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Your character does WHAT?!!!


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Re: Grrrr...

Wolfspider said:

Grrrr...whoever DMed that session should be flogged!

I think he was. The player who's character got screwed happens to be really strong, and has trained in Kung Fu, or Kickboxing, for maybe 5, 6 years. I have my own story about this particular DM.

So we begin playing a planescape campain, so i make the super uber character: A kobold Monk/Psion with 26 ac while wearing no armor. The DM is sort of a nut, and has a really short attention span. So he makes "wild surges" (ie, we get accidentally, suddenly, and oddly planeshifted, with some weird effects rolled on the wild magic table thing he has (its 20 pages long, rolling 4d10 as uber % dice)) So we end up on this plane made out of big cubes constantly growing and smashing together. We end up in the middle of one of a face of one particular cube, with two huge armies of hobgoblins on either side charging at us, and each other (war seems to be a big part of this plane)

But the wild surge made a square hole right through the center of the cube. So we jump through. Due to some funky gravity, we end up coming out the other side, only to be comfronted by some rust monsters we pissed of earlier (on a different plane), and the mother, the Super nasty rust-dragon. My character ends up using all his attacks to paralyse the dragon, and throw it into the hole, a brilliant move that really pisses the DM of when I note that Rust Monsters can smell metal, and that the armies on the other side probably smell good. Meanwhile, the other player DRAWS HIS SWORD (a very good sword mind you) and starts hacking! Hacking rust monsters! Even though he knows what they do! What kind of an idea was that. The DM was happy to oblige thought...

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Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
So the PC's are in the Crucible of Freya module.

They're one level down in a ruined tower. There's a sealed trapdoor below them (air tight magic seal) and a wooden trapdoor above them. They're standing in a room full of refuse and orcish bodily waste.

Above them is what sounds to be a large group of orcs.
The orcs are in a room full of lots of very dry wood...
They have a lit torch in hand...

They've just tossed down the ends of the party's rope.

Negotiations are in progress to not have the orcs drop the torch and burn down the place above them thus sucking out their air supply and sealing them in an oven...

The orcs are actually agreeing to go along. As they like the give of 6 new horses and their leader is thanking the party for recently promoting him to leader of their band by taking out his rival. :D

So an orc peers over the pit to look down at the PCs.

"I shoot it with my crossbow!" the cleric yells out...

The other players get a look of horror on their faces. I get that look a DM gets when they realize "I didn't want to kill off all the PCs but you've left me no choice..."

He hits the guy in the neck and suddenly the door above them slams shut, they hear wood being moved around, and then the sounds of air sucking upwards as it starts to get hot...

In the end they managed to figure out how to get the magic door below them open before I started having them make suffication saves... I should have had the air run out anyway a few hours later as there was no other air supply for the entire place; but I went soft...

The same player pulled the same tactic in a later scene when they were trying to sneak up on an Ettin... :D


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Long story, but the low-level paladin survived the 25-foot jump over a pit of lava by being strapped into the 10-foot barbarian's backpack...

Ycore Rixle

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Today a barbarian dove down a well that the halfling was dangling in. The barbarian hit the halfling at full speed with a dagger clenched between his teeth... amazingly they both lived.

Once a greedy PC escaped from an orc prison with dozens of the brutes on his tail. He stopped to ransack the warden's office... they caught him.

A mage deliberately stirred up the waters in the temple of Blibdoolpoolp in D2, even _after_ the cleric's commune spell revealed the dangers lurking therein.

Warrior Poet

A new campaign was in the works, and I decided I'd try playing a cleric of Pelor.

A healer.

A pacifist.

The fighter, the sorcerer, and the cleric (all 1st level), stride purposefully into the monster-infested mine (tm) near a mountain village and soon they are battling kobolds.

The party defeats a few, and moves to the next door. My cleric decides to try diplomacy. He hauls open the door (mace tucked carefully away on his belt), holds up a hand in placation, and shouts down the tunnel: "Denizens of the deep, there's no need for violence!"

But the kobolds didn't see it that way.

Three crossbow bolts later (one of which was a critical hit), the cleric fell back in a Nestea (R)(C) (tm) plunge, hand still held up, eyes open, look of surprise forever frozen on his face. Dead before he hit the floor.

Warrior Poet


Going through a dungeon crawl.

The party sets off a lightning trap and the druid falls unconscious. The party doesn't stop, doesn't rest or leave the dungeon, doesn't take the unconscious body with him. . .they leave him behind and press on. They just leave him there on the floor.

Well unbeknownst to them, there's a Giant Spider clinging to the ceiling (roughly 30' high ceiling, dark room, lots of butresses for the spider to hide in) who drops down after they leave and *eats* the druid. He was going to attack on round 5, but the PCs weren't in the room for 5 rounds. . .but the unconscious druid was.

The group was pretty pissed at me. I thought they were being colossally stupid by leaving the guy behind in the middle of a dongeon when they *know* there are all sorts of things roaming about. Difference of opinion, I guess.

Black Omega

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Never any shortage of these stories...:)

Early on GM'ing I was doing Champions, with a three person group, one ice projecting flyer, a Hulk like brick, and a psionic agent type. As they came out of a meeting there was trouble down the street and they each took off at their own speeds. So the flyer got their first and nearly got knocked out in a couple of rounds, as well as becoming the target the big bad guy was trying to capture. The Hulk type finally leaped in to even up the battle. Several rounds later the psionic agent finally showed up and had to spend time climbing over a icewall made to protect inn ocent bystanders. The hero's still managed to get the edge in the battle and the big bad guy created a dimensional portal and jumped through. The big strong hulk guy leapt after him, as did the mentalist, leaving the ice girl alone with the eight agents ordered to capture her. A few minutes later after picking up the battle with the bad guy the two were left wondering why the ice girl had never shown up...

Another occasion in a later Champions game saw the group invading an enemy base, fighting through enemy agents as well as traps. One character heard noise from down a spiral staircase and charged down to surprise them. Running first into a gas trap. Then stumbling forward still, into a laser trap that let him bloodied. Then staggering forward still into an electrified floor trap that knocked him out for a moment. Then crawling forward to the bottom of the stairs and looking up into the muzzles of six blaster rifles...;)

Of course, -I've- never done anything to foolish.;)

I'll keep it very simple, since I've mentioned this one once before...

The party is battling a remorhaz. The remorhaz, of course, generates heat from its body.

The party knew this. I had, after all, just described the paladin's sword melting into a puddle of goo as it struck.

So what does the druid do, after seeing the sword melt?

He wildshapes into a ram and headbutts the creature!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

This was something like 5 years ago, and we still won't let him forget it. :D

Daniel Knight

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Okay… this occurred during the Beneath the Twisted Tower adventure that came with the 2nd Forgotten Realms box set. I was DM.

DM: Okay, you come into a small sweltering cavern with a large bubbling crystal clear pool dominating its centre. There is a stone bridge spanning from one side to the other, but it glistens with moisture caused by the condensation of the pool’s heat.
Player 1: Oooh! I’m a half dragon, I’m immune to natural heat… I jump into the pool and swim to the other side ignoring the bridge.
DM: Cool. You jump in and easily make it to the other side. Your clothes are now sopping wet though.
Player 2: Hey cool. I’m a half aquatic-elf, I’ll dive in too!

(Players all stare at Player 2)

DM: Perhaps you didn’t hear me when I was describing the room…
Player 2: Nah, I heard you. I’m half aquatic so I dive in.
DM: Look, are really sure about this? I don’t think you’ve thought this through…

(Player 2 looks at the other players staring at him as if he’s mad)

Player 2: So, do I make it to the other side?
DM: Walking across the platform?
Player 2: No swimming! Have you been listening to me at all?
Player 1: Sigh… I jump back in and fish his body out. What items did he have?

(Player 3 hands Player 2 a new character sheet)


The party- Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert, Human Monk, Human Barbarin (me) and a Gnome Fighter (named Gravel, 7 Wis).
We were playing the Temple of Elemental Evil and were exploring Nulb, at the tavern where the pirates hung out we asked to many questions so they decide to poison us, we all make our saves except the Gnome who then proceedes to puke on the leaders boots and starts a bar brawl. During which the monk dies, the Gnome flails about and I kick butt. The fight ends with me cutting off the leaders hand and them surrendering.

Advance the plot about 2 months, my barbarin is dead, but the cleric (who wasn't in the first fight for some reason) and Gravel are still around and we needed to get some information from that selfsame bar. But Gravel is worried he'll be recognized so he proceeds to shave his head and face so that he is completely bald as a disguise. So we go to the bar and start asking around carefully, when somebody asks the Gnome if he's been here before and he replies "No the other Gnome had hair" and of course another fight ensues...:D

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