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World's Largest Dungeon -- Closed


First Post
The city of Mandala is a crossroads. People come not only from the far corners of the kingdom come here, but from the lands beyond the king's grasp, and even from other planes. With so many diverse visitors, it is a natural melting pot, and the hub of mercantile activity outside of the capital, with caravans and trade routes running in and out of the city constantly.

Unfortunately for merchant Dactyl Fakim, a caravan he was expecting has failed to arrive -- a caravan carrying something he was
very intent on receiving. So he has turned to the city's wealth of migrant adventurers, seeking to assemble a party that can locate the caravan and retrieve his item.

That's where you come in.

I'm looking for 4-5 PCs to run through a modified version of World's Largest Dungeon. The characters will stumble upon it in the process of performing the above-delineated task.

This will not be on a first-come, first-served basis; I will be picking PCs based on a set of criteria that I have developed in my own ineffable wisdom. :)

Character Creation

Point Buy: 28 pts
Alignment: Any non-evil. Good is preferred, but not necessary.
Starting Level: 1st
Starting Wealth: Maximum for first level. Classes that do not have a starting wealth listed, I'll provide a convenient chart below.

Starting Races Allowed (All LA 0):
Race (Source)
Warforged (Monster Manual III)
Warforged Scout (Monster Manual III)
Shifter (Monster Manual III)
Changeling (Monster Manual III)
Kenku (Monster Manual III)
Glacier Dwarves (Frostburn)
Snow Elves (Frostburn)
Ice Gnomes (Frostburn)
Tundra Halflings (Frostburn)
Neanderthals (Frostburn)
Dragonborn (Races of the Dragon)
Spellscales (Races of the Dragon)
Asherai (Sandstorm)
Bhuka (Sandstorm)
Badlands Dwarf (Sandstorm)
Painted Elf (Sandstorm)
Illumian (Races of Destiny)
Mongrelfolk (Races of Destiny)
Buomman (Planar Handbook)
Neraphim (Planar Handbook)
Spikers (Planar Handbook)
Deep Dwarf (Monster Manual 3.5)
Gray Elf (Monster Manual 3.5)
Wood Elf (Monster Manual 3.5)
Wild Elf (Monster Manual 3.5)
Forest Gnome (Monster Manual 3.5)
Deep Halfling (Monster Manual 3.5)
Tallfellow Halfling (Monster Manual 3.5)
Core Races (Player's Handbook)

If the race is not listed above, it's not allowed.

Base Classes Allowed:
Class (Source)
Archivist (Heroes of Horror)
Dread Necromancer (Heroes of Horror)
Healer (Miniatures Handbook)
Marshall (Miniatures Handbook)
Warmage (Complete Arcane)
Warlock (Complete Arcane)
Wu Jen (Complete Arcane)
Shugenja (Complete Divine)
Favoured Soul (Complete Divine)
Spirit Shaman (Complete Divine)
Ninja (Complete Adventurer)
Scout (Complete Adventurer)
Spellthief (Complete Adventurer)
Samurai (Complete Warrior)
Hexblade (Complete Warrior)
Swashbuckler (Complete Warrior)
Duskblade (PHB II)
Beguiler (PHB II)
Kinght (PHB II)
Dragon Shaman (PHB II)
Core Classes (Player's Hanbook)
Variant Classes (UA/d20 SRD)
Substitution Levels from Planar Handbook, Races of the Dragon, Races of Destiny, Frostburn, and Sandstorm
Alternate Class Abilities (PHB II)
Non-spellcasting Ranger & Paladin (Complete Warrior)
Racial Paragon Classes (UA/d20 SRD)
Draconic/Half-Dragon Template Class (Races of the Dragon)[/SBLOCK]

If the class isn't listed above, it's not allowed.

Sources for Spells and Feats
Spell Compendium
Races of the Dragon
Races of Destiny
Complete Divine
Complete Arcane
Complete Warrior
Complete Adventurer
Planar Handbook
Miniatures Handbook
Manual of the Planes (errata'd for 3.5)
Heroes of Horror
Hordes of the Abyess
Monster Manual 3.5
Monster Manual III[/SBLOCK]

If the source isn't listed above, it's not allowed.

Flaws and Traits are not allowed. Monster classes, with the exception of the Draconic/Half-Dragon template above, are not allowed.

Prestige Classes will be handled on a case-by-case basis when the situation arises.

I will track experience for the PCs. Item Creation will be limited due to the situations in the Dungeon, but permitted unless the expenditure of XP would drop the PC to a level lower than the lowest-level party member. (ie if the lowest level party member is level 3, you cannot spend enough XP to drop you to level 2.)

Handling Wizards
[SBLOCK]While the WLD, as written, says that wizards "get hosed" by the adventure, that will be ammended somewhat as follows:
- "Mass" and "Greater" spells, as well as normal versions of "Lesser" spells and spells in a numbered order (such as "Summan Monster") can be developed with minimal effort if the lower-level spell is already in the wizard's spellbook.
- Wizards can learn arcane spells from other arcane casters (sorcerors, bards, etc) and scribe them into his spellbook, but these count against his "two learned spells" for each level. If he cannot cast spells of that level, he can still scribe them, but cannot cast them until he has reached the appropriate level -- at which point they count against his "learned spells" for that level.
- Wizards can independently develop spells if they are similar enough to spells he already knows. For instance, a wizard who knows "Invisibility" can develop "Swift Invisibility" independently. These new spells must be approved by the DM.
- As per the DMG, wizards can attempt to copy spells from scrolls and spellbooks written by other arcane spellcasters.[/SBLOCK]

Starting Wealth

Healer, Marshall, Archivist: as Bard
Warmage, Warlock, Wu Jen, Dread Necromancer: as Wizard
Spirit Shaman, Shugenja: as Druid
Scout, Spellthief, Favoured Soul: as Cleric
Ninja: as Monk
Hexblade, Swashbuckler, Samurai: as Paladin
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I´m totally for a dungeon crawl, and can whip out a warforged fighter in a couple minutes. Two questions, though: Eberron campaing setting is not in the list, so does that mean that you don´t allow the warforged "[metal] body" feats? Also, do you require some kind of background?


First Post
Dungeoncrawl! My favourite flavor. I am stamping interest here, and I will return later, probably after you answer the question regarding background.

I am looking at some sort of Warlock. :D


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
You may want to advertise on the recruiting thread, stickied at the top of this forum. :)


First Post
Hmm, a human swashbuckler is something I'd like to try. Second son of a minor noble, as quick with a quip as with his blade. A real Errol Flynn character.

I'll go away and crunch some numbers and come back soon.



Name: Axeman
Class: Knight
Race: Warforged
Size: Medium
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Str: 16 +3 ( 10p.)    Level: 1         XP: 0
Dex: 12 +1 ( 4p.)     BAB:  +1         HP: 15
Con: 16 +4 ( 6p.)    Grapple: +4      Dmg Red: 2/- (adamantine body)
Int:  8 -1 ( 0p.)     Speed: 20'       Spell Res: -
Wis: 10 +0 ( 2p.)     Init:  +1        Spell Save: -
Cha:  12 +0 ( 6p.)     ACP:   -5        Spell Fail: 35%

                Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:           10    +8    +2     +1    0    +0    +0     21
Touch: 11          Flatfooted: 20

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      0    +3    0    +3
Ref:                       0    +1    0    +1
Will:                      2    +1    0    +3

Weapon                  Attack   Damage       Critical   Range
Battleaxe                +4      1d8+3          20x3
Light hammer         +4cc/+2rg   1d4+3          20x2      20
Heavy crossbow           +2      1d10         19-20/x2   120

Languages: Common.

Feats: Adamantine body.

Skill Points: 4 Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Craft (smithing)          2     +0    +2    +4

Equipment:                 Cost    Weight
Battleaxe                   10       6
Large metal shield           7      10
Light hammer                 8       2           
Heavy Crossbow              50       8      
10 crossbow bolts            1       1
Waforger repairing kit      50       1

Oil of repair light damage  50      --

Total Weight: 28 lb  Money: 24 gp

                        Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:             76    153   260  520   1300

Age:    2
Height: 6´6´´
Weight: 300 lb

When the last war ended and the forges of creation were destroyed, many among house Cannith protested, calling that as a genocide against the warforged race: maybe not tomorrow, but when the last of them were prey of years, war or accident, the entire race would have been wiped from the face of Eberron. Merrix D´Cannith hide his forge in the lower levels of Sharn; but for other that wasn´t enough. Where could a forge be installed? It needed a steady source of raw materials, and expert workers; something that only could be found in the five nations. Moving to the wild lands wasn´t an option.

But what about another reality? Gunther D´Cannith took that direction. Equipped with a complete set of schemas, and risking life and limb in the infinite vastness of the planes, he finally arrived at a place he deemed as perfect: the Kingdom. Here, after many intrigues, he presented his project to the King himself.

He wasn´t impressed. Truly, warforged have many advantages over living soldiers, specially in the wild, hostile lands that stand in the Kingdom´s path. But the cost of only one of them is incredibly high, enough to recruit, train and equip many soldiers. And given the vastness of the Kingdom, there won´t be a shortage of manpower.

It wasn´t the end, however: Gunther, as a powerful artificer, found a place in the court, and installed his forge. He was been given permission to fabricate a (in the large picture) small number of warforged, to test their real performance. A number of them had been used in a variety of tasks: guards, sentinels, shock troops...

Axeman has been recently created with the latest tech Gunthar and his crew have been able to desing, and has finally finished his program period as a experimental project, though with the idea of imbuying in the newly created warforged the tenacity and perseverance of some human fighters, with the idea of combining their natural resilience with a unbreakable sense of duty into a prefect war machine.
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[sblock="Carolina, your basic halfling rogue"]
Name:       Carolina
Class:      Rogue
Race:       Halfling
Size:       Small
Gender:     Female
Alignment:  CN
Deity:      Olidammara

Str: 08 -1  (2p.)     Level:    1     XP: 0
Dex: 18 +4 (10p.)     BAB:     +0     HP: 6 (1d6+0)
Con: 10 +0  (2p.)     Grapple: -5
Int: 14 +2  (6p.)     Speed:   20'
Wis: 12 +1  (4p.)     Init:    +4
Cha: 12 +1  (4p.)

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc
Armor: 17           10    +2    +0    +4    +1    +0    +0 
Touch: 14
Flat:  13

                      Base   Mod  Misc
Fort:  +1              +0     +0    1 (luck)
Ref:   +7              +2     +4    1 (luck)
Will:  +2              +0     +1    1 (luck)

Weapon:                     Attack   Damage     Crit
Light Crossbow               +4        1d6       19-20/x2
Sling			     +4	       1d3-1     x2
Short Sword                  -1        1d4-1     19-20/x2

Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Goblin

+2 Save vs. Fear
Sneak Attack 1d6

Stealthy (+2 to Hide and Move Silently)

Skill Points: 40      Max Ranks: 4/2

Skills			Ranks	Mod	Misc
Balance 	+8	4	+4
Climb 		+1	0	-1	+2
Disable Device 	+8	4	+2	+2 (m/w thieves' tools)
Hide		+14	4	+4	+6 (+4 Halfling, +2 Stealthy)
Jump		+1	0	-1	+2
Listen		+7	4	+1	+2
Move Silently	+12	4	+4	+4 (+2 Halfling, +2 Stealthy)
Open Lock	+10	4	+4	+2 (m/w thieves' tools)
Search		+6	4	+2
Sleight of Hand	+8	4	+4
Spot		+5	4	+1
Tumble		+8	4	+4

Equipment:		Cost	Weight
Sling			---	---
Bullets	(10)		1 sp	2.5 lb
Light Crossbow		35 gp	2 lb
Bolts			1 gp	.5 lb
Short Sword		10 gp	1 lb
Leather Armor		10 gp	7.5 lb
M/W Thieves' Tools	100 gp	2 lb
Backpack		2 gp	.5 lb
Bedroll			1 sp	.5 lb
Waterskin		1 gp	1 lb
Sack			1 sp	.125 lb (1/8)
Flint and Steel		1 gp	---
Torch (3)		3 cp	3 lb
Rope, silk (50 ft.)	10 gp	5 lb

Total Weight:25.625 lb (will list at 26 lb)
Money: 29gp 6sp 7cp

Carolina was born to a high ranking lieutenant in a prominent thieves guild. Small even by halfling standards, guild officials quickly began training her to use her size to her (and the guild’s) advantage, and instructed her in the art of stealth and breaking and entering. Carolina rarely saw her mother and secretly loathed her for her lack of affection, and for allowing the guild to use her as a tool. Not having the chance to experience life outside of the guild, Carolina swore to one day break free and strike out on her own. Perhaps sooner than she could have imagined, she got her chance.

Hiding in the sewers beneath the city, Carolina watched as her house was successfully defending an attack brought on by a rival guild. Seizing the opportunity, Carolina snuck into the bowels of her own guildhouse and without an ounce of hesitation put a torch to the supporting timbers.

Back down in the sewers, Carolina waited… and waited. After the screams had subsided and the last of the smoke began to drift away, she made her way back out onto the blackened streets. Wading through the rubble of her fallen guildhouse, she didn’t even notice when she stepped on her mother’s charred hand.

Carolina left that city without looking back. She now wonders the countryside experiencing whatever life has to offer. Those who encounter her are often surprised at her stoicism and lack of typical halfling merriment. Those few who take the time to get to know her will find that the have made a friend for life, while those to dare to cross her may find their backs the target of a well placed crossbow bolt.
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First Post
Someone said:
I´m totally for a dungeon crawl, and can whip out a warforged fighter in a couple minutes. Two questions, though: Eberron campaing setting is not in the list, so does that mean that you don´t allow the warforged "[metal] body" feats? Also, do you require some kind of background?

The MM3 listing for the Warforged includes the following Warforged Feats: Adamantine Body; Improved Fortification; Mithral Body; Mithral Fluidity. So I'm allowing those.

And yes, I'd like a background please. It's going to be a dungeon crawl, but there are RP elements to it -- there are entire societies in the WLD.


First Post
Here's two questions.

If we express desire into branching into a given PClass, can you give us an indication of how likely it is we'd get to take levels in it?

Also, do you have a time framelimit as to submitting a character?
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Kafkonia said:
The MM3 listing for the Warforged includes the following Warforged Feats: Adamantine Body; Improved Fortification; Mithral Body; Mithral Fluidity. So I'm allowing those.

I noticed. No problem, then.

And yes, I'd like a background please. It's going to be a dungeon crawl, but there are RP elements to it -- there are entire societies in the WLD.

Would you mind then providing some info on the setting, then? I can think on a generic background, but it´ll be lamer than the one I could write for something more specific.

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