WOTC is hiring a new Game Designer for D&D


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
If they do pay a living wage that's great. That's not what I'd heard elsewhere. The only number I can recall was from about 10 years ago, and it was a WoTC games designer making ca $35,000, which didn't seem very livable to me. Also the comments I saw recently on a rate-your-employer website for WoTC included frequent comments about not getting paid enough to live on, being dependent on partner's income.

Their average salary is $75K.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Odd, you posted that half an hour after I edited the post you're responding to with the same factoid.

Sorry about that...my kid had a slime emergency and I got pulled away from the laptop, and then came back later to finish the post :)

A big thing extra money can do -- if you can provide the discipline not to buy stuff -- is to buy your way out of wage-slavery for good. Squirrel the excess away and soon you find you've accumulated enough that you can stop working entirely and still maintain a standard of living equivalent to what you would achieve labouring at a lower-paying but more comfortable career.

Which is the alternative. You take the job you hate as a "wage slave" and earn enough to stop working, while hoping you die before running out of money.
You find a job that you love that pays just enough, and work for longer but actively enjoy your work.


Which is the alternative. You take the job you hate as a "wage slave" and earn enough to stop working, while hoping you die before running out of money.
You find a job that you love that pays just enough, and work for longer but actively enjoy your work.

I prefer the "take a job as a wage slave until you can completely finance your life as if you had a job you love that pays crap AND THEN do whatever you like with the rest of your life -- including working at a job you love because the pay, while low, is really just bonus income and no longer dictates your standard of living".

I prefer the "take a job as a wage slave until you can completely finance your life as if you had a job you love that pays crap AND THEN do whatever you like with the rest of your life -- including working at a job you love because the pay, while low, is really just bonus income and no longer dictates your standard of living".
Life’s too short to spend decades miserable.
You do the wage slave game for twenty years, waiting for that day when you can semi-retire. And the day before you quit find out you have cancer.
You have to enjoy life while you can...

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