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Yogsathoth and history: Leopold, here it is (Shadow)


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Well, I can see that not much is going on here right now but anyways, the show must go on. I am going to continue here wrapping up the story with Jaalek, Yogsathoths fiend champion and grand general. Basically, I left off with Jaalek being nearly forgotten, a tale, a mere rumour. I have some things to add just to tie him into the current situation in DF. Jaalek took part in both fiend wars, helping out on Mount Barakus and helping slay the gods of good in their time at the second fiend war. Unfortunately, Jaalek was trapped upon DF with the other fiend lords and was locked away. Jaalek, being fiercely loyal to Yogsathoth still fought in his honour until the last celestial fell. Afterward, being seperated from completing his task (destruction of DF), he left the other fiend lords behind and hid within the mountains and sought out The Prophets of Azroth. Soon he found the shadowy cult in the mountains and took up shelter in their hidden temple and soon became their master. Jaalek though had no illusions of grandeur like the other fiend lords now driven by their own greed...Jaalek was driven by his quest for immortality which Yogsathoth had promised him. Jaalek was promised immortality after the second fiend war but he never got the chance to recieve it. It is also rumoured that Jaaleks personal assassin, Guta, found his way back into his masters legion, serving as Jaaleks eyes and ears about the DF now conqoured by the fiends. Basically, Jaalek is on DF with Guta in the Temple of Shadow in the care of The Prophets of Azroth. Ok, theres alot more but for now...itll have to do.

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Ok, well, to keep things going Im going to introduce some of the hierarchies to anyone out there. First of all, to all you out there, I am not totally finished the hierarchies yet so if you want you can add to it. Ill draw something up here and then explain it.

Hierarchies of birth (gods and fiends of Numer)
Xarn - Razmeil - Androchilon
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Volrai - Cutha
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Yogsathoth - Sethra - Amrana
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Fenyronde, Azagthoth, Azathoth Burned one, The ratling queen

Ok, so this is basically the first and most important chain of births. It is the chain depicting where Yogsathoth came from in the chain of things. Xarn, Razmeil, and Androchilon were lesser gods who often fought over Razmeil. In time, Razmeil bore them each a child. Volrai, son of Xarn and Razmeil, and Cutha, daughter of Razmeil and Androchilon eventually produced a child of there own against the orders of their fathers (whom still hated each other fiercely). With Yogsathoths birth, there was a great disturbance between the two lines and war broke out within Numer and Cutha, Yogsathoths mother ended up dead. In time, Yogsathoth produced his own line first with Amrana before the fiend wars and then also with Sethra once he had gained power. Amrana produced The burned one (Selaam), and The ratling queen (Ill let you name here priest). Sethra produced Fenyronde, Azagthoth, and Azathoth. Ok, wow. Theres the first chain of births. There is alot more but Im trying to do several parts at once so...itll take a bit of time. Ok, next is rank AFTER Yogsathoths command to slay the elder lines (basically almost everybody that is from another line or is not somehow related to or helping him. Also, those fiends up DF are also not affected by this).

Hierarchies of rank in Numer
Fenyronde, Azagthoth, Azathoth, The burned one, The ratling queen
Amrana, Sethra
Marrtuku, Agaku, Azarvalim, Namru
Jaalek, Shur'nigurath, Draako (thrall)
Corpus ragor, Gul'dagor
The shadow guards, The seven annuk'il, Castur
Azaraludu, Ramiel (thrall)
Guta, Irristfall (thrall), Leon theodin, The dark prophet azaroth

Ok, so this is a basic list of some of the ranking leaders in Numer at the moment. Now, you may notice that not all of the fiends are on there...there is reason for that. For example, The chained one is not because he is not part of Yogsathoths line and Yogsathoth is not sure whether The chained one is going to betray him. Well, thats that for now.

Edit: Also, I may have forgotten to add some fiends but they will be added in time. Thanks.
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Ok, some birth origins of Draakos line.

Hierarchies of birth (Draakos lineage)
Shur'nigurath - Merian Theodin (thrall)
Leon Theodin - (The mother of Draako; raped by Leon)

As you can see, some things need explaining. Shur'nigurath, the leader of the shadow messangers of the order and prince of corruption coupulated with a thralled and corrupted human female named Merian Theodin. Together they produced the half-fiend true father of Draako, Leon Theodin. Leon theodin was practically human save for the fact that he was a sorcerous prodigy and had a vicious temper at times. Leon theodin was placed in the care of the dark prophets and as he grew older he became more like his idol, Azroth the mad. In time, Azroth told Leon theodin of his prophecies of a dark lord coming to power in the future after the fall of the gods and dwindling of hope. He also saw that Leon theodin was part of this prophecy and told him what he must do...rape a woman and plant his child within, for his prophecy stated that the son of Shur'nigurath would rape a woman and gain a son, the one whom would rekindle the corruptions of the world an awaken evil itself. Little more did Azroth reveal before his death but to live out his part, Leon theodin did as the prophecy spoke. He came to a small town in his travellings looked for a woman good enough for this act. And so came Draakos mother (personally, I am not sure of her name or other but priest should know for sure; post it in here). Thus, Draako was born. After Draakos birth, Leon theodin left Abbaye and went into hiding. Years later he came back and was one of the first of Draakos sorcerous teachers and the one who began Draako along the paths of corruption, his own father. Ok, thats all for now anyways...more soon.


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Ok, well I wanted to add in some new fiendish history so here is something that all the people in DF can be puzzled by as all the fiends are. Namru, the dark seer and advisor of the great fiend lords, is a complete mystery to all including the fiend lords themselves...including the dark lord Yogsathoth. Namrus past and origins are shrouded in mystery that even divination cannot come across. Yogsathoth is ever watchful of Namru for Namru is a calmly fiend but none the less a terrible threat. No one knows where, when, and how he came to be and rose in power. All there are about Namru is rumors and tales about his origins and his secretive rise to power. So, ok, thats fine. Namru in a nutshell. Feel free to fluff at will. Ill be back.

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