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Wyrmblood DnD 3.5


First Post
Halford, how would you feel about me using an alternate sheet (if there's one you prefer I can use that) since Myth-weavers is still down, I have the character info jotted down on notepaper, so it shouldn't be a big problem to use something else, and, assuming they don't lose data in the move, I can always use the myth-weavers sheet once they're back in business.

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First Post
I really like that idea Fred, it works well with my own back story as well. They could have spent time on the wall together, though they probably would have gone on separate missions, maybe at the same time. Where your group succeeded Vaston's group failed, though both characters got honors. After they were relieved your character went on to do other things while Vaston travelled and avoided his past, hence the chaotic alignment. They could meet up again after they get the assignment from the Prince of Marn. Definitely cool. Hopefully mythweavers gets back up soon and we pick up one or two more people.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Filling in my sheet as well and a couple of questions have come to mind:

1. Does the War domain grant me the full use of my God's holy weapon (Exotic WP) or just martial usage (must use bastard sword two-handed)?

2. By the names of the divine weapons, I take it that ancient draconic is the "holy toungue" of the land, the one used in the most sacred ceremonies and in ancient religious texts?

2b. While we're at it, does Marn have the same language as Tharradas (I'm guessing "common" is the language of Marn)?

3. How much to buy a full Wyrmsblood codex, i.e. one including the story of how each dragon was slayed as well as the afferent prophecies?


First Post
Okay here you go


HP rolls, the first two gave me errors before I figured out invisible castle doesn't use quotes for the roller when using multiple dies just for the example:angel: seems kinda obvious now *L*
added full die for level 1 and 14 for Con bonus seperately as it screwed up the first two times I rolled HP (1d8=2, 5d4=10)

[sblock]Having been born near the borders of Harran, Fahd developed a general indifference to the politics of his home typical to villagers in the more rural outposts of any empire. Being a member of the populace of Marn, but living so near to Harran, Fahd developed an acceptance of unfamiliar races and was a natural in the wilderness near his home. He spent most of his young life exploring the wilds near his home with little regard to borders, and found he could make a living guiding traders and hunters.
He had always had a keen perception of the natural forces of the world and often said he could "feel" the world as though it's energy were alive. On a lone pre-expedition to scout an area for hunters he was contracted to, he slid down a bank and carelessly set a boulder tumbling down upon him. Facing, at the least, a serious injury and slow death by exposure, something within Fahd reacted to the danger, deflecting the stone and saving his life.
Looking back over the following days, Fahd decided to try to hone these skills through concentration, and has since found, he can access strange abilities through strict mental discipline. He has since practiced these abilities regularly and has melded them with his profession. This has sharpened his abilities in this regard, but many of his other skills have begun to grow rusty as he relies more and more upon his mental powers. As a result, he has decided to focus himself on accomplishing jobs without his abilities at least occasionally in order to keep sharp.
He put his abilities to good use serving on the wall, an experience which provided him with his first taste of life in Marn itself and an opportunity to refresh his abilities in the wild, as he regularly volunteered for expedition forces.[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Background]Why am I still alive? I have tried everyway but the cowards way to die. Must I then take that way must I kill myself because nothing in this world can or will kill me. Those dragon's they took everything from me and with no reason, it made no sense.

The small village of Drays was fast asleep, no one was out on this cool spring night. The moon was nearly full and the sky was clear of all but a few clouds. A perfect night, for both the villagers to sleep and for the dragons to attack.

Their assault was unorganized, but not unplanned. And the plan was so simple even the slow witted whites could follow it. Kill everyone.

Moon shadows fell on the village as the vast flight pasted over once and climbed. They circled above the village climbing higher and then one by one they started to dive. With great wings of red, blue, white, silver, and gold they came. And their very breath was death.

Sara swatted at me for she thought it was I that shook the bed and roused her. I turned towards her and saw the unnatrual light out our small window, and the whole room shook not just the bed. I jumped up and went to the window, the light was coming from old Tanner Erb's home it was totally aflame. I looked to others that I could see out the window they to were alit or engulfed. The house shook worse than before and the baby started to wail.

The great red snapped at the black that started for the untouched cottage. Almost every other home burned or was being burnt, the great red wanted to destroy something unspoiled. It chased the black a few hundred feet before turning back towards the home. But it had givin those inside time and that was all they cared about.

Sara went to the baby immediatey, I went for my bow. Someone was burning the homes of my friends and I would make them pay. "Run to the forest, take the baby and go quickly." I told her and threw my quiver over my shoulder and went to the door. I saw the great red beast as it was diving towards us. I looked back and Sara wasn't there she was still near the bed I think she was packing. Then everything happened to fast to remember coherently. The beast breathed fire at our home, I dived out into the night, and I heard Sara scream.

The village was destroyed as was foretold and the prophesy could not be wrong the dragons flew off, almost all in a different direction.

I woke to ash and death, I was the only one left and to the Gods I wish I wasn't. [/sblock]


First Post
Yes sorry about Mythweavers guys, they were moving to a new server I believe, usually very reliable and I hope you will agree the sheets are excellent and very convenient.

A wyrmblood codex will cost 1gp. You may opt to pay more for a more elaborate copy (up to you how much).


First Post
Well guys, the forum hasn't moved along very much in the last few days and I was wondering if you guys wanted to get started but keep recruitment open in the process? As of now we have a cleric, a scout kineticist (for some reason though your sheet is invalid, maybe you should try to repost it?), a distance ranger, a beguiler, and a warmage. It seems that we may have ranged dps covered. So I was wondering, I've been working on a Rogue/Barb/Fighter mix with a plausible backstory (Former street child recruited into the Marn military where he learned to be a fighter but also overtime was overcome by the beast within during strike missions, possibly left for dead). He could cover the melee position, at least until a more beefy tank type applies. What do you guys think. He doesn't have equipment or skills yet but that can be easily fixed.
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Thy wounds are healed!
Halford haas final say but I am ok with you playing whatever you wish, S56. I'm sure it will be fun either way.


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