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[Wot] The Beginning of the End

Lazarus Long

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"The Beginning of the End" is a Wheel of Time RPG campaign that takes place outside of the events of the novels, but there will be some parallels with them- i'm not all that original of a DM ;)
Differences from the Novels:
  • The Dark One is sealed in His prison
  • The Forsaken are still used to scare children into obedience
  • The Westlands have no inkling that the Seanchan are around
  • The Aiel haven't started looking for the Car'a'carn

The only changes are:
1. channeling. Using a system that's based a lot on Psionics: http://phyle.dreamhost.com/wot
2. Initiates and Wilders cannot cross-class
3. I'm playing with the idea that certain classes cant be taken except at first level, mainly the Initiate, as they're supposed to have been training for years and years.

Artimesia- Initiate. Born in Tar Valon and hasn't traveled. She's been in the White Tower since she was young. (Questionairre forthcoming ;))

Hanna Paet- Borderlander woodsman. Hanna comes from the backwoods of Shienar and helped support her family by gathering hard to find resources from the forests around the farmstead, occasionally venturing into the Blight for particularly rare items. She's left the frontier because of the desperation of the people around her, hoping that she can do something to help- whether the help she wants is for herself, her people, or all of those struggling, we won't know for awhile. 17 yrs old.

Jogdush- A borderlander Armsman. comes from a once-noble family that is fading fast into obscurity. He feels the need to gain respect and honor, and has decided that the path to his goals lies in warfare. 23 years old.

Lani Goriam Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. At times Lani can seem to be a doting old aunt that loves to pinch cheeks, at others, her drive and willingness to ay any price to confound the forces of the Dark. Obsessed with the Borderlands, she's spent as much time in those kingdoms as possible.

Harnol Gaidin, Lani's Warder. Harnol is the bastard child of a noblewoman and her lover. When his mother's father learned of the adultry, he put the child (at age 9) out of his household. During one of her trips South, Lani found young Harnol and adopted him, starting his training to be her Warder from the youngest age possible. with anyone but Lani, Harnol adopts the worst attitudes of the Tearian Lords he's descended from.

The Setup
My players and I are terrible with the setup of characters, so we usually go right into the begining of the action. But this time we at least talked about how they all got together. Lani Aes Sedai takes Artemesia as an assistant to Shienar, one of the Borderlands to aid her in gaining something from a noble that she dearly wants; but she won't talk about what it is.

Lani takes on Hanna and Jogdush as a Scout and bodyguard, but its obvious from Harnol's reactions that Lani's showing charity in their employment, and is helping them get out of the backwoods and into the world. Harnol, however, makes sure that the two borderlanders aren't worth the money that Lani's sinking into their room and board at the Paved Way Inn.

As the first session starts, Lani has been in negotiations with Lord Jessem for a few days. Her frustration with the process is pretty evident as she starts snapping at anyone who talks to her.

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Lazarus Long

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Beginnings are the hardest (session 1)

In the past, my group has played very linear games. Basically I, as DM, would lead them around to the next adventure (this is mostly due to a lack in my abilities as DM, I have to say). This time, though, we all decided to be more freeform, but only after the first adventure (which is the only way I could figure out how to get the ball moving.

I also had to use a plot device- Lani and Harnol, to give the PC's a reason to be together. But I tried to get rid of them as soon as possible. So,please keep that in mind as you read. Oh, and if you have any suggestions for me on how to be more free flowing with the plots, let me know. Thanks! Oh yeah, excuse the intro paragraph- its a WoT campiagn, you have to start this way :) and it wil lonly happen this once.

The Wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Leend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Blight warm and dank only chilling as it flows further south into Shienar, causing those that it caressed to shudder, not from the cold, but from the source of the wind.

Hanna, Jogdush and Artimesia were sitting in the Common room of the Paved Way, a middle-to-upper class inn, waiting for Lani to come down from upstairs. Harnol sat in the corner, making sure that the others know that he's not impressed with them.

After a while the Aes Sedai comes down and orders tea for herself. Harnol sends the youngsters out to "check on the horses." As the three leave the room and go out into the feezing morning, they see a man dressed in very shabby clothes look suprised at them and turn around to leave the yard.

The PC's decide to follow the man, who attempts to Bluff them into losing him in the early-morning crowd. Luckily, the PC's are able to follow him, and corner him in an alley's dead-end. After a combination of bluffing, intimidation and wheedling, they learn that this man works for Lord Jessem- thevery same man that Lani Sedai is negotiating with. They're able to convince him that they work for Jessem as moles, but they only get insults about the Aes Sedai before they flub a password. The man takes off into the crowd, and they loose him before they can catch up.

When the PC's return to the Paved Way Harnol is waiting for them, looking impatient (and a little disgusted). In a curt tone, he tells them that Lani Sedai wants them.

Lani tells them to book passage down river to Tar Valon, for tomorrow. They go down to the docks and find one captain willing to take them down river in the winter. They're able to negotiate an acceptable price and head back to the inn to report back to Lani.

On the way, they see the Shabby Man who gestures them to follow him into an alley. the PC's follow and are ambushed by 3 ruffians, whom they easily dispatch, especially with the help of the Initiate and her Rend ability.

The PC's hear the guard coming and dash off to the Inn, where Lani Heals their wounds and finds out what happens. When she hears of the Initiate using The Power as a weapon to Kill people, she upbraids Artimesia and tells her that she owes Lani a HUGE favor, and goes on about the Oaths in detail.

While the Aes Sedai is busy, Harnol takes this opportunity to tell the two Borderlanders that if anything should happen to his Aes Sedai, he'll take great pleasure in sheathing his sword in them.

That night, Lani takes the PC's to the good part of town and tells them to wait for her in an alley. She strips off her robes and is wearing a body suit with pockets sewn all over which are stuffed with small tools. She smiles quickly and climbs up the side of the wall.

After dodging the guards a couple times, the Lani climbs down the wall and they run off, with her carrying a satchel full of what looks like padding. they reach the riverboat and set off.

Lani Sedai starts to get worried about the captian and forces him to let them off after a week of travel. They all head off overland.

A few days later, Harnol comes racing back from scouting and tells them that they've been followed by a large force of borderlanders. Lani shoves the satchel into Artemesia's arms and tells them to rush to Tar Valon, and that they need to get there as fast as possible. The PC's rush off.

It took me a long time to get rid of Lani and Harnol, eh? unfortunately, we're almost done with the session

After a week of travel, Hanna notices that they're being followed and suggests an ambush. They lay a false trail and wait. As the chasers get into range, Hanna and Jogdush let their arrows fly. Hanna's bow is unstoppable, and she kills 3 of the 4 warriors with one shot each. Though, just as one of the warriors was about to smash Hanna into the ground, Artimesia Heals here, and Jogdush charges the last warrior, killing him.

After another 10 days, the Pc's arrive at TarValon...

the players were getting a little bored here- I think Lani and Harnol were in the session way too long, but I couldn't get rid of them sooner. I rushed through this last part because I wanted to leave them at a decision nexus, and let them think about what's going to happen next. So, shot story shorter

One of the Blue Sitters takes possesion of the satchel and opens it. She takes out a disk in the shape of the Yin and Yang and tells them that this is one of the focuses of the Dark One's prison. She assures them that the prison still holds, but the Aes Sedai want to gather the foci for safe keeping and to observe how strong the Dark One is getting (as the DO grows, the Seals weaken).

She then asks them to go to Tear and get another of the Sealss from a Boat captain named Estevan. when they arrive in Tear, they find the Estevan has left on a long voyage to Arad Doman to trade Ivory for some of their gold works.

They also learn:
  • Winter is lasting much longer than it should
  • Illian is going to call for the Great Hunt for the Horn
  • There was a local Prophet fortelling the Dragon Reborn's coming
  • The Prophet had been executed by the High Lords of Tear.

That's the end. :)


Another WoT story, that's good!

I like a lot the rules changes you've done. I think your channeling system is quite good, IMHO better than the standard.

Lazarus Long

First Post
Thanks Horacio!

I'm a little nervous that the Channeling system is out of whack, but that might just be a lack of confidence.

Thanks for reading! :)

Rix Usher

First Post
Good Campaign

A very good campaign start. Lots of ways to go from here. WoT is a good setting and you are a good DM.

PS Jogdush rules!

Lazarus Long

First Post

Thanks for reading :) I think Jogdush's player would appreciate hearing what you have to say.

Wait until he get's snubbed by some nobles;)... and Tear isn't exactly the best place to be when you're slightly radical and anti-noble.

btw. Robert MacCammon is one of my favorite authors, good choice for a name.

Next session is next week- I'm lucky enough to have players that want to play as often as possible- I've had to refuse to play some times!

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Jogdush's player, Rix Usher ;) Maybe he'll give us some of his impressions as the game continues.
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Rix Usher

First Post
WOT The Beginning of the End

Thank you, thank you all. Glad to be here. It's great to see you all out here tonight. Now I wanted to try out a song I've been working on and it goes like this:

"Dance you cares away, worries for another day, let the music play! Down in Fraggle Rock!"

Lazarus Long

First Post
Who *is* this guy? (session 2)

ok- here's what happened Saturday night.

Jogdush, Hanna and Artemesia are in Tear. They've just heard about a couple of things going on:
1. The Great Hunt may be called again in Illian. This is intriguing them a bit.
2. A man calling himself the Prophet of the Dragon had just been executed in Tear, and there's a lot of people still thinking about what he had to say.

The group decides to go to Illian and check out this Hunt business. Seems that they're a little unfamiliar with what the Horn of Valor is, and why its important. After a bit, their eyes shine with the idea of being put into the new cycle of stories and they're excited to go.

I forgot that it was called the Horn of Valere, but "Valor" works too ;). I just have to remember that I changed this as we go along ;).

While the group is packing up and asking around about Illian, the Horn, and the Hunt, they're stopped by a man wearing an eyepatch and a grin. He identifies himself as Jander Honlan, and is looking for company for the trip to Illian. The group is suspicious, but they're blindsided by Jander's charm and wit (they failed their sense motive checks miserably) and they haggle for the price that they'll charge for their protection.

After the haggle, they tell Jander to meet them in this market tomorrow at 6am, and that they want all the money up front in the morning. He agrees and goes off into the crowd. The group then decides that they want to rest in a nice inn.

When they arrive, who do they see at the table? That's right, Jander. Jander sees them and invites them over, saying in a loud voice that he has to earn his passage money. He then offers to roll the dice for drinks and Hanna accepts... and looses. The group decides the go to bed, and finds that they've spent their money well- fresh linen and down-turned sheets goes a long way to impress the Borderlander hicks ;).

That night, they're awaken by a loud pounding sound as someone rushes up the stairs. Jander bursts into Jogdush's room, tosses him a small pouch and says that he'll meet them in the morning and that Jodgush should hide the pouch. After Jander runs back down the stairs, Artemesia and Hanna go down stairs to see what was happening. Turns out a group of bondmen of High Lord Tebran chased Jander out into the night.

Jogdush shows the other two members what he's found in the bag- a solid gold ring with a diamond the size of a d20 mounted onto it. They're intrigued and someone mutters something about a thief.

The next morning, Jander meets them at the market and asks for the pouch back. Jogdush wants to know what was going on, and Jander says that he aquired the ring at some point, and is even more evasive under more questioning (more failed Checks).

The group heads out with Jander entertaining them with music and singing, showing that he's a fair performer. After two days of travel, the High Lord's men catch up to the group.

Hanna immidiately fires shots from her longbow as Jogdush get's ready with his Pike. Artemesia get's ready to heal her friends as she embraces the Source and Jander throws caution to the wind as he charges the three men that are galloping towards the group- giggling the whole time.

The fight ends in three turns, with Jogdush's pike claiming one of the horsemen who were too stupid not to charge him, and Jander having neatly sliced the throats out of two. As they examine the body (and steal some money and horses), Jogdush sees Jander pull a sheet of parchment from one of the dead and pocket it. He decides to confront Jander about it, but Jander isn't intimidated. As it almost comes to blows, Artimesia intervenes and Jander backs off, while Jogdush just stews.

As they travel, Jander treats them to all sorts of stories, mostly about knights with "small swords" or "swords made of weak iron, which only are sturdy when no one's around." Hanna has a great time with the stories and tells a few of her own. Jogdush either doesn't get the references, or ignores them.

After a couple more days of travel, Jander confesses that he's wanted by the High Lord Tebran. They aren't suprised.

12 days later, they arrive in Illian. The group seems unimpressed with the Central square's two almost-exact palaces that face each other (the king forbade the council to make a bigger palace than he had, so they built it exactly the same size and shape as his, only 2 feet smaller in every measurement). And seem more interested in where Jander's leading them.

Along the way, they try to find out when the Hunt will be called. All they can find out is that its under consideration in the Council, and that nothing concrete is decided.

Jander finally brings them to the destination- a "house of ill repute" (to the amusement of Hanna, the disgust of Artemesia, and the delight of Jogdush). Jander decides to throw some dice and drink a lot, until the person he's there to meet arrives.

An hour or so later (and a lot of drinks), a woman walks in dressed in the way a noble woman imagines a poor person to dress... and its obvious. She sees Jander and the two go up into a room. An hour or so later, she rushes down with tears in her eyes and a pouch at her belt. The groups tries to ask him what's going on, but he evades them yet again, but offers to split a bonus with them if they go back to Tear with him- he has to deliver something to someone, and they'll pay very well.

They decide to stay in a really nice place called the Dragon's Roost, and Jander decides to drink himself silly. The next morning the PC's go into the market to shop and get ready for the trip, though Jogdush wonders why they're leaving already. They find out that the Call for the Hunt will go out in a few days, but the Oath won't be given for about six months, for people to gather.

Before they're ready to leave, though, more of the high Lord's men finally catch up to them... but were dispatched e-a-s-i-l-y. ;)

And that's where it ended :)
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Lazarus Long

First Post
And here's what's going on with the characters and players.

Hanna- she bought a lot of stuff in the market in Illian, mostly silks, herbs and tobac. She's never had access to this stuff and she's liking it. Her player is a little bored with the lack of fighting, but he's really getting into his character, I think. I was happy with his reasoning behind Hanna's splurging.

Jogdush- Well, Rix is on these boards, so we'll wait to see what he thinks. I really want to know what he thought of the "weak iron" jokes from Jander ;)

Artemesia- Her player is not happy with her. I think that the Three Oaths make an Aes Sedai hard to play, very demanding. I've offered to let her turn Artemesia over to me as an NPC and make a new character... I think a female wilder is in the works (maybe Jander's cousin ;)).

What would you guys have done? Would you have let Artemesia's Plaer pick a new character? normally, I'd ask them to wait until thier character has more things they can do, but I think that Artemesia would have become MORE restrictive.

Anyway.... as always comments are welcome! :)

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