Wrath of Khan questions


Mod Squad
Staff member
I’m sure I heard it read that it was the Borg who found it. It went through a wormhole or something.

A machine culture, not specified as the Borg. I suspect the Borg suggestion is fan imaginings, wanting to tie everything up under a neat bow of known boxes.

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I’m sure I heard it read that it was the Borg who found it. It went through a wormhole or something.

Fell into a "black hole" and emerged on the far side of the galaxy, where it was discovered by the inhabitants of a planet of 'living machines.' Roddenberry commented in an interview that it 'might have been' the Borg homeworld. That tells me that there was no firm plan that it was.

Still a highly improbable situation. I would call random confluence of improbable events a hallmark of Star Trek.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Fell into a "black hole" and emerged on the far side of the galaxy, where it was discovered by the inhabitants of a planet of 'living machines.' Roddenberry commented in an interview that it 'might have been' the Borg homeworld. That tells me that there was no firm plan that it was.

Still a highly improbable situation. I would call random confluence of improbable events a hallmark of Star Trek.

Its a hallmark of many interesting stories.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I’m sure I heard it read that it was the Borg who found it. It went through a wormhole or something.

A neat speculation (as noted above), but the first thing Enhanced V'ger does is turn the machine home planet into a databank entry. I don't see the Borg sitting still for that.


If I recall correctly, they are searching for each other, and they both know they searching for each other. Under those conditions, you don't head off in a straight line (that's an escape move). They are both generally circling and searching around their last known location, hoping to bump into each other.

Then, they have near perfect inertial positioning? It didn’t seem that there was much to use for reference in the Nebula.

They seem to have some read on each other, so they can use those to stay close ... but how would the stay in the same plane?



Eternal Champion
5. Don't Kirk and Spock know that "homemade codes" are frowned upon when discussing classified information in the clear - such as their impromptu "hours seem like days" comment when discussing how long it will take to repair the Enterprise? And if Khan's so smart, why didn't he pick up on it?

On reflection, I think this is much more straight forwards and links into the premise that Vulcan's never lie. That is, Khan takes Spock literally because he is a Vulcan.

Savik addresses this directly with Spock. The dialogue is something like:

Savik "You lied?"
Spock "I exaggerated."

I suspect Spock was able to bend the rules for Vulcans because he's half-human ;)


Raise your hand if you always remembered the "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" yell as really long?

Hadn't seen the movie since the 80's and that's how I remembered it (probably because of parodies) and then watched the blu-ray when I got the full movie set.

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