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World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

jim pinto

First Post
Qwillion said:
What do the walls taste like? (I have this bizarre idea that curing a disease will mean eating a piece of the wall)
What does region i smell like?

the walls would taste like amneotic fluid (sweet salt water)
but probably smell like body order or a dirty neck

Qwillion said:
Another question for the Jim H, Jim P and the board: one member of my party, is a True Necromancer (priest sorcerer) he took a feat that means he is only healed by negative energy (from the libris mortis), and takes damage from positive energy, now there is also a legacy item he posseses that makes him takes +50% from positive energy, I have been trying to think of effects the halls would have on him.


Qwillion said:
1. I have been thinking that every hour up to his level per day he takes one point of damage.
I think I will describe this as a flesh eating disease.

more a tumor or cyst... check out the cancer mage stuff in book of vile darkness

Qwillion said:
2. I think I am going to have a bizarre disease affect the fighter, I am thinking he will not be able to sleep, nor gain the benifits of sleep. (It will probably make him immune to sleep as well)

i would require willpower saves from time to time because of how tired he is... and implement the effects of the nightmare spell... perhaps confusion for a minute or two a day

as someone who has gone 60 hours without sleep before, i can tell you that weird things start to happen... your teeth start hurting at hour 30 and you start hearing and seeing things better... but almost through a very thin fishbowl

Qwillion said:
3. The next disease I am thinking of would not allow a player to gain any benifits from food, the character would constantly be emptying her belly.

I am not a big fan of diseases that just attack ability points and I want something that kills slowly and hinders the player but does not out right debilitate. I will have to see how these play out right now I am thinking it takes a caster level check DC 25 for a remove disease to affect these diseases.

Ok more next time.

i would lower the DC check, but it only deadens the effect for 1d4 hours

and i agree with you about "personalizing" the diseases... but that needs to be done on a DM by DM basis... you have to know what your PCs will put up with


i'm off to gencon socal


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jim pinto

First Post
non-WLD related question

does anyone know of a good (random) NPC generation program for d20 (fantasy) that allows you to print out on index-card sized labels?!?!

or do i have to make something in filemaker pro?

thanks in advance


First Post
jim pinto said:
does anyone know of a good (random) NPC generation program for d20 (fantasy) that allows you to print out on index-card sized labels?!?!

I've used e-tools for this function. It has a random npc generator where you can completely randomize everything (level, race, alignment, class, etc.), or you can choose to specify some or more elements. With etools you are given the choice of stat output --- for my npcs I cut and paste the stat block into a word document, size the page for 4x6 index cards and print them out like that.
I usually generate the random NPC and then use the character editor to change it a little in order to make it a little less generic. The NPCs generated usually have more magic than I like NPCs to have in my game. The completely random NPCs that e-tools generates don't seem to be that different from one another --- if you ask it to generate 2 half orc fighters it will generate 2 that are very similar (or they may be exactly alike -- I'm not sure).
I've done this a fair bit and now have a little card file full of NPCs as well as commonly used monsters --- I don't like having to manage too many books when I DM and the index cards are just about right for low level NPCs and monsters. Upper level spellcasters, though, seem to need 8x10 pages at least.
I like e-tools but normally use a Mac, so I have to use my wife's PC to run my etools so it isn't terribly practical for me. My one criticism is that the random creatures aren't random enough -- all of the random 3rd level human sorcerors seem pretty much the same --- usually choosing the most logical and obvious feats and skills. I've heard some people complain about the accuracy of e-tools --- but I've found the characters generated are far more accurate in terms of skill points, encumberance, etc., than my players tend to generate by hand so I guess we all have degrees of desire for pure accuracy and mine isn't that high. I have a hard enough time getting the players with divergent schedules together for a game.


First Post
jim pinto said:
its actually covered in the book. if you read the blink dog entry, i believe it says LOS for teleportation and explain which regions where the wards have failed; in such cases, the PCs can teleport through the region ... just not out of it

(except the highest altitude in Region H)


in an unrelated thread, i started a discussion about players


I'm not seeing this. I've looked though Region B and I see the blink dogs but nothing extra about how their ability works (or doesn't) in the WLD. I've read the first part and looked for side bars as well.

This is what I see:

Blink (Su): A blink dog can use blink as the spell (caster level 8th), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.

Dimension Door (su): A blink dog can teleport, as dimension door (caster level 8th), once per round as a free action. The ability affects only the blink dog, which never appears within a solid object and can act immediatly after teleporting.

Am I missing it somewhere else?


jim pinto

First Post
rvalle said:
I'm not seeing this. I've looked though Region B and I see the blink dogs but nothing extra about how their ability works (or doesn't) in the WLD. I've read the first part and looked for side bars as well.

This is what I see:

Blink (Su): A blink dog can use blink as the spell (caster level 8th), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.

Dimension Door (su): A blink dog can teleport, as dimension door (caster level 8th), once per round as a free action. The ability affects only the blink dog, which never appears within a solid object and can act immediatly after teleporting.

Am I missing it somewhere else?



my apologizes then

i know we fixed it on the lantern archon and creatures of this nature

apparently some of the stat blocks slipped through the cracks

the onus rest entirely on me



First Post
Whew. I think the party is starting to realize that the game has shifted towards slightly more deadly. They're about to head for the Maze in Region B next session. I'm anticipating that that'll take one or two sessions to navigate.

It's been interesting to watch them try to deal with the intricacies of Region B. They headed straight into the Holy Goblin Empire's northern outpost, and managed to decimate most of them except Haglar (the hobgoblin jailer) who promptly dashed south to raise the alarm at the king's room. There, they exchanged insults with the goblin forces in the room before the king called a stop to it and asked for parley.

The long and short of it is that the party/players think that the king has an ungodly Sense Motive score, as he apparently saw through the sorceror's Bluff of 29. ;) (For those of you playing along at home, the 'goblin king' is a doppelganger. Remember, those guys get Detect Thoughts at will. :D They're the ultimate lie detectors!) They don't necessarily trust him, but they're working with him for the time being. I have a feeling they're going to end up siding with the rebels and turning it into a real pitched war - especially since the king was smart enough to demand some extra security on the deal after the sorceror tried to bluff him into thinking they'd come right back with the rebels' heads, so now he's got a magic wand (not very valuable) and a gold bracelet from the dwarven cleric (very important to the character) as collateral.

They still have yet to find the bugbears. They have no rogue now, though. Oops. :D


First Post
BlueBlackRed said:
Ok I've finally got it updated.
I typed it all at work. So tomorrow I actually have to work.
Tomorrow's going to suck.

I've been following your blog and am quite impressed at the level of detail of the combats you get in there. I've been writing up session diaries from my own campaigns for a while now and unless I take a few notes and write up a rough draft fairly soon after the session, I have trouble remembering who did what to whom and how and when...
I'll say it again --- you do a really good job on the wld blog. It makes me wish my player's characters were of higher level so I could toss some Liches and Mohrgs at them.

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