D&D 5E Your one hope for D&D?

Tony Vargas

A fourth release each year, focusing on the various campaign settings.
One possible stumbling block is that settings will likely require new crunch to support distinctive aspects of them, so, like SCAG, will actually be Setting + Crunch. My thought is that we might get that Big Book of Crunch someday, but maybe only once in the edition's history (rather like the original UA was to 1e), and other crunchy bits will be bundled in setting-specific books, which will both keep to the slow pace of release, limiting bloat, but also reduce the urge to cross-pollinate (as many of those crunchy bits could be couched as setting-specific), also reducing the tendency towards bloat.

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Batman was once silly and fun too.


You mean like these guys? :hmm:

Batman and Robin Bataman Forever.jpg


My one hope for D&D, at least for the near future, is that once the next D&D movie is released into theaters, it then would be disclosed that the negotiated terms between Hasbro and Sweetpea include a provision that all of the future movie rights for D&D shall revert to the trademark-holder (Hasbro) after that movie has been made and released.

If this wish were to come true, we then might be able to look forward to significantly different production and direction agendas for later D&D movies.


Guest 6801328

I would wish for a new campaign setting. Basically what I want is Middle-earth, but with a clean slate in terms of lore:
- Low-fantasy. A world where it's perfectly reasonable to not believe in giants and dragons.
- RPG Noir. Dark and gritty. Large cities are few and far between, and travel and trade are limited because it's dangerous out there.
- A long and rich history, but now the world is in decline. The accomplishments of the past are beyond the ability of today's artisans.

This setting would have its own set of classes, and its own monster manual.

So, yeah, it sounds like I'm describing C7's The One Ring but, again, I want a brand new world. (At least partly so that creativity isn't constrained by lawyers.)


More utility and party helpful spells for the wizard. I would like to see more spellbooks in adventures for wizards to find and/or capture.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I hope all subsequent campaign guides (Eberron, Dark Sun, Greyhawk, &c.) are as good as 4e's Dark Sun Campaign Guide was.
I also hope for a World-Builder's Guide of equal quality.


Lowcountry Low Roller
That the movie doesn't suck as much as I fear it will.

(thanks, I think, to the people who reminded me that this anticipated debacle is coming...)

- A long and rich history, but now the world is in decline. The accomplishments of the past are beyond the ability of today's artisans.

Well, this just about describes most settings out there.

Just for once I would like to see (or perhaps even make) a setting where the base assumption was the opposite: "The world is, and always has been, on the ascendant. We can do things just as well now as they did in the past - in the past things may have been done differently, but not necessarily better. There have been no great catastrophes in the past, no prolonged periods of decline. Empires may have risen and fallen, and invasions may have occurred, but these were merely temporary setbacks to the inevitable march of progress. All races rose about the same time and share in this progress; elves and dwarves are not 'elder races', whose civilizations rose and began to decline before humanity's civilizations blossomed. They started up about the same time as humanity and share in the world's progress; their cultures are more vibrant and active now than they ever have been, and if not for their relatively lower birthrates they might threaten to overshadow humanity."

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