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Wrath of the Righteous


Medjai's earthbreak easily crushes the undead dwarf's skull and body cavity, turn it from an abomination to a pile of broken bones.
[sblock=occ] This combat is over. Everyone gain 120 EXP.[/sblock]

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First Post
Jorgun kneels down to the defeated creature and begins looking for anything of use on the body. He turns up to his comrades to say, "Perhaps we'll find some note explaining what exactly this priest did to forsake his Lord," before turning to continue his search.

[sblock=Perception]Perception: 1D20+6 = [1]+6 = 7[/sblock]


Calloh, half-elf bard

Calloh now retrieves his dagger that missed. "Say, does anyone have a few arrows that I could borrow?"

[sblock=Calloh's sheet]
View attachment 58769

Calloh [pronounced “callow”]

Alignment: N/G
Half-Elf -- Favored Classes - Bard, Fighter
Bard 1
440+120=560 XP [post # 211]

[sblock=Ability Point Buy, 20 pts]
S11 (1pts)
D14 (5pts)
C12 (2pts)
I14 (5 pts)
W12 (2 pts)
C16 (5 pts=14) (+2 racial)

Final Ability Scores at L1:
S11 +0
D14 +2
C12 +1
I14 +2
W12 +1
C16 +3

BAB: 0

AC: 17 [10+3+2+2]
HP: 10 [8+1+1]

Fort +1
Ref: +4
Will: +3
+2 to save vs. Enchantment/Fear effects
Immune to magic sleep effects

SKILLS 6+2=8 pts @ 1st Level
Bluff 1 rank +3 Cha = +4
Concentration 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Feat Bonus = +3
Diplomacy 1 rank +3 Cha = +4
Disable Device 0 rank +2 Dex = +2
Knowledge (Planes) 1 rank +2 Int +1 bardic knowledge = +4
Knowledge (all others untrained) 0 ranks +2 Int +1 bardic Knowledge = +3
Perception 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Racial = +3
Perform (Stringed Instruments) 1 rank +3 Cha +3 Feat Bonus = +7
Profession 1 rank +1 Wis = +2
Sleight of Hand 1 rank +2 Dex = +3
Stealth 1 rank +2 Dex = +3
Use Magic Device 1 rank +3 Cha = +4

Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan

FEATS 1+1 racial (skill focus)
Weapon Finesse
Skill Focus (Perform)

BARDIC PERFORMANCE, 7 rounds/day [3 used]
Countersong [allies use my Perform check in place of saving throw]
Distraction [counters magic effects that are sight-dependent, check replaces saving throw if higher]
Fascinate [1 creature, Will DC 13 or -4 to skill checks made as reactions]
Inspire Courage [+1 on saves vs. fear/charm, and +1 att/dam rolls]

SPELLS [Per day: L0 - at-will, L1 - 1] [Save DC = 13+spell level]
Daze - 0
Detect Magic - 0
Summon Instrument - 0
Read Magic – 0
Cure Light Wounds - 1 X
Hypnotism - 1

GP 0
SP 4

EQUIPMENT [105 gp starting funds]
Studded Leather Armor [25 gp, +3 AC]
Heavy Wooden Shield [7 gp, +2 AC]
Rapier [20 gp, 1d8 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Daggers 2 [@ 2 gp, 1d4 damage] [+2 att (melee-feat or thrown-dex), +0 dam]
Short Bow [30 gp, 1d6 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Lute, Exceptional Quality [14 gp] [3 gp is ordinary cost]
Waterskin [1 gp]
Trail Rations 3 days [@ 5 sp per day]
Backpack [2 gp]
Bedroll [1 sp]
Traveler's Outfit [1 gp]

Traits: 1. Riftwarden [Campaign Trait] 2. Courageous 3. Anatomist

History: Calloh was born to two adventurers, his mother was an elf champion and his father a human wizard. They were both Riftwardens who adventured into the Worldwound on a secret mission soon after Calloh was born. They left their newborn son with trusted allies, perhaps knowing that their odds of returning were slim. In any case, they met their doom in the Worldwound. Not long after their departure, the foster parents that they had chosen for their son noticed that a mark had appeared on the inside of Calloh's right leg – The Sign of the Seeker's Spiral. [Riftwarden Orphan Trait bonus of +2 on Concentration checks.] The mysterious circumstances of his parents' disappearance sparked an insatiable curiosity in Calloh. When he grew up, he was so intent on making new discoveries and learning new things that he almost seemed fearless when it came to new places, experiences, people, and creatures. [Couageous Trait bonus of +2 on Saves vs. Fear Effects.] Now that Calloh has fully come of age, he seeks to learn the destiny of his parents, hoping against hope that he may somehow find them alive and be able to bring them home safely. For his last trait, Calloh chooses Anatomist, which gives him +1 on rolls to confirm critical hits.



Anevia snorts as she enters the main chamber, "Sorry I left mine with the balor on the surface. Otherwise I might be slightly less useless."

Jorgun does see that the graffiti is mostly chalk and ink, which is easily rubbed off the walls as he touches it.

[sblock=occ]Anyone may make a knowledge: religion check[/sblock]


First Post
Luna takes a closer look at the body of the creature, hoping to find something useful, before casting her eyes around the place.

Looking at Anevia, Luna asks "Would a cross bow be efficent? I can loan you mine for now. I must admint by skills with it are probally much less than your's are."
[sblock=Know Check]
Know Religion: 1d20+4=16
[sblock=Luna Stats]
Luna Lightbringer
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB: +3* CMD: 14 * +2 vs Demons
Fort: +4 Reflex: +1 Will: +4 (+2 vs Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +4 (Darkvision 60')
Initiative: +1
Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear; +3 1d8+4
Current Conditions in Effect: 2 AoO a round(Can make flat foot) ;
Acid/Cold/Electricity Resistance: 5

Touch of Glory(5/5): Gain +1 on next Cha based check. Last 1 hour or until used.
Seize the Initiative (4/5): At combat start, Ally within 30 rolls twice;
Daylight(Racial 1/day): Cast Daylight as SP ability
Dragon Scale (3/3): Resist Energy 3xday (Cold/Electricty. CL 19)
Channel Energy(4/4): 1d6

Level 0 Spells: Create Water, Mending, Stabilize
Level 1 Spells: Bless, Prot from Evil, Magic Weapon (D)
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"It certainly couldn't hurt. Although if your friend keeps smashing monsters the way he has, I may never get to fire it." Anevia's attempt at humour seems a little forced, she's trying.

Luna finds nothing but a shattered holy symbol on an iron and mouldy, antique looking robes on the creature's corpse.

While this temple has definitely been desecrated, likely by its former priest, all of the damage and graffiti seems to be superficial, and it looks like all of the prayer supplies seem intact. If you took the time to clean the place and pray, it could be possible to reconsecrate this shrine, either to Torag or to a new deity.


First Post
Hannah, Female Elf Wizard 1

Hannah looks over at Anevia and says, Yep, that was a "heck of a" blow, then pauses and looks around for reactions. You can share my arrows, Calloh. I'm a pretty good shot, but I'm not strong enough to do any real damage.
[/section][sblock=Character Sheet]Hananyelthia Mitholthir
Female Elf Wizard 1
CG Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +9; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune magic sleep; Resist elven immunities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier -2 (1d6-2/18-20/x2)
Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8-2/x3)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (3/day) Burning Hands (DC 17), Burning Hands (x2) (DC 17), Gravity Bow
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Light
Str 7, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Evocation)
Traits Magical Lineage (Fireball), Reactionary, Riftwarden Orphan
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Linguistics +9, Perception +5, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +9 (+11 to determine the properties of a magic item); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
SQ +4 bonus on initiative checks, arcane bonds (arcane familiar, scorpion, greensting), elven magic, empathic link with familiar, intense spells +1, opposition schools (divination, enchantment), share spells with familiar, specialized schools (admixture), versatile evocation (8/day)
Other Gear Longbow, Rapier, Scale of Cloudwalking, Pathfinder's kit, 43 GP
Levitate (At will) - 0/0
Versatile Evocation (8/day) (Su) - 0/8
Special Abilities
+4 bonus on initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Admixture Associated School: Evocation
Divination You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Divination school.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Intense Spells +1 (Su) Evocation spells deal listed extra damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Magical Lineage (Fireball) A chosen spell counts as 1 level lower when metamagic feats are applied to it.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spell Focus (Evocation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Versatile Evocation (8/day) (Su) Change the damage type and descriptor of a spell from acid, electricity, fire, or water to any other of those types.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.[/sblock]


Calloh, half-elf bard

"Thank you, Hannah, I appreciate your generosity greatly. If you could lend me, say, six arrows, I think that should suffice until we are able to re-supply and I can repay you. I am woefully short of money right now, too, but as long as I can find an inn or tavern in which to play, that is but a temporary inconvenience."

[sblock=Calloh's sheet]
View attachment 58769

Calloh [pronounced “callow”]

Alignment: N/G
Half-Elf -- Favored Classes - Bard, Fighter
Bard 1
440+120=560 XP [post # 211]

[sblock=Ability Point Buy, 20 pts]
S11 (1pts)
D14 (5pts)
C12 (2pts)
I14 (5 pts)
W12 (2 pts)
C16 (5 pts=14) (+2 racial)

Final Ability Scores at L1:
S11 +0
D14 +2
C12 +1
I14 +2
W12 +1
C16 +3

BAB: 0

AC: 17 [10+3+2+2]
HP: 10 [8+1+1]

Fort +1
Ref: +4
Will: +3
+2 to save vs. Enchantment/Fear effects
Immune to magic sleep effects

SKILLS 6+2=8 pts @ 1st Level
Bluff 1 rank +3 Cha = +4
Concentration 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Feat Bonus = +3
Diplomacy 1 rank +3 Cha = +4
Disable Device 0 rank +2 Dex = +2
Knowledge (Planes) 1 rank +2 Int +1 bardic knowledge = +4
Knowledge (all others untrained) 0 ranks +2 Int +1 bardic Knowledge = +3
Perception 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Racial = +3
Perform (Stringed Instruments) 1 rank +3 Cha +3 Feat Bonus = +7
Profession 1 rank +1 Wis = +2
Sleight of Hand 1 rank +2 Dex = +3
Stealth 1 rank +2 Dex = +3
Use Magic Device 1 rank +3 Cha = +4

Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan

FEATS 1+1 racial (skill focus)
Weapon Finesse
Skill Focus (Perform)

BARDIC PERFORMANCE, 7 rounds/day [3 used]
Countersong [allies use my Perform check in place of saving throw]
Distraction [counters magic effects that are sight-dependent, check replaces saving throw if higher]
Fascinate [1 creature, Will DC 13 or -4 to skill checks made as reactions]
Inspire Courage [+1 on saves vs. fear/charm, and +1 att/dam rolls]

SPELLS [Per day: L0 - at-will, L1 - 1+1] [Save DC = 13+spell level]
Daze - 0
Detect Magic - 0
Summon Instrument - 0
Read Magic – 0
Cure Light Wounds - 1 X
Hypnotism - 1

GP 0
SP 4

EQUIPMENT [105 gp starting funds]
Studded Leather Armor [25 gp, +3 AC]
Heavy Wooden Shield [7 gp, +2 AC]
Rapier [20 gp, 1d8 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Daggers 2 [@ 2 gp, 1d4 damage] [+2 att (melee-feat or thrown-dex), +0 dam]
Short Bow [30 gp, 1d6 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Lute, Exceptional Quality [14 gp] [3 gp is ordinary cost]
Waterskin [1 gp]
Trail Rations 3 days [@ 5 sp per day]
Backpack [2 gp]
Bedroll [1 sp]
Traveler's Outfit [1 gp]

Traits: 1. Riftwarden [Campaign Trait] 2. Courageous 3. Anatomist

History: Calloh was born to two adventurers, his mother was an elf champion and his father a human wizard. They were both Riftwardens who adventured into the Worldwound on a secret mission soon after Calloh was born. They left their newborn son with trusted allies, perhaps knowing that their odds of returning were slim. In any case, they met their doom in the Worldwound. Not long after their departure, the foster parents that they had chosen for their son noticed that a mark had appeared on the inside of Calloh's right leg – The Sign of the Seeker's Spiral. [Riftwarden Orphan Trait bonus of +2 on Concentration checks.] The mysterious circumstances of his parents' disappearance sparked an insatiable curiosity in Calloh. When he grew up, he was so intent on making new discoveries and learning new things that he almost seemed fearless when it came to new places, experiences, people, and creatures. [Couageous Trait bonus of +2 on Saves vs. Fear Effects.] Now that Calloh has fully come of age, he seeks to learn the destiny of his parents, hoping against hope that he may somehow find them alive and be able to bring them home safely. For his last trait, Calloh chooses Anatomist, which gives him +1 on rolls to confirm critical hits.

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

The Paladin nods in response to Anevia and Hannah, smiling slightly and waving away the recognition. Hannah's attempt at levity floats right past him, but it's unclear whether that's due to his being slightly slow of wit or because he has no idea what it was he just smashed . . . only that it needed ending. "Sma . . . {coughs}" He holds up a finger, pausing as he tears a strip from the bottom of his tunic and wraps it 'round his mangled neck. "Smashing the evil ones . . . it's what you brought me along for, yes?"

[sblock=Actions]Heal Check (1d20+2=21) for the neck. Any way that will help him tell if he's infected . . . if the Fortitude Check was good enough?[/sblock]
[SIZE=+1]Medjai Issa[/SIZE]
Male Lawful Good Qlippoth Tiefling (Motherless)
Paladin (Shining Knight/Warrior of the Holy Light) 01

Init +1, HP 06/11, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 16
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4

Base Attack Bonus +1
GreatSword +5 (2d6+6, 19/x2)
EarthBreaker +5 (2d6+6, 20/x3)
Dagger +5 (+2 Ranged, 10') (1d4+4, 19/x2)
Cestus +5 (1d4+4)

Lamellar (Leather) Armor (+4 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Natural)

Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 08, Wis 14, Cha 14

Condition None


Calloh, half-elf bard

Calloh looks sheepishly at Medjai, "I forgot that I also have one more spell that I can cast today, if you will permit me?"

If he will permit it, Calloh will cast Cure Light Wounds on Medjai, restoring: Cure Lt. Wnds on Medjai (1d8+1=3) hit points of damage.

[sblock=Calloh's sheet]
View attachment 58769

Calloh [pronounced “callow”]

Alignment: N/G
Half-Elf -- Favored Classes - Bard, Fighter
Bard 1
440+120=560 XP [post # 211]

[sblock=Ability Point Buy, 20 pts]
S11 (1pts)
D14 (5pts)
C12 (2pts)
I14 (5 pts)
W12 (2 pts)
C16 (5 pts=14) (+2 racial)

Final Ability Scores at L1:
S11 +0
D14 +2
C12 +1
I14 +2
W12 +1
C16 +3

BAB: 0

AC: 17 [10+3+2+2]
HP: 10 [8+1+1]

Fort +1
Ref: +4
Will: +3
+2 to save vs. Enchantment/Fear effects
Immune to magic sleep effects

SKILLS 6+2=8 pts @ 1st Level
Bluff 1 rank +3 Cha = +4
Concentration 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Feat Bonus = +3
Diplomacy 1 rank +3 Cha = +4
Disable Device 0 rank +2 Dex = +2
Knowledge (Planes) 1 rank +2 Int +1 bardic knowledge = +4
Knowledge (all others untrained) 0 ranks +2 Int +1 bardic Knowledge = +3
Perception 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Racial = +3
Perform (Stringed Instruments) 1 rank +3 Cha +3 Feat Bonus = +7
Profession 1 rank +1 Wis = +2
Sleight of Hand 1 rank +2 Dex = +3
Stealth 1 rank +2 Dex = +3
Use Magic Device 1 rank +3 Cha = +4

Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan

FEATS 1+1 racial (skill focus)
Weapon Finesse
Skill Focus (Perform)

BARDIC PERFORMANCE, 7 rounds/day [3 used]
Countersong [allies use my Perform check in place of saving throw]
Distraction [counters magic effects that are sight-dependent, check replaces saving throw if higher]
Fascinate [1 creature, Will DC 13 or -4 to skill checks made as reactions]
Inspire Courage [+1 on saves vs. fear/charm, and +1 att/dam rolls]

SPELLS [Per day: L0 - at-will, L1 - 1+1] [Save DC = 13+spell level]
Daze - 0
Detect Magic - 0
Summon Instrument - 0
Read Magic – 0
Cure Light Wounds - 1 X
Hypnotism - 1

GP 0
SP 4

EQUIPMENT [105 gp starting funds]
Studded Leather Armor [25 gp, +3 AC]
Heavy Wooden Shield [7 gp, +2 AC]
Rapier [20 gp, 1d8 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Daggers 2 [@ 2 gp, 1d4 damage] [+2 att (melee-feat or thrown-dex), +0 dam]
Short Bow [30 gp, 1d6 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Lute, Exceptional Quality [14 gp] [3 gp is ordinary cost]
Waterskin [1 gp]
Trail Rations 3 days [@ 5 sp per day]
Backpack [2 gp]
Bedroll [1 sp]
Traveler's Outfit [1 gp]

Traits: 1. Riftwarden [Campaign Trait] 2. Courageous 3. Anatomist

History: Calloh was born to two adventurers, his mother was an elf champion and his father a human wizard. They were both Riftwardens who adventured into the Worldwound on a secret mission soon after Calloh was born. They left their newborn son with trusted allies, perhaps knowing that their odds of returning were slim. In any case, they met their doom in the Worldwound. Not long after their departure, the foster parents that they had chosen for their son noticed that a mark had appeared on the inside of Calloh's right leg – The Sign of the Seeker's Spiral. [Riftwarden Orphan Trait bonus of +2 on Concentration checks.] The mysterious circumstances of his parents' disappearance sparked an insatiable curiosity in Calloh. When he grew up, he was so intent on making new discoveries and learning new things that he almost seemed fearless when it came to new places, experiences, people, and creatures. [Couageous Trait bonus of +2 on Saves vs. Fear Effects.] Now that Calloh has fully come of age, he seeks to learn the destiny of his parents, hoping against hope that he may somehow find them alive and be able to bring them home safely. For his last trait, Calloh chooses Anatomist, which gives him +1 on rolls to confirm critical hits.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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