WotC WotC Community Update from DnDBeyond, Creator Summit Preliminary Thoughts.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Lots of executive types don't know as much of the ground-level issues as they might, due in part to having their brains filled with all sorts of issues the rest of us don't care about. ("Do we want to set our target for left handed redheads playing the game to rise by 21 or 22% in the next fiscal quarter?")

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Book-Friend, he/him
IDK, they were pretty difficult questions that would not have a simple answer. If they weren’t expecting the questions, I’m not surprised they didn’t have the best answers yet. It seems they tried to answer them and other staff helped fill in the knowledge gaps.
And that's what happened.


No, but the Executive Producer and Vice-President were present, and they should be.

They're likely still in the early planning stages for a lot of the implementation details. There are a ton of options, expenses and cost/benefit analysis that still needs to be done. I don't know many big software projects that could give out detailed answers when broad implementation is still 6 months or more away for a brand new system.

There's probably a lot of things they'd like to do, but the people designing and building the software aren't always the people that will make the final decision on contractual or financial specific issues.


Book-Friend, he/him
They're likely still in the early planning stages for a lot of the implementation details. There are a ton of options, expenses and cost/benefit analysis that still needs to be done. I don't know many big software projects that could give out detailed answers when broad implementation is still 6 months or more away for a brand new system.

There's probably a lot of things they'd like to do, but the people designing and building the software aren't always the people that will make the final decision on contractual or financial specific issues.
For sure: those facts colliding is why this ended up being pretty messy.

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