[WoD] A Beginning to the End -- New York By Night


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Horus calmy waits for Melody to clear up her business with the staff. When she returns he says to her in a low whisper, "About what Elias said. I wouldn't worry too much. At least it seems that you are not targeted at the moment, but that could change at any time... About what he meant I'm not certain, but I may know how to find out. That is all I will say for the present time."

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Marcus nods to Elena and arrives back at the group in time to hear plans of departure. "Where are we to meet?" he asks smoothly.


Paul's eyes drop from Horus' gaze almost instantly, the comparatively young Kindred feeling the weight behind the Elder's ancient eyes. He shifts uncomfortably, unhappy with the travelling arrangements, but not wishing to walk the streets alone.

It's been a long time since I've felt that... He muses despondently.


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Rait hoists the immobilized Elias onto his shoulder rather unceremoniously, and falls into step behind Prince Morgan. The two depart silently, and rather quickly the Maze empties after them.

The attendents and staff go about the business of removing the bodies from the front and the entrance, as well as begin measurements on the door and contacting a local contractor. They also begin clearing away the refreshments and pagentry from this event and begin setting for tomorrow evening.

OOC: Are there any other affairs that need to be covered before moving on to the mansion?


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(OOC: Nope everything fine here right now. I'd like to get Elias "settled in" before pursuing any other interests. ;) )


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Horus shivers slightly, the sensation almost completely alien to him after so long. A mix of dread and excitement washes over him. It has come. I must work fast, there may no be much time left. He quickly regains his composure. No other sign that something is wrong crosses his features. As his limo arrives he opens the back door for Melody and ushers her inside before entering as well, as quickly as possible. "Home." he says curtly to his driver, before settling back to think upon his next move.


[Assuming Marcus is given directions . . .] Marcus declines any invitations of transport and makes his way to the Setite's mansion by himself.


Nick collects his Cell phone and calls Vance up, informing the Sheriff as to everything that went on, and ending with what was happening right now.


"Why thank you." Paul slides into the limo after Melody, fully aware that Horus had not included him in his invitation of transport, but unwilling to leave the fledgling Toreador alone and at the elder Setite's mercies.


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As I have just realized that postings occured on the game thread after I was certain it had died (I was looking to collect the material for analysis for future games), and then I noticed the private message I had, I wanted to let everyone definitely know this game was done.

With my wife's illness as it was (and still partially is), and the lulls of activity from me, I know this game didn't have much of a chance to go anywhere, and for that I apologize. When I did post, and then I didn't see much in the way of responses, I figured others had given up on me. For those who did return, I apologize -- I had already unsubscribed from the thread.

Again, I wanted to thank all of you for trying to make this work, and I apologize it didn't.

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