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Wreck ashore (El Jefe judging) (Finished)


LEW Judge
OOG: With Wilhelm's extra move, he'll reload his crossbow.

"YIELD OR FALL!" cries the Priest to their remaining opponent. He raises his crossbow and moves forward, firing a shot IF their enemy attempts to escape (though not firing if there is a chance to shoot his friends).

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ooc: can i guess if it ws a miss or some effect which prevnts me from hittinf at all?
If it was a miss, Hulgyr continues attacking him with his sword. If his weapon bounced off completely, he drops his greatsword and tries to grapple his opponent.


ooc: just a low attack roll, B4cchus.

Eroin moves back to the battle, but she´s not fast enough to reach the remaining brigand, who´s decided to not sell his skin cheap. Hulgyr´s armor again (barely) stops his attack, and that goves Roddick anough time to slip past him and sink his glaive in the back of the man. The polearm shatters the barier that stopped hulgyr´s sword and drops the man dead to the ground. Wilhelm lowers his crossbow, seeing all is finished.

(ooc: This battle is worth 75 xp)
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LEW Judge
Wilhelm searches the bodies for any spoils of war. He doesn't like the idea of rifling through the bodies of dead men, but there is greater good to be had of their equipment besides sinking in a Ayratha-forsaken marsh.

Also, Wilhelm is still greatly angered over Oren and he percieves these men to be of his like: honorless cravens.

Naturally, he shares all he finds with the other members of his party.


Wilhelm finds a couple more potions, one on each of them, and weapons very similar to those Oren and his buddy had (masterwork crossbows and scimitars).


LEW Judge
Once again, Wilhelm offers the weapons to his comrades. If none of them take any, he'll put these in his pack. The proceeds from the sale of these weapons will be split in the future.


I'll rely on my own weapons Wilhelm. We should however split up the potions. They may come in handy when we face more of these brigands. What do you think is the best? Wait here of advance to the camp?


LEW Judge
"We should advance toward the camp. Even if we were not to attack then, it would be wise for us to know more about our enemies before launching an assault. We should expect more encounters like this in the future and also prevent them from escaping."

Wilhelm gathers the discarded equipment and makes ready to leave. Like before he'll have a crossbow in hand.


Hulgyr nods at Wilhelm Well said, lets continue
Hulgyr continues with a javelin readied in one hand and his greatsword in his off-hand.

edit: he also retrieves the javelin the throwed and takes another healing potion form "the spoils"

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