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[World of Warcraft] Enduring Nobility is up and running!


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Heavy Leather

Well, it took me a while to find this thread, mostly because I have been skinning my way across the Eastern Kingdoms.

If heavy leather is still a need, let me know. I learned how to make it this very day, so I am far from swimming in it, but I'll do what I can.


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Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
Hi all,

Logged on my character (Jocasta) last night after a long while away and was surprised and pleased to find many gifts waiting for me in the mailbox. I apologize I haven't been able to play much...

First, I've been out of the country quite a bit due to work and then catching up on that.

But also... I er, may have been seduced by the dark side. I started a couple of Horde characters to play with some good friends (on Feathermoon no less) who insisted on going Horde.

So let me know what you want me to do with the gifts (mainly from Eloi, I think). I'll understand if you want me to send them back. Obviously I won't (and can't I don't think) be sending them to the Horde side. I have another (D&D playing but non-ENWorld) friend who I got to come to Feathermoon who may want to play alliance... and even if not I will probably still play Jocasta from time to time.


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Just wanted to stop in (been playing WoW since early December and haven't done much of anything else except for sleep and work) and say hey to everyone. I'm a member of The Twilight Order, which is a guild formed from the RPG.net boards. Not many higher levels yet, but we're starting to grow.

Anyway, look me up (Sagenn or Antheli) if you need someone else to roam around with, or just to say hi. I know I've seen Harbromm around in the long period of time I spent in Stranglethorn Vale, and I'd like to say hello to everyone else as well. Take care,

Officer, The Twilight Order


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Hey people, I guess this is my formal intro, although I've already informally met a few guildies in feathermoon.

Just wanted to say it was great fun going through the deadmines with Errand, Venatrix, Miram and Eloi the other day... got some kickass new gear, (not to mention a new guild!)

I'm a Skinner/Leatherworker, although vastly inferior to Venatrix, but if anyone needs some leather, hide or whatever, I'm happy to supply what I can.

Keep an eye out for me on feathermoon, I just got my guild Tabard - Very stylish I must say...


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Woot! Yay new guild members, yay!

So, I had planned to ask if anyone wanted to do deadmines this weekend, but I ended up needing to work Friday, which pushed all my plans onto Saturday, so I didn't end up having time to do it.

Is anyone going to be around tomorrow or Friday? I'm looking to finish up Westfall, and Deadmines is only one of two quests I have left (the other is Blanchy's Oats, which while quite easy now, was quite hard when it was green). It shouldn't be quite the task we faced the first time, as just my brother and I got through Sneed before turning in with little effort. If no one is up for that, perhaps Stockades, as I have a bunch of quests involved down there.


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I might be up for some Deadmines action on Friday... provided I can muster up a couple more levels before then. :)

Emmie is 15th now, and I'll be on tonight to try and work her up to at least 16, hopefully 17. If I can pull out 18th by Friday, maybe I can be of some help? I've never been in the Deadmines, so I don't know how tough they are.


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I would not suggest going into the Deadmines until you have at least 20 seasons under you belt. Not saying I have not seen others in there with less than 20, but I would not recommend it unless you enjoy the walk from the graveyard.

To all: Send Silk. Eoli (I think) and I are both getting close to being able to make 12 slot bags. Currently we both can make 10 slot bags with enough silk (takes 5 bolts for me, or 3 if heavy leather is sent as well).



First Post
Kareyev said:
I would not suggest going into the Deadmines until you have at least 20 seasons under you belt. Not saying I have not seen others in there with less than 20, but I would not recommend it unless you enjoy the walk from the graveyard.

Alrighty, that's good to know. I managed to pull out 18 last night, so I'm almost there. I don't know if I'll have it nailed by Friday though, since tonight (Thursday) is City of Heroes night (am I allowed to say that here? ;) ).

Kareyev said:
To all: Send Silk. Eoli (I think) and I are both getting close to being able to make 12 slot bags. Currently we both can make 10 slot bags with enough silk (takes 5 bolts for me, or 3 if heavy leather is sent as well).

This brings up a good point... I was wondering if we should set up a site or just post here when we need things or have items to share but don't know who wants them? I'll usually ask in Guild chat, but since not everyone is on when I am, I'm afraid I might miss someone who could use something I have. I'd much rather give items to guildmates than sell them on the auction house.

Currently I have some linen, a half a dozen malachite, a couple tiger's eyes, a few shadowgems, a recipe for Rage potions, and three linen bags stored in the bank. All are free to good homes. :) I can also make rough boomsticks [lvl 5], deadly blunderbusses [lvl 16], and silver-plated shotguns [lvl 21] if anyone uses guns and would like one.


Personally, I'm fine with people posting things in this thread. If someone is really motivated to design an Enduring Nobility site, however, that'd be awesome. My own web-design skills are non-existant.

I've got tons of gold bars, silver bars, heavy and solid grinding stones, various bits of leather, a star ruby, at least a stack of mithral, more than a stack of mageweave cloth, one iridescent pearl, probably still some citrines and/or jade, and some other assorted odds and ends.

I could really use a Heart of Fire (just 1) and either 6 or 8 bars of Truesilver (I forget which), so I can make an Ornate Mithril Breastplate. With the breastplate, Harbromm will have Ornate Mithril Breastplate, Helm, Gauntlets, Boots, Pants, and Shoulders--the whole set (though it doesn't have set bonuses).

Also, check out the blacksmithing plans at thottbot . My Blacksmithing is up to 245, so I can make just about anything at that skill level or below if given the materials. And I'm happy to make lowbie stuff for the guild, that's what I'm here for. I have completed the Mithril Order quests, so I can craft any of the Ornate Mithral armors. I've also gone the route of the Weaponsmith and can craft The Shatterer, Blight, and soon will be able to craft a Truesilver Champion. It's up to you to earn the levels to use my high-end stuff though, :)

Finally, I'd like to ask what else the guild can provide for its members. Would you like to organize raids on the Horde? Dueling matches with other clans? More roleplaying? A more detailed hierarchy? More members? Do you have any constructive criticism for me as High Captain?

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