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(YBA) Sharlea goes it Alone V


Her body rejuvenated and her arsenal restocked, Sharlea heads back once more to Wicht's Lair. Before she left, the ancient masters sent word to her. Reports indicate that the entire first level of the lair has been more or less cleared, but word has reached them of an actual city hidden deep under the cemetery. Has she found out anything about this? The ancient Masters are curious as to what function the hidden city serves, but it seems that many rogues and scoundrels find their way there never to be seen again.

Armed with this new information, Sharlea reaches the cemetery once more. All is quiet and peaceful looking from the outside. It is hard to believe that once past the gates, the world becomes a darker more violent place.

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Sharlea, Foehammer
Natural=10; Total=17
Hits Defeated: 2/50
Saved Experience: 0
Chi: 8
-Perfect Master of the Invincible Hammer (+2 dmg. and immunity to Hammer style moves, +1 dmg to Invincible moves)
-Expert of the Dragon style (+2 dmg. with Dragon style moves)
-Dirty Trick(x1)
-Chair Shot
-Holy Warrior
-Holy Day
-Holy Battery(FoF-5 Chi, Holy Light-8, Shove-2, Gain Life-3+, Share Life-3+, Purity of Focus-4)
Yen: 4
Armor: Elven Chain(+5 Hits)
Shield: Mithril Kote(+2 Hits)
Protective Accessory: none
-Foe Hammer (+5 to Hammer moves and +5 to Invincible moves)
-Mjolnir, the Storm Hammer (+1 to Hammer, Thunder, Lightning, Tsunami, Blizzard, East Wind, and West Wind moves)
-Dragon-Fang Dagger (+1 to Dragon, Fang, and Dagger moves)
-Phoenix-Claw Sword (+1 to Phoenix, Claw, and Sword moves)
-Oaken Staff/Spear (+1 to Oak, Staff, and Spear moves)
-Gauntlets of the Great Cats (+1 to Fist, Tiger, and Panther moves)
-Boots of the Canine (+1 to Foot, Wolf and Fox moves)
-Chain-Whip (+1 to Chain and Whip moves)
-Kama w/ Scorpion, Snake, and Spider venom (+1 to Kama, Scorpion, Snake, and Spider moves)
-Necklace of feathered wisdom (+1 to Crane and Raven moves)
-Horn Nunchaku (+1 to Unicorn, Ki-rin, and Nunchaku moves)
-Garden Staff (+3 to staff, wolf and +2 to Vineyard and Orchard moves)
Possessions: none

Sharlea decides to search the cemetary itself for some access to this rumored underground city that the ancients wish investigated...

She decides to follow the Path of Fear until she comes upon the Path of Tombs branching off to the right. She will follow this path and see what she can find. If nothing else, she should be able to backtrack to the one tomb that leads underground later.


Sharlea makes it unhindered to the path of tombs and walks its length. There are three tombs on the north side of the path, spaced well apart, and three on the southern side of the path. There is another tomb at the end of the path.


First Post
Sorry I've been gone so long. When ENworld dissapeared, I had trouble finding the new web address until today.

Sharlea will investigate the tomb at the end of the path first.

Which of these tombs was it that she came out of last when she made her way back to the surface? I thought it was a center one of three, but I don't remember now whether it was north or south.

Also, does this tomb at the end of the path rest near the eastern end of the graveyard? Or is there more stuff behind it before the fenceline?


I forgot to type down in my notepad which crypt she crawled out of but I seem to recall it was the one on the north and I see I drew ghoul tunnels connecting to it so we will go with that. The one on the east is at the very end of the cemetery, there is little between it and the fence.

Above the door of the final tomb are carved the words,
“Robber barons never prosper,
They all end up suffering in lonely silence.”

The rest of the tomb is unadorned, but there is a padlock on the door.


First Post
Sharlea gets a small twinge and decides to leave this tomb alone for now. Instead, she turns and makes her way back to the center tomb in the northern row on this path. "Time to see where else these tunnels go. Maybe I will even find access to this supposed underground city the elders spoke of..."


As Sharlea reaches the door of the tomb, she hears raucous laughter drifting over the cemetery. It comes from the south and sounds like a large party of men.

The door to the tomb is just as Sharlea left it.


First Post
Sharlea just can't overcome her curiosity it seems. She turns to listen to the laughter and decides to investigate it instead. After all, who would be holding a party in a place like this?

Just to keep her bearings though, Sharlea will go west back to the Path of Fear first, then south the the Path of War( I think that was the only road that would end up south of where she was...). At the Path of War she will proceed eastward, hopefully following the careless sounds of the large group of men. Deciding t obe careful though, she will keep off the path and dart from tomb to tomb until she can spot what is going on without being spotted herself...hopefully.


As Sharlea darts southward near to the Path of Fear she sees a group of men coming casually up the Path of Fear from the direction of the gate. There are about six of them and they look fairly rough. They apparently were the ones laughing. She ducks out of sight just in time and sees that they turn west along the path of the dead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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