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Worst miniature paint job evAr! Get it off the table!


First Post
I think the joke mini is like using a joke name for a character. It indicates the player doesn't take the game seriously. If the game is intended to be light and humorous that's fine, but if everyone else is taking it seriously and has expectations that this is a serious game then that guy's behavior is out of line.

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Front Range Warlock
sniffles said:
I think the joke mini is like using a joke name for a character. It indicates the player doesn't take the game seriously. If the game is intended to be light and humorous that's fine, but if everyone else is taking it seriously and has expectations that this is a serious game then that guy's behavior is out of line.

I have to agree (I hate mood-breaking stuff for the reasons that you cite). That said, I would have allowed an unpainted mini or a counter of some kind, given the player's handicap when it comes to painting minis. Apparently, such a reasonable concession to the house rule of "must haves" would have prevented the whole pink monkey thing.

Ok, let me be clear in that I'm not taking either side on this issue but want to approach it from both.

The Table Rule perspective:
Jerkwater Q Nimrod here has been informed of the rule and obviously can't think enough of the seriousness of the game to make an effort to toe the line.

The offenders prospective:
These Ubergeekwads are artistic, but I'm funny, I’ll show them I can still have a good time but be very clear that I'm not happy.

Who's right and who's wrong - everyone involved.

Like all legal issues (and even though this is a table ruling - it’s still a legal problem) the truth and the fix lies somewhere in the middle of all that has been posted. To all that see this ruling as too draconian and that the DM should shut up and let him play - sit down and be quiet - the player was informed of the rule in advance, agreed to the ruling, at least in theory by playing and still chose to make a complete fool of himself. The player should have sought help, or at least approached the matter in a more mature manner.

For those that believe the DM is absolutely right in this, sit down and hang on. As a DM it is your job to make sure that players have fun, having a miniature does do a lot to increase the visualization, but to categorically smack someone down for a lack of artistic ability and then to publicly humiliate him in an electronic format is JUST AS IMMATURE!! While I agree that you should have taken action and that the actions of your player were wrong, do not ask for help by believing you are already correct in your actions. If the player stated that he had problems with the rule, before he came to the table to play, why did you let him come in the first place? Were you hoping for a confrontation or did you expect him to bow and scrape before your artistic masterfulness? /cheap shot yes, but your treatment of the player was just as cold, point made?/

This entire episode could have been taken care of without elitist attitudes, immature protests and wasting time of all involved, if you would have just approached this as adults, sat down and talked about your differences and the BEST course of action to solve them. It amazes me that in a game that is built on social values how uncivil the players can be at times. The hammer of the gods rests; flames to be rebuffed and retribution is almost assuredly on its way!


First Post
I am horrible at painting minis, which is why I started buying the WOTC plastic miniatures.
Let him use those. You can buy common and uncommon minis for less money then an unpainted metal mini.


First Post
I agree that there is no reason he couldn't come up with a decent mini and stop pestering the rest of the group, but its still a petty and ridiculous rule.

If it were me I woudl find another group, maybe thats what you should tell your player.


Front Range Warlock
Nikroecyst said:
I agree that there is no reason he couldn't come up with a decent mini. . .

Besides being unable to paint a mini? Given that the (apparently unbendable) rule is that all players must use a painted metal mini, that sounds like a reason to me. Basically, he was given two choices it seems like:

1. Learn to paint.
2. Let somebody else decide what his mini looks like.

The first isn't very realistic and the second isn't very appealing (to me, anyhow). What I can't understand is why he wasn't given the third option of using a pre-painted DDM mini (or something similar). Seems reasonable and it would have avoided any hurt feelings.
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Nikroecyst said:
I agree that there is no reason he couldn't come up with a decent mini and stop pestering the rest of the group, but its still a petty and ridiculous rule.

The judge in traffic court did not think the posted speed limit was petty or ridiculous...


seans23 said:
I am horrible at painting minis, which is why I started buying the WOTC plastic miniatures. Let him use those. You can buy common and uncommon minis for less money then an unpainted metal mini.

My point exactly. A scale painted mini that resembles your character. That demonstrates that you have at least rudimentary devotion to our game...that and a D&D players handbook of course..and your character sheet..and dice..and pencil...but now we're getting picky.. I won't even get into the sponge drinking everyone elses beer and never bringing food...

Because I'm a nice guy, I'm going to ask the group if they'd be ok if someone can't paint a mini (with even green and skin) they at least have to have something "resembling" the character.

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I've read the original post three times, and I still can't quite feel like this is for real. A guy with the fricken Dude as an avatar is profoundly upset because someone brought a crappy monkey miniature with bb testicles and urine stains to his game? That sounds hilarious, like something right out of the Big Liebowski. Are you sure you aren't putting us on?



It's all true. The guy, the monkey, the disapproval of the group, the table rule that you have to have a mini resembling your character that stands up..but I didn't post it to whine. There's actually an ulterior experiment to this post..and it's confirming my hypothesis about DM support.

You've got a good eye though :)


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