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I would like help in turning my 1st level player character in to character described in the description below.

Physical Description: A short woman walks in, moving with surety. She is muscular, sleek muscles rippling under her blue skin. Massive segmented horns start at the front of where her hairline stars and move over hers head, to the back of her skull where they extend outward, curl, and come to a point. Small growths of bone, almost like the tines of a crown, are found in the top of her head. Her angelic face has a forehead and jawline that are narrow with cheekbones that are wide and high. Her gentle curved brows with an unpronounced arch lead to her perfectly shaped narrow nose points slightly upward. Her large round eyes have large pupils and thin red irises that pierce you as you gaze into them. They seem to draw you in, yet your soul protests. Her crimson full lips deceive her authority. She wears a wicked looking black plate metal bra shows off some her large breasts nicely. She wears a gorgeous silver heart shaped necklace. Her right arm is actually a rather lengthy tentacle that reaches nearly two feet in length.. Her soft womanly belly has a silver navel ring. Her tight butt is encased in wicked looking black plate tassets that look like a shirt. Her long shapely legs measure forty-seven inches in length. She wears a pair of knee-length wicked looking black plate metal boots with four inches long heels. Her left arm holds a long sword and her right arm hold a short sword as if they were extensions of her body.

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This character will have the ability to shape change into any small or medium size humanoid. Her true form can be seen in a mirror or in a reflective surface even when she assumes a humanoid form. She feeds on the life force of others.

She turns herself into the character in the description so that she is immortal. The immortality has a flaw. She must drain the life force of others to stay immortal. As a human she has the abilities of a fighter and a wizard.

Here is one of her abilities.
Suggestion (Sp): When in humanoid form, Zasasaolsun has a melodious and hypnotic voice. By speaking soothingly to any one creature in range that understands her spoken words, the Zasasaolsun can create an effect identical to that of a quickened suggestion spell (caster level 10th; Will save DC 19). An opponent in eye contact with Zasasaolsun while it makes its suggestion takes a –2 penalty on the saving throw. Zasasaolsun can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier.
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Fighter1/Wizard4/Spellsword1/Abjurant Champion 5/Warshaper5/Eldrtich Knight 4

Learn the Alter Self for changing into various humanoids.

As for immortality... well, talk with your DM about letting your character gain age, but no aging bonuses or penalties. Or play an immortal race like an Elan. Or use magical hijinks, but that can backfire badly if your DM doesn't approve of immortality in the first place.


Are you looking for all that in a 1st level character?

Are you looking for a Race? Changeling should do it, since they can appear to look like any humanoid.

I wonder if you could get away with a Tiefling fitting that description.

Although not blue, I bet a Yuan-ti could appear simmilar to what you've described.

Elan (as mentioned by Dandu) and Warforged are immortal, but neither fit your description.

But if you're inventing your own race and you're the DM, just say so and she exists. If you're a player, you'll probably want to get input from these fine people about a possible level adjustment for these and all the other abilities you'd like her to have.

If you're looking to make a character that will develop all these abilities and appearance over 20 levels, then go with all of Dandu's suggestions.

Check out the changeling on page 25 of the monster Manuel 3. It is a non level adjusted race with the (SU) ability to cast disguise self on themselves. Except rather than an illusion it's a real change.

Now Unearthed Arcana came up with two new systems to apply to your character. One called flaws, which has a wholly negative effect on your character, but lets you gain one feat in return for it. and other one called traits, this gives you a positive and negative side effect.

I would talk to your DM about having a strange birth which caused this issue's. Your character's true self shows itself in a mirror, and is immortal due to draining life force. Your best bet is to come up with a back-story along the lines of your mother was infected with vampirism while you were in the womb.
Try making up your own flaw that looks something like this. As an added bonus you would get a feat, which would make up for you changing your race from human to changeling.
1) Mirror adversity: Due to your partial affiliation with the vampiric curse you are adverse to mirrors. Your true self is always shown in your reflection, and the presence of mirrors makes you feel uncomfortable, but has no other negative effects.

Another thing that can be added in is traits.

You could house rule a trait that looks like this

2) Dark life span: The vampire that bit you was a half fiend, when you take on the half fiends form you gain its extended life span, granting you immortality. In exchange for this, you must drain X amount of Constitution from willing victims each week or age one category. If you reach the venerable age category and do not drain enough constitution within one week, you die as if of ageing. When in the fiends form you gain a bite attack as standard for a medium creature.

Then there are a special type of feats which are ancestry feats, they give you power in exchange for tapping into your ancestry. You could ask for a homebrew racial feat that looks like this

Feat: [Ancestry] Vampires fangs: You gain the vampires blood drain ability, but only while you have the bit attack.

Blood Drain (Ex): A vampire can suck blood from a living victim
with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the
foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each
round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the
vampire gains 5 temporary hit points.

the Jester

Uh... do you keep starting new accounts with new usernames and posting "Make me a character" threads with physical descriptions only? You sound just like these other recent posters. Which is fine, it's just... curious. Why not keep one user name?


First Post
Uh... do you keep starting new accounts with new usernames and posting "Make me a character" threads with physical descriptions only? You sound just like these other recent posters. Which is fine, it's just... curious. Why not keep one user name?

First thing I thought when I saw username and thread topic. And to top it off, the names are invariably impossible to pronounce, and the physical descriptions give off a whiff of Mary Sue...

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