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WotBS - Scouring of Gate Pass


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Fantalass] In the early morning after meditating you decide to take the last half of the watch. You are surrounded by walls and shouldn't be disturbed so you think it a good time to open the scroll case from your superiors.

Opening the contents you find the reason for it's odd heaviness. Stuff inside are an amulet and ten gold coins that have been almost melted into a cylinder. There is also two pieces of parchment - one is a scroll with arcane writings all over it, the other is a message addressed to you.

Fantalass the Creator (Wizard of the 1st Order),

Greetings to you Fantalass, it is with high hopes that when you read this everything is going well for you and your group. The High Wizards of Gate Pass were approached by members of the Resistance and when they told us of their plan we saw an opportunity not only to help when they asked for a member to accompany the group but to also get vital information to one of are members at Lyceum.

The second scroll case you were given is trapped and will burst into flame searing the one who tries to open it and thus destroying the documents there in. We ask that you follow you previous instructions and deliver it upon reaching the school in Seaquen. To help you we have included a spell called Stand the Heat and urge you to copy it into your spellbook as soon as possible. It will protect not only you but your spellbook and other equipment. It is well and good the resistance told us of their plan and we had time to scribe out the scroll for you. You will also find an Amulet of Natural Armor a crude way to protect someone but effective. Please use this to keep yourself safe as you travel the Fire Forest of Innenotdar.

The wizards left here will hold off the Scourge as long as we can please do your part to help the Resistance and those who would aid them and us.

Theroium Bastoul the Invoker (Wizard of the 16th Order)

Contents breakdown:
- scroll of Stand the Heat
- ten gold pieces - set in fire for one hour(component for above spell)
- Amulet of Natural Armor +1
- letter

Also need to know what scroll you made before going to bed.[/sblock]

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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aarons sleep was unnerving. Visions of torment; of the Scourge; of death. Crystin makes her way into his dream, as he sees her watching them all leave her to her fate. He watches, as the darkness that can only be the Scourge overtakes her, with her cry of help the last thing he remembers before he awakens.

He glances about, seeing that they are indeed still alive, and still in the doorway to hell. Shaking off the dream, he knows that he must make a hard choice. Obviously, the others, for the most part, are with him on this choice. He spends the rest of the early morning in preparation for the departure. He goes over each item in his pack, as well as his weapons, making sure that there is nothing left to do.

His mind distracted, he exhales when the father comes downstairs and speaks. This was not going to be a good start to this day...

Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=Fantalass] In the early morning after meditating you decide to take the last half of the watch. You are surrounded by walls and shouldn't be disturbed so you think it a good time to open the scroll case from your superiors.

Opening the contents you find the reason for it's odd heaviness. Stuff inside are an amulet and ten gold coins that have been almost melted into a cylinder. There is also two pieces of parchment - one is a scroll with arcane writings all over it, the other is a message addressed to you.

Contents breakdown:
- scroll of Stand the Heat
- ten gold pieces - set in fire for one hour(component for above spell)
- Amulet of Natural Armor +1
- letter

Also need to know what scroll you made before going to bed.[/sblock]
[sblock=Holy Man]
The contents change my plan a bit. I would prefer to copy the spell to Fantalass spell book instead of scribing a new scroll, if possible.


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Acceptable WD but since you have to wait 4 hours after meditation to do anything strenuous (scribing spell is mentally strenuous) just add it to your morning post. "Skipping breakfast Fantalass scribes into his book all morning. And ignores most of the conversation as he does so." Something like that.

Make sure to deduct the cost from your scribe's kit.[/sblock]


The dwarf wakes in a cold sweat from a restless sleep several hours before the sun rises. She dresses quietly and heads outside with only her axe and shield. She finds a place to sit and contemplates her thoughts and discussion with Aaron the previous evening. The thought of taking the girl by force just fills her with a wrongness.

With well practiced breathing she enters into her prayers. She asks her Goddess for forgiveness for her impure thoughts. Marda knows that those of nobility must lead, not force others to follow. The dwarf lets out the stress of the evening and fills herself with the blessings of Gracenyes.

Her eyes open as the sun crests the burning forest bringing to mind the task ahead. She returns to the small home with a renewed purpose. She will eat a small breakfast before gathering up her things. She then has one more thing to do...

Marda applies a Touch of Glory to herself before approaching Haddin and states sincerely, "Good Sir, I do apologize for bringing this upon you and your daughter. Understand that we are only fleeing the Ragesian army which has invaded Gate Pass."

The dwarven woman attempts to reason with the elder man, "I understand why you wish to remain here, but at the same time please consider that the Ragesians are not too far behind us. While in the past they seem to have had some respect for past pacts, with their leader suddenly missing, a malevolent force has taken that place. I have seen what the Ragesians have done both in the past and present. I do not know if you, a wizard of some power, could stand against their Inquisitors."

The dwarf takes several moments before continuing, "I ask... no I beg you to consider your daughter. Cyrstin is still young and deserves a chance to not only make her mark on the world, but a chance to live. Live a life as you have and perhaps, the gods willing, have children of her own."

"Cyrstin has become an adult and should be given that chance to make her own choices. Yes, that means making mistakes from time to time, but we all make mistakes. I am sure you have made your own, yes?" Marda looks at him knowingly but not in a judgmental way. "From those mistakes and experiences we learn and grow. Does Cyrstin not deserve that chance? Does she not deserve that sort of respect? Her fate cannot to be die here, not now."

The woman finishes with her final appeal, "Please, I again beg of you to give Cyrstin the chance to make her own decisions? if she truly wishes to remain her wit you I will respect that and depart now. But if she wishes to come with us, please let Crystin go. Torrent knows of a place where those of arcane powers can be safe and learn their craft. Your daughter deserves a chance to choose..."

Marda looks to the others to see if they have anything to add, and then to Haddin.

(Diplomacy 1d20+13=28)

((Apologies for the book... :D ))

[sblock=Spells]0-level: Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
1st level: Stand the Heat (Cast on self), Bless, Command, Divine Favor(domain)[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

Skipping breakfast, Fantalass scribes into his book all morning. And ignores most of the conversation as he does so, including Marda's speech.


What was the CL of the MM wand again? How many charges remaining?


AC 11 (T11, FF10), HP 12/12, F +1,R+2,W+4

Acid Dart: 7/7 (+3, 1d6+2) (includes Point Blank bonus)
Magic Missle Wand:

Prepared Spells:
DC = 10 + spell level + 3
Cantrips- 3, 1st- 2+1
0: Acid Splash, Dancing Light, Detect Magic, Message
1: Mage Armor - Color Spray, Mage Armor, Mount


Caty: AC 16 (T14, FF14), HP 6/6, F +2,R+2,W+4 (Imp. Evasion)

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First Post
Barrik is, perhaps, the only person in the group to sleep well. The half-orc rarely has mental battles with himself, let alone nightmares. He wakes along with the others, performs a few natural exercises and begins a quiet meditation in front of the fireplace. "Think we'll want my friend around, so early?" he asks casually while sharpening his falchion, knowing the eidolon is happy either way.

When the old man hands over the set of armor, Barrik takes it with a surprised expression. "Uh... Thanks. I'll make good use of it." He's about to add something along the lines of 'come along and see' when Marda begins her magnificent speech. Knowing his own eloquence can be somewhat limited, Barrik decides to keep his mouth shut, only hoping Shade has the sense to do the same.

Spells are the same as ever for me (Spontaneous Caster).
Spells per day: Inf./4
Lvl 0 Spells: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Mending, Read Magic, Message, Mage Hand
Lvl 1 Spells: Enlarge Person, Shield, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Unfetter

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
"She is right. Your daughter will be hunted down, if she stays here. Give her the chance to live. To learn. You brother would not have wanted another life to be thrown away so easily, when there are greater things that can become of her. I will protect her with my life. Of that, you can be sure. Gracenys hand will guide me through this. Of that, I am sure." (Cast Guidance on myself)

Aaron bows to Crystin as his oath to protect her is stated.

EDIT - If possible, I would like to change out the Aid Another for a use of Inspiring Word. I forgot I had the ability, which would grant Marda a +2 on her Diplomacy Check.
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Thy wounds are healed!
Cyrstin looks at her father with a little more hope as she sees the words of the group slowly seep in. She watches as the others do as the man's face softens but she knows that look in his eyes.

"I *cough* *cough* am sorry but the answer is still no." Hadddin says a little more civilized than before. "We *cough* are staying."

"Than we are all dead," Cyrstin says crpyticly and in a mono-toned voice. Everyone turns to her and see a frightening sight. The girl looks to have gone ridgid and her eyes are rolled up inside her head so only the whites can be seen. With a jerk she stands on her toes her arms thrown wide her head thrown back and she shouts out to the ceiling.

"The Scourge it has COME!"

Then collapses onto the floor unconscious.

[sblock=OOC] I would roll INIT if I were all of you. ;)[/sblock]


First Post
Barrik stands slack-jawed at the spectacle, struck temporarily dumb by the proclamation. But as Cyrstin collapses, the half-orc curses in a trio of languages (Abyssal, Draconic and Orcish). He looks between Cyrstin, Haddin and Aaron as he says, "Aaron, you just swore to protect her. So get her to safety, now. And you," he says, fixing Haddin with his gaze, "Go with them, stay down and stay safe."
The half-orc casts a quick spell before drawing his falchion and going to a window, looking outside. "If she's right about the Scourge being here, we're all in a world of hurt..."

Cast Shield, if I can. Then draw weapon while moving to a window and looking outside.

Barrik AC 20, 26/26 HP
1st-level Spells: 1/4 cast.
Summon Monster: 0/4 cast.

Voidrunner's Codex

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