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World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]


Slumbering in Tsar
Veldan Rath said:
After all of the thread reading...I got up the gumption to go crusing on ebay for the WLD.

I just won it for $32.66, including shipping!

I will be springing this on my group for the next campaign

Till then, happy hunting!

Welcome to the fold, Veldan - and good luck with the WLD!

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First Post
jim pinto said:

my apologizes then

i know we fixed it on the lantern archon and creatures of this nature

apparently some of the stat blocks slipped through the cracks

the onus rest entirely on me


Hey Jim,

I think I've found what you were thinking about. The entry for one of the Garrison members has a bit in there about their Teleport ability. It says they can only do it to line of sight. Just letting you know you have not completely lost it.

And now a couple of questions... Region E at the front says something about how the Glyph traps always damage evil creatures. I'm taking that to mean that most of the traps will not go off when non-evil creatures hit them. This should be the vast majority of the traps in this section.

Some of the text in E makes reference to creatures trying to escape from below. Was this a left over from WLD starting to be a typical vertical dungeon? I reread the front part and the history of E and neither one says anything about other levels.

I don't have to book but from memory it was the Shadow Hounds that have this bit and one of the Garrison members makes reference to it as well.


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Max Rebo

First Post
Hey everybody!
Long time lurker. Finally decided to throw up a post. With the thread dying down as of late, I figured I'd try and get something going.
(now lets see if I can figure this out...)
First of all, I play with 3 other people ( I DM, obviously ) and we're up to 10th level. So far the path we have taken has been A to E then to A (shadows are tough at 1st level!) then to B, C, back to B and up into F.
They're currently wandering about the maze and just killed Grauki ( actually that darn elf wizard, Durtenian Vaielle in Grauki's body) because they reasoned they would have to fight him eventually.
The party's dwarf barbarian critical hit him and ended his life before he got to do anything all that cool. (Same thing happened with the much hyped Longtail, but thats another post ). I figured they would find the real Grauki and switch bodies but that idea has gone out the window. They handled "Grauki" no problem, but the minotaurs that stormed in right as he died were another story ( I rolled my first ever WLD instant-kill on the dwarf! )

So, anyways, I was wondering how you guys have incorporated the non-SRD monsters into the book and where. I was thinking of making Mahir in region I a beholder, since it fit the theme of aberratons. I was also thinking that he could be a mind flayer.
Any suggestions?

Have you used any monsters from other WOTC books with cool results? I've been trying to find a cool thri-kreen spot as I really like their look. My idea has been to try and throw in all of my favorite monsters by the end of the game.
After about 25 games, Im half way there!


We're still in region A and we had my party's first character death last night. The dice gods were frowning upon my party last night - fighters couldn't hit the side of a barn due to crappy rolls (one rolled 6 or 7 rolls below 5 in a row). The rogues spotted a metal box on a pedestal. The elven rogue missed his disble device check by 2, then really blew it on his retry and triggered the trap. After the trap was triggered (yellow mold pouring out of the box), he flipped the box open again. This time the yellow mold sucked the rest of his constitution out and left him dead and covered in yellow mold. The dwarven rogue who was also searching the room was less than impressed at his fellow rogue's clumsiness.


First Post
Max Rebo said:
Hey everybody!
Long time lurker. Finally decided to throw up a post. With the thread dying down as of late, I figured I'd try and get something going.
(now lets see if I can figure this out...)
First of all, I play with 3 other people ( I DM, obviously ) and we're up to 10th level. So far the path we have taken has been A to E then to A (shadows are tough at 1st level!) then to B, C, back to B and up into F.
They're currently wandering about the maze and just killed Grauki ( actually that darn elf wizard, Durtenian Vaielle in Grauki's body) because they reasoned they would have to fight him eventually.
The party's dwarf barbarian critical hit him and ended his life before he got to do anything all that cool. (Same thing happened with the much hyped Longtail, but thats another post ). I figured they would find the real Grauki and switch bodies but that idea has gone out the window. They handled "Grauki" no problem, but the minotaurs that stormed in right as he died were another story ( I rolled my first ever WLD instant-kill on the dwarf! )

So, anyways, I was wondering how you guys have incorporated the non-SRD monsters into the book and where. I was thinking of making Mahir in region I a beholder, since it fit the theme of aberratons. I was also thinking that he could be a mind flayer.
Any suggestions?

Wow, how the heck did the players survive all the way to E at 1st level? I started my players at 2nd level an max hp's. It took us 3 months of real time and 5 days of game time to make it to E. I've made the charactres 4th level now (I'm just giving levels based on where they are in the dungeon: 3 per region).

I tried to add some critters to A. I added some fiendish wolfs which the players found. I addes some giant fiendish scorpions (eating some of the Darkmantels near that string of Darkmantle rooms). I have Bastion Press's Complete Minions as a PDF and a Fantasy Grounds add in so I added some 'shock beetles' to one of the rubble rooms but they were never found. I also contimplated swapping out the Ogre for a 'Boarclops' but when they found that room there was only two characters there. I was a bit worried about them even taking an Ogre but he couldn't hit the dwarf and called for a truce.

I don't think I'll make any changes to E as all the groups are pretty clanish and tight. I do really like the idea of adding a Beholder somewhere though.

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Max Rebo

First Post
Actually, by the time they reached Region E they had all died at least once. The ogre killed half the party by itself. I rolled a critcal.
I think this happened around the 3rd or 4th session. They wandered around a bit and decided that this was too tough. smart call, actually.
The party's cleric got roasted by that hallway with the fireball trap in E. By the time they left, their strength was in shambles. The barbarian was racked up badly by the shadows. They had to hole themselves up in a room while he recovered.

I had established beforehand that other groups had entered WLD and never came back. That way their new PC's would just be members of the old groups that had become separated from one another.

I also added some fiendish scorpions in Region A and it went over well. The wolf idea isnt bad, though. Wish I wouldve went with that. It just sounds vicious. I also put in a few abyssal maws (from Chainmail) since I went through the hassle of painting the lil' bugger.
And a fiendish baby dragon (white or blue, i cant remember) and a fiendish bladeling because I'm weird.

jim pinto

First Post
Max Rebo said:
Hey everybody!
Long time lurker. Finally decided to throw up a post. With the thread dying down as of late, I figured I'd try and get something going.
(now lets see if I can figure this out...)
First of all, I play with 3 other people ( I DM, obviously ) and we're up to 10th level. So far the path we have taken has been A to E then to A (shadows are tough at 1st level!) then to B, C, back to B and up into F.
They're currently wandering about the maze and just killed Grauki ( actually that darn elf wizard, Durtenian Vaielle in Grauki's body) because they reasoned they would have to fight him eventually.
The party's dwarf barbarian critical hit him and ended his life before he got to do anything all that cool. (Same thing happened with the much hyped Longtail, but thats another post ). I figured they would find the real Grauki and switch bodies but that idea has gone out the window. They handled "Grauki" no problem, but the minotaurs that stormed in right as he died were another story ( I rolled my first ever WLD instant-kill on the dwarf! )

So, anyways, I was wondering how you guys have incorporated the non-SRD monsters into the book and where. I was thinking of making Mahir in region I a beholder, since it fit the theme of aberratons. I was also thinking that he could be a mind flayer.
Any suggestions?

Have you used any monsters from other WOTC books with cool results? I've been trying to find a cool thri-kreen spot as I really like their look. My idea has been to try and throw in all of my favorite monsters by the end of the game.
After about 25 games, Im half way there!


great post.

i think this is the first ever post about region F.

i worried that the design of this region was self-indulgent and didn't suit the needs of DMs and PCs. but NOT having a maze would have been suspect.


50/50 i guess

and i want more details about that dwarf getting it. haha.

as for the beholder and mindflayer... they are perfect for I and M (where i wanted to put them originally, anyway).

the two would make excellent puppet masters behind the scenes of the drow mage pupper masters... layers upon layers.... although that would take some work to pull off.

lots of rewriting.

as for a thrikreen...region d... working with the formians and xill

perhaps as a taskmaster

jim pinto

First Post
Veldan Rath said:
After all of the thread reading...I got up the gumption to go crusing on ebay for the WLD.

I just won it for $32.66, including shipping!

I will be springing this on my group for the next campaign

Till then, happy hunting!


and it only took 1250 posts to convince you it was worth it

now that's grassroots marketing



DM Beadle
Still showing up about this post eh Jim? I have to admit I haven't dived into this post in months and months, but I saw your name on the last post list so thought I'd wander in.

I'm glad to see that folks are still getting excited about picking this phone book of a module up. We had a lot of fun with it, and still talk about going back in and doing some more adventuring.

Chat with you later.


First Post
My two groups are still going strong - they've actually met up right now. They started together (all 9 people!) and then split up once I realized there was no way I could GM for 9 at once. Well, they've met back up again temporarily, transcending time and space. (Whoever made up 'The Box' on the WLD resources website, thank you. That thing's been awesome. My players fear the Door now.)

Anyhow, the players were getting mildly cranky at the lack of RP interaction, so I brought them together, one group who was on their way to kick Longtail's ass in Region A after falling prey to a very NASTY kobold ambush which decimated their group (bringing it from 10 [5 PCs and 5 orc NPCs, all Level 3] to 3 [3 PCs]) and another group who was in the middle of the Maze in Region B. They had a little fun inside the extradimensional space that is the Box itself, before being spat out into...


An extradimensional city that floats in the middle of swirling nothingness, people find their way in and out. Run by a triad, which includes a member of the landed aristocracy, a church leader (Heironeous, if you're interested), and a mysterious mage who lives in the tower that sits at the top of the city, Caergoth has provided a lot of much-needed interaction and selling of swag.

Of the party of 9 that went in, a total of 3 remain alive. The makeup looks like this:

Group 1 - The Nutbusterz (Party level 4)

Zoolfik Turen - Gnome Paladin (Original) - This paladin of Garl Glittergold knows he's one of only a few who are willing to juggle the mantle of law and Garl's chaos, but he holds it with pride while striving to stick to his own code.

Formock Silversong - Gnome Sorceror (Original) - Part of a family that owns and operates a chain of taverns, he ventured in to make a name for himself. Now that he's in Caergoth, his dream is within his reach once again. Specializing in illusion magic, he's been a great boon to the party's offenses with his trademark Color Spray.

Mara Pakuri - Human Expert/Fighter (New) - A dungeon delver and student of the planes, Mara has been manipulated by outside forces for as long as she can remember. She has just woken up, dripping salt water, in a strange sewer, and found herself surrounded by a bunch of strange adventurers....

Duntuchmi - Thri-Kreen Monk (New) - Leaving the tribe for his travels and for reasons only known to himself, Duntuchmi, who took his name from the first thing a human ever said to him, carries an unique burden as he takes up travel with a certain group of destiny.

The Nutbusterz, when inside the Prison, are also aided by a small group of kobolds led by Boyikt, a kobold wizard, and a pair of lizardmen, Slissth and Kalhiss. For some reason, they were left behind when the Door sucked in the rest of the party.

Group 2 - Brawn over Brains (Party level 3)

Xoth Greycloud - Human Monk (Original) - The last survivor of the original adventuring party in this group, Xoth attemps to reconcile his monastery's teachings with the debauchery and carnage he sees in the world around him.

Wuril Balderk - Dwarf Cleric (New) - The brother of the now-deceased Thorin Balderk, a dwarven fighter who entered the Prison with the group, Wuril fights on in his brother's name, attempting to become powerful enough to bring Thorin back from the dead and tell him that he has been pardoned for his crimes back home.

Zak Skitterfeet - Halfling Rogue (New) - On the run from the law, Zak is simply trying to stay alive and keep his back to the wall. Granted, he doesn't like it too much when walls turn into doors that try to suck him in.

Feredir Mithrandir - Elf Ranger (New) - Poisoner by trade, Feredir is a master of the bow. His motives remain unclear, but his skill is unquestioned, and he seems to know what he is about.

Tarrin Waywocket - Gnome Chaos Mage (New) - Unsatisfied with the restrictions of typical magic, Tarrin has decided to harness a new sort of power. He is beginning to realize, however, as strange voices whisper in his ears, that he may actually be in over his head for the first time in his life...

After cleaning up a little bug problem in the sewers, Group 2 will most likely be heading back to the Prison, whether they like it or not, while Group 1 will remain for a few more days... Maybe long enough to pick up those Rings of Sustenance they ordered, or maybe not. :]

Most amusing bit of inter-group advice: "Stay the HELL away from any doors with Draconic writing. We're serious!"

Other inter-group snippets: "Wait, you have the orc chieftain's axe? So do we... Weird!"

"What, so we BOTH lost our clerics?"

"Told you the kobolds were the best way to go."

Voidrunner's Codex

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