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Your RPG/Gaming Christmas List


'Tis the season and all. What, if anything, do you have on your RPG or gaming list for Santa to bring you this Christmas?

Part of the reason I ask is that my own Christmas list is a bit thin. The only thing I've been wanting, and it's not gaming related is Rocksmith. It's the first Christmas in years I haven't had a gaming item on my to-get list, so help me (and my wife) out a bit. :)

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RPG related I am asking for the physical copy of:

Pathfinder: The Inner Sea World Guide
Pathfinder: Ultimate Combat
Pathfinder: Ultimate Magic
Pathfinder: Bestiary 2

And a paizo.com gift certificate.

I have those on PDF already, but I still like to have the book on my shelf. Makes it a little easier to share with IronPup as well.


Not a great deal. I'm all but done with buying RPG books these days.

I'm sorely tempted by the "Pathfinder Beginner Box", and I'll probably be asking for "Legend of Drizzt".

I've also been toying with getting a whole bunch of Reaper minis, but I'm desperately trying to resist that temptation!

Jan van Leyden

Not a great deal. I'm all but done with buying RPG books these days.

I'm sorely tempted by the "Pathfinder Beginner Box", and I'll probably be asking for "Legend of Drizzt".

I've also been toying with getting a whole bunch of Reaper minis, but I'm desperately trying to resist that temptation!

I'm with you that the appeal of new books has diminished a lot.

Instead of Pathfinder and Drizzt I've put Song of Ice and Fire and Gardmore Abbey on my list.

For all of our shared love of pre-painted minis I've told my wife nothing about Reaper, so she'll perhaps have a look at the secondary market for my plastic desires.

Greg K

Savage Worlds
Fantasy Companion (PEG)
Horror Companion (PEG)
Beasts and Barbarians (GRAmel)
Darwin's World Survivors Handbook (RPGObjects)
Hellfrost or Sundered Skies (Triple Ace Games): It depends on the one I don't purchase with my gift certificate.

Interface Zero (Gun Metal Games)
Iron Dynasty
Pirates of the Spanish Main (PEG)
Thrilling Tales 2.0 (Adamant): need a print copy
Gaslight (Battlefield Press)

Cortex (Classic)
Cortex RPG: need a print copy
Hunters Guide

High School yearbook

Mutants and Masterminds 2e
Corebook: Been using my pdf of the Beginner's Guide and, since one of my players got bought a copy of the 2e core rule book, his print out of his pdf.

Freedom City 2e
Book of Magic
Hero High
Archetype pdfs

Icons: need a print copy
Villainomicon: need a print copy

Buffy (Eden Studios)
Buffy: Magic Box (Eden Studios)
BASH (Basic Action Games)
Champions 4e (Hero Games): To replace a stolen copy
Cyberpunk 2020: to replace a stolen copy of 2013
Shadowrun 2e or 3e
Shadowrun Companion 2e or 3e
DC Heroes: Who's Who 1 (Mayfair) Out of print supplement for the original DC Heroes game.
DC Heroes: Superman: Man of Steel (Mayfair): sourcebook for DC Heroes
Last edited:


Things I would most like from my amazon list:

Pathfinder Bestiary

Werewolf the Forsaken

Exalted Rolls of Glorious Divinity II

Exalted Glories of the Most High

Pathfinder Book of the Damned II Lords of Chaos


Pathfinder Paths of Corruption

Lands of the Linnorm Kings

Peril in Freeport

Mutants and Masterminds Book of Magic

I'll probably pick up a bunch of sale or always dirt cheap pdfs for myself that I'm interested in and a bunch of dirt cheap rpg print books that catch my eye.


First Post
Pathfinder Bestiary 1
Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Pathfinder Ultimate Combat
Pathfinder Ultimate Magic
Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide


The main book on my wishlist--Legends of Anglerre--was given to me for free by a kind soul at RPGnet (it is in the mail).

I'd like a copy of Burning Wheel - the Gold Edition, and there are a few other older books that I'd like to get (Talislanta 5E) but nothing relatively new comes to mind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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