconic companions seemed to be rather put out by Scorch and Bolo taking dragon forms for the trip.) Even without a map, it would have been simple to find the Deathvent – we were heading into the teeth of a large, stationary storm with dark clouds and mounting winds. Here and there, dead fish floated in the choppy sea, their frequency increasing as we moved closer. The winds mounted steadily to the point where flying became difficult and we made the decision to move into the water.

I hate the water. I hate being wet. Of course that’s more in the “damp and sticky” kind of way. In this case being totally submerged creates a very different sensation. But there was no help for it and no point in dwelling on it.

As we descended, we could start to make out the contours of the ocean floor. It was a strange landscape and seemed more at home on another plane than it did here. The dim light made it all the more surreal. Coupled with the strange creatures (natural and otherwise) the entire scene made me hard pressed to believe I was still on the Prime.

In the distance I caught sight of a school of fish. Or so it seemed at first. When I looked harder, I could see something horrific – it was a school of disembodied hands, each swimming around with an eye attached. After the initial disgust, I realized these were just the first in what would surely be a series of scouts. Guided by the bronzes, we slipped lower in the water and went beneath them apparently unseen.

The patrols picked up. More schools of hands as well as squads of Drowned led by wights. They were many such groups but with so much territory to cover, there were many gaps in their lines. Combined with Dravot’s enchantment rendering us unseen to the undead, the gaps let us make steady progress.

The ocean floor gradually became littered with pieces of broken stonework. Most of it was marble with some other stones here and there. But with the stone, the water also became cooler and we saw less and less vegetation. Above us we started seeing dark shapes – rays on slow circling patrols. Some were eight feet across, but they were dwarfed by others that covered four times that span. As I watched them, I could start to make out faint glowing markings. There was definitely some kind of pattern to it but I couldn’t understand the meaning. I suspect they were in the service of the drow and the markings showed different individuals or squads.

We were swimming along the bottom and crested a rise and stretched out before us was the Deathvent. The terrain descended into a large bowl and in the middle was the gaping maw of the vent. Easily 500 feet across, the edge was rimmed with some kind of stone or dark metal. The tunnel itself descended at a shallow angle into darkness, but near the top were white-ish honeycomb structures. Surrounding the vent were large lava tubes, much as we’d been told to expect. They varied from ten feet across to upwards of sixty. Bubbles and steam showed there was some kind of volcanic activity in the area, and the water had a slightly sulfuric taste to it.

At the edge of the drop was the wreckage of a sailing ship. It was the largest I’d ever seen, and according to Dravot was on the order of 400 years old and could carry two hundred men. I made a note of the location as a possible fall-back point. Off to the east was a structure. It was covered in moss and coral but the telltale signs of elven construction still showed through. It was some kind of ancient fortress, and while there were sentries dotted on the parapets, there was no other sign that the structure was in use.

We continued creeping our way forward. Our discovery was inevitable, but we were determined to avoid it for as long as we could. Peering over a closer ridge, I could see the Deathvent sloped gradually at first, then suddenly descended sharply. Inside there were five globes of the whiteish stuff with tubes connecting them. Inside were undead moving around. I suspect this is the central hive or air bubbles that are being created for this meeting. Suddenly there was a flash of light from the central dome, and a beam of light shot off into the distance. Just after that, a wave of negative energy radiated out in all directions for miles. This second pulse came from the hive area but between the globes – perhaps in one of the tunnels. The magnitude of the effect was very small but it amazing for how far it reached.

To the north I saw two shapes hovering in the ethereal. It took me a moment before I realized they were Judges. Their reach extends to even here – something I found comforting.

Before I could debate talking to them, several of the nearby lava tubes shattered with a sharp crack. The tops fell away while the sides just exploded in slow motion in all directions. From one large tube, something began rising out of the opening. It snaked its way out and kept going and going, its rainbow scales shimmering in the dim light. As it came more fully into the water, I could see all manner of hooks and barbs stuck in its flesh – the remains of all those who had failed to destroy it. Finally the head spun around, her eyelids pulled back with hooks. One eye was missing and there was only a strange green glow in its place. She was a naga unlike any we’d seen. She tasted the water with her forked tongue and turned in our direction.

As she glared, the forms from the other lava tubes moved towards her. They were metallic and seemed like large lobsters, but moved in a mechanical precision. They took up positions circling her.

Many of us were mind blanked but Dravot was not, and he could hear her voice in his mind.

Greetings. I am known as Shalthis Who Serves. Set to guard this place against your like. Thought I may not live through this day, it is my task to kill you if I can. You are the one they call Dravot?

Dravot did not reply. Shalthis Who Serves arched one eyebrow slightly, and a storm of lightning exploded in our midst. The lightning was potent and she was a skilled wielder of magic. The electricity hit many of us, but was hardest on the tatterdemalions.

The creatures were about five hundred feet from us so it took some amount of time just for us to close the gap. My bow may as well be a sword for as well as it would work underwater so I was advancing carefully with the others while spells were exchanged at long range. Shalthis loosed another chain lightning, this one much more potent than the last one. Most of the tatterdemalions were destroyed and Bolo very nearly joined them.

Dravot attempted a fire storm, which had only minor effect. In return, Shalthis tried to dispel the enchantments on Dravot but since he had none at the time, it was an amusingly wasted effort. Shalthis also brought many mirror images into being in her many-layered defense.

But her primary defense was the other creatures. They were some kind of strange shield guardian, and the four of them were circling Shalthis protecting her. Aethramyr finally closed with one and began destroying it, knowing he would need to in order to reach Shalthis.

The battle went back and forth for a few moments, with neither side making much headway. The guardians were delivering a pounding to Aethramyr, who for his part had nearly destroyed one of the guardians. But then the tide shifted, and not in a good way for Shalthis. After much whittling down of mirror images, Valanthe snatched the tiara off Shalthis’ head. It was this tiara that let her control the shield guardians. Suddenly Shalthis was without her primary means of protection and had enemies all around her and her most powerful spells spent. I had finally gotten close enough for arrows to have some effect and dealt the first of what was surely to be a bloody retribution. Valanthe had the shield guardians grab the massive naga, and they easily wrapped their arms around her long body. With Aethramyr readying his first stroke, Shalthis Who Serves decided to serve herself, and did so in a rather innovative way.

She mazed herself.

“She did what?!?” I asked.

“She put herself in the maze,” Scorch replied.

“You’re sure about that? Does that even work?”

Scorch considered it a moment. “Well… hm… I never really thought about doing it… sixth valence… binding… hm.. yes, yes I’m sure of it. No doubt. She’s gone. And if she doesn’t actually try to find her way out, she can stay there as long as she wants.”

“Well,” I pondered “if we had more time, we could leave some very nasty things behind for her when she finally does. Certainly I’d rather not have to fight her again. But let’s just get moving for now before we attract more attention.”

And with that, our group of adventurers, three tatterdemalions, four bronze dragons, and three shield guardians all set off, as discretely as possible, towards the Deathvent.


First Post
So this morning I pop off an email to Dravot saying something to the effect of "You could write this one up as 'we flew, we swam, we fought, it ran."

And he says "I dare you to write this one in Seussian verse"

Tomorrow I might look at this, decide it's terrible, and delete it. So read fast.

The Sea! The Sea!
Where evil be
Where dead things swim and dead things see
Our heroes travel where evil be

At first there was an ocean storm
So swim they did, in dragon form
The water’s cold, but once was warm
The fishes here were not the norm

There were hands that swim and zombies walking
The manta rays glared eyes a gawking
The wights and drowned continued stalking
While in the hive they kept on caulking

And then there was a mighty crash
A giant snake (she had a rash)
And with her came her robot cache
Our heroes they were going to smash

Spells and lightning filled the air
Our party fought the fight with flair
Blood and parts sprayed everywhere
Sure, mostly Bolo’s but still it’s there.

But then Valanthe she pulled a coup
She stole the headband. What a to-doo
The robots stopped, the snake went “Poo”
She mazed herself the fight was through.

Our heroes cheered “Hooray We won!”
“Those bots were not a lot of fun”
“But now they’re ours, (they weigh a ton)”
“Too bad the other loot is done.”
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Prodigal Member
Zad said:
But then Valanthe she pulled a coup
She stole the headband. What a to-doo
Valanthe is my hero.

Seriously, I wasn't sure what to do with my rogue character. This story hour convinced me that making him a Shadowdancer would be fun. (Which it is.)

Now I'm thinking I need to put more points into Sleight of Hand...

(Doh, I just realized that Zad is a moderator, so if he decides to expunge his "poem" he'll delete my post too.)

Hi everyone,

Len - thanx for the kind words. Right now Val is a rogue 10, shadow dancer 10, and void incarnate 3 (soon to be 4). I've taken the stealth path with Val and focused a lot on hide & move silent, hide in plain sight from the SD class, and now the special abilities, like blank aura and void presence, from the Void Incarnate class. The joke for a while has been "Val who?" (most of the time noone even knows where I am even if we're in the same room) and I usually like to come up behind Scorch and make him jump.

Pogre - I used those above skills (my hide skill is a 65 + the void presence) to get close and then my slight of hand skill. I don't know what the DC was but my sleight of hand is around a 26 and I rolled an 18 to give me a 44 or so.

Wizardru - maybe you can put some perspective from the DM mechanics side of this?


pogre said:
Cool escape for the bad guy!

How did Valanthe knock the tiara off? (rules-wise I mean)
A few details:

  • All of the meepites, except for Bolo, I think, are currently wearing Pearls of the Sirine, acquired from different sources. This allows to function underwater without much difficulty, but dictates a flat 60' movement rate.
  • As Zad indicated, Kayleigh's arrows are useless until they hit an air pocket.
  • Scorch is very wary of using the Solar form, for fear of upsetting the Judges. Said fear doesn't include dragon-forms, but the bronzes clearly snubbed both Scorch and Bolo when they assumed draconic form.
  • Bolo's traditional run of bad luck continued this time out, with an attempt to use Transmute Metal to Wood on the Shield Guardians...only to find them completely resistant to the spell
  • Someone was the victim of Maze prior to Shalthis turning it on herself, and was stuck there for several rounds...can you guess who it was?
  • Valanthe stole the tiara off of Shalthis' forehead using, as Val mentioned, a combination of Super-Stealth, her Void Incarnate abilities, and a buff sleight of hand ability. I set the DC at 40. Shalthis was a huge creature and the tiara was not that secure. Once Val, having rolled a 44, had secured the tiara, Val ordered her guardians to grapple Shalthis....an unfortunate choice, as they were built to grapple, and had base Grapples of 68, to Shalthis' 48. It wasn't pretty, frankly. The two other's joined the grapple, and Shalthis' situation went from safe to desperate in the blink of an eye.
  • When Shalthis cast her Greater Dispel Magic on Dravot, she was suprised to find he had no spells actively running. "I had heard you were their most powerful spellcaster, and you have no spells?", she was heard to ask. Scorch took that as a personal affront, until Kayleigh pointed out that Chavram may have inflated his grandson's image. Bolo, being much less concerned with such things, didn't even acknowledge the comment.
  • Discussion occured as to whether it was worth trying to lay a trap for Shalthis, and speculation followed as to her ability to escape it (could she plane shift?) Ultimately, it was decided as too much of a time-waster.
  • Unmentioned was another locale sighted, but not explored, of a large collection of some giant conch-like shells, the size of small town, south of the Vent.
  • The Tatterdamelions were slaughtered in the Chain Lightning barages, and all but three of them were destroyed.
  • The big chain lighting was a maximized chain lightning, doing 108 points of damage or so, if I recall. Bolo would have died, had he not recalled his Contingency Energy spell had kicked in.
  • One of the guardians scored a critical hit, albeit with unimpresive results. On average, they were doing about 45 points a round on two hits.
You got questions, I got answers. ;)


First Post
Dravot had no buffs running, because at this point, most of his buffs are item based, not spell based. Any buffs he's currently interested in are either round per level or minutes per level, so while it wasn't a surprise to Dravot, it was certainly a surprise to the naga lady.

When she cast the dispel, Dravot tried to bluff that his 'breathe water' spell had been dismissed. "Glub glub! I'm drowning" ... rolls a 1 on Bluff. :)


First Post
Heh, I don't know if I should be disappointed or relieved that I don't have any players as clever as Valenthe.

Oh, by the way, what are the drowned? Some sort of aquatic undead I gather, but what do they do? Are they homebrewed or from a book? And what are Pearls of the Sirine?

It's odd timing that the party's doing this now. My party's working on infiltrating an undead stronghold as well, and even had to travel underwater (well not water so much as an icky fluid, but same concept.)


LordVyreth said:
Oh, by the way, what are the drowned? Some sort of aquatic undead I gather, but what do they do? Are they homebrewed or from a book? And what are Pearls of the Sirine?
The Drowned are essentially an aquatic variety of zombie. The version I use is from a module, iirc, but at this late stage, the only relevant detail to the game is that they're 1 HD zombies who have a swim speed. :) Anything other than that is irrelevant to the game, since Dravot has 31 daily turnings, 16 of which are greater ones...but for weak undead such as this, the living saint merely needs to glance in their direction to utterly obliterate them....hence the lack of focus. The module was a 3.0 module, but I forget the name. It wasn't much good, really....it was from Penumbra, if memory serves.

The Pearl of the Sirine, as presented from the SRD:
Pearl of the Sirines: This normal-seeming pearl is beautiful and worth at least 1,000 gp on that basis alone. If it is clasped firmly in hand or held to the breast while the possessor attempts actions related to the pearl’s powers, she understands and is able to employ the item. The pearl enables its possessor to breathe in water as if she were in clean, fresh air. Her swim speed is 60 feet, and she can cast spells and act underwater without hindrance.

Moderate abjuration and transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, water breathing; Price 15,300 gp.
Inquiring minds want to know: what kind of icky fluid?
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Mmm, the Maze yourself trick. I love it. I used it back in 3.0 in a situation where I was in danger and couldn't contribute much, and then sat in the Maze, scrying the party to see when it was safe to come back.
Having NPCs that actually care about their own survival is a nice touch, too many games have monster that are willing to self-sacrifice to damage the party.


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