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ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] The Continuing Adventures of Korrigan & Co.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Dealing with Tokoloshe

For the last few months, a group of local urchins had been helping Uru to tend the upper reaches of his garden, in a disused building in the Nettles. At the surface, beautiful tropical plants had been cultivated around a central well, all surrounded by the crumbling stone walls of the roofless building where the dry well was discovered. There were four: twin pixies, a young boy with caterpillar treads for feet and a hengeyokai hedgehog. Uru had never troubled to learn their names, as such things rarely concerned him. The children did not know about the deeper reaches of the garden; even the pixies did not venture down there, as they did not like damp, dark, enclosed spaces.

One day, the caterpillar boy appeared outside Tinker Jack's, but lingered on the threshold, unsettled by the spidery toys in the window. Uru came out to speak to him and he said he had lost his friends. They had gone to the garden some time ago but he, because his caterpillar treads were slow, had lagged behind. By the time he caught up, the others were gone. He thought they were hiding, but they did not return for a long time. In the end, he decided they must have gone elsewhere, as they often did such things to tease him. But that was days ago and he hadn't seen them since.

Fearing the worst, Uru ignored Malthusius' instructions not to approach Tokoloshe until they had learned his truename. He stole into the garden, scrambled down the well, and entered the Garden of the Dead he had created in a network of caves down below.

He heard singing. Tokoloshe was flapping about congratulating himself in rhyme, a rhyme which just so happened to end with the line: "For my name is..." the truename itself being a combination of guttural sounds accompanied by lots of phlegm. Uru saw that Tokoloshe (we'll stick with that name for now) had placed the pixie twins in cages, while the hedgehog hengeyokai was curled up in a whimpering ball.

Incensed, Uru was just about to attack Tokoloshe when he sensed movement in the deep fey foliage. Strange, spiky plant creatures now lurked there, summoned by Tokoloshe to guard his new lair. Wisely, Uru retreated and went to fetch whichever unit members were available, returning with Matunaaga, Malthusius, Rumdoom and a vendetta bullet loaded into El Perro's gun with Tokoloshe's truename on it etched in abyssal (courtesy of Malthusius).

The ensuing conflict was satisfyingly brief. Tokoloshe and his demonic plant-raptor minions were soon defeated. Uru recaptured the quasit-like creature and with Malthusius' help placed it for safekeeping in the same sealed bottle he had found it in, before returning the Nettles children to their families.

To punish Tokoloshe Uru designed a special cuckoo clock, using the same marks he found on the stoppered bottle to bind the demon within it. This clock marked the holy days of the clergy calendar by injecting the demon with holy water and propelling him through little doors as he screamed in agony. Uru installed it in his garden as a reminder that he should always listen to Malthusius from now on.

DM's Note: This was just a wee side-quest intended to entertain anyone who showed up early to the session. The fun part was singing the silly song (based on the old Rumpelstiltskin myth) but inserting the demonic truename of Tokoloshe at the end (which is pretty much just a series of puking sounds).

I also love the way that Uru's player has developed his own little mini-world and his own mini-campaign.

Another touching development is the way in which the Uru-Malthusius dynamic has dramatically altered in the last couple of weeks. Previously, Uru really didn't like Malthusius. He resented any attempt by Malthusius to exert authority over him (even in the form of advice). He considered Malthusius to be a rival of Korrigan, although nothing could be further from the truth. He undermined Malthusius whenever he could, made jokes about him, and even went so far as to try to turn everyone against him back in the clergy vault. When Malthusius confessed to leaking information to Stanfield Uru felt vindicated, and when the old deva began to act suspiciously (driven by Xambria's possession), Uru was more or less convinced that Malthusius had been a bad guy and a traitor from the very beginning.

But when Uru was betrayed by Tokoloshe and found himself trapped half-in, half-out of the Bleak Gate, he knew Malthusius was the one to call. Malthusius then needed to devote a substantial amount of his free time to nursing Uru back to normality, and in response their relationship seems to have completely changed, to the point where one of the other players remarked on it last week saying, "I love the way you two are like best friends all of a sudden". I expected Uru's player to rankle at this and revert to his old hostilities but he just shrugged and carried on playing nice.

Great stuff!
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 82 - Downtime Week Eight

With Leon back in the fold, the unit was able to establish fairly quickly that 'Belkin Mirze' was an alias often used by a disreputable private investigator named Hank Gallagher. Keeping tabs on Gallagher's office/home in south Central, and eventually breaking in, the group established that he had disappeared several days ago. A thorough search revealed a safe containing details of one of his contracts: keeping tabs on the unit! They learned that, in addition to Bryn Tomazi in the Governor's office, Gallagher had several other spies in his pocket: Miggs Maloney, an elderly cop (who listened to chatter about the unit from other cops); Clark Dunstan, a dock official who kept watch on the unit's ship; and Candace Colman, a secretary at RHC HQ. They questioned each one of these people and were gratified to learn that they had each reported back nothing more than details of the 'busy work' the unit had engaged in to cover their tracks. Gallagher passed all of this information to an anonymous proxy deep in Kell Guild territory...

Once the connection between Belkin Mirze and Kell was firmly established, and the Governor was fully appraised of Kell's links to the Ob, Stanfield confessed that he had made a mistake. He felt that allowing Kell to grow in power, with the attendant reduction in conflict between criminal elements, could only be good for the city. That opinion had now changed, and he promised to do something about it...

Matunaagawas also pleased to have Leon back, as it meant he could focus his efforts on his attempt to earn martial scholarship status at the Battalion. Leon was able to help Matunaaga with the rarefied academic principals, and teach him a number of key techniques. Matunaaga also put his head together with Uru and came up with a plan to disable several of the largest ships in the Black Star mercenary fleet: If the unit could delay launch for a week, it would give them time to push a vote through the Flint Council; an even greater delay would see the launch occur after the forthcoming Peace Talks (and a breakdown in those talks would mean a moratorium on all mercenary action, with ships conscripted by the crown in case of fresh hostilities in Yerasol). Matunaaga's people were both mountain dwelling and seafaring, due to the unique landscape of the eastern Anthras Mts, with deep fjords carves into the range. Matunaaga knew a thing or two about seagoing vessels and was able to point Uru in the right direction...

Uru as well as working with Matunaaga to disable key mercenary vessels, Uru devoted much of his time to cleaning out and restoring his underground garden. This was not easy, as the influence of a demon was pernicious. It would take a long time to restore things to normal, even with his clockwork gardening devices to help him. Uru also spent some time designing a cuckoo clock prison for Tokoloshe.

Malthusiusgot no response from Gale when he tried to contact her again, so he turned to Korrigan, and together they persuaded Sana Santorum, a firebrand young skyseer who had attended Korrigan's dinner some weeks ago, to persuade Gale that the mercenary fleet was a viable target for terrorist action. Malthusius also visited the Rolling Potato, where the Flint branch of the Panoply often met to discuss sociopolitical action. He realised too late that he should have brought Rose Woodward with him (El Perro's ex lover) as the group was generally hostile, thanks to Klaus Kanincher, a young intellectual who recognised Malthusius and blamed him and the unit for the death of the Grumbler. Each evening, as well as studing Stanfield's book on deva reincarnation, Malthusius tried to make sense of the skyseer visions he had had prior to Andrei's disappearance. While he had been an accomplished skyseer early on in this incarnation (hence his friendship with a young Nevard Sechim) he had not maintained his abilities in recent decades, and this was a situation he resolved to improve.

Korrigan focused his latest article for the Courier on supporting the drive by Ayres residents to secure a separate mayor. This was a condition of the funding he had received for his publicity campaign from the Wardroughs and he hoped that the incumbent would support the drive to sanction the Black Star Fleet. However, it was to lead to a worrying lesson in the complexity of politics, as his support for the rich played badly with the Dockers and the Panoply. His publicity campaign was going well, by all accounts, but was not really taking of in the way he would have hoped.

Leon made sure that word reached Lorcan Kell linking the gathering fleet in the harbour with the ambitions of his enemy Khaled Valchek, who had once tried to have him rubbed out. Kell duly leaned on Rosa Gohins and ensured that she would be opposed to the fleet if and when a motion came before the council. Towards the end of the week Rock Rackus returned to Flint, having spent the early winater touring in Ber (where it was warmer and 'the chicks have tusks'). Leon had struck up a friendship with Rock back when they served time in jail together, and Rock had already woven some of the works of the Grumbler into his lyrics. Leon hoped to persuade him to write a song opposed to the Black Star Fleet (in fact, he arrived with a lyric already composed) to give the grass-roots element an anthem.

Rumdoom was running out of time to accrue enough funds to heal Khoomrung Morkanstall. (The hope was that hearing the popular dwarven poltician tell his account of mistreatment by Khaled Valchek would galvanize the dwarven community in opposition to the industrialist.) Harn, who was in charge of Rumschatology finances, said they were well short of the 10000gp they would need. However, he made a generous offer to match whatever funds the group accrued. Rumdoom then decided to throw 4000gp of his own money into the pot, and so preparation was made for Azon to perform the healing ritual the following week.

With Leon's cunning, and Uru's technical help, Rumdoom was able to expose the false Avatars of Black Star Mining at their very next demonstration. Using the information he had forced out of Blander Waryeye, they concocted a plan to reveal the wizards who were providing the fake effects from backstage. Korrigan arranged for his press contacts to be at the meeting and witness the fraud first-hand. Valchek was in attendance and came on stage to remonstrate with the angry crowd, at which point, Rumdoom and his security detail barged into the meeting hall in order that Rumdoom could humiliate Valchek face-to-face. Things got out of hand and a fight broke out. Unfortunately, despite being unarmed, Rumdoom killed one of the Black Star adherents with his bare hands. He was taken to the jail in Central Flint, and the unit was summoned by a furious Stover Delft...

DM's Notes: A very unexpected turn of events. When the fight broke out Rumdoom joined in. I asked him to roll a d20, with a 20 indicating an accidental crit. He rolled a 20!! Funnily enough, Rumdoom's player is off on his holidays next week, so this worked out just fine, although it wasn't planned.

It was also nice to find an opportunity to tell the unit about the spies they missed back in adventure #4. Of course, this ties into Stanfield's misdirection attempts, which will come to fruition next week...


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 83a - Get Kell!

Delft was furious: Rumdoom was in jail, Leon had gone AWOL, and Malthusius had sent his apologies, but he was running late, despite the urgency of Delft's demand for attendance. The RHC supremo was pulling rank for the first time since his installment in place of Margaret Saxby: he wanted the campaign to oppose Black Star's mercenary feet shut down. That it was drawing attention and resources away from the unit's primary objective was bad enough, but now it was causing even more serious problems.

Korrigan patiently reiterated the threat the fleet posed, but talk of provoking the Deep Ones merely caused Delft to scoff, and he was not moved at all by the concerns of the merfolk. His sole focus at this moment was the Obscurati. Delft had sunk thousands of gold pieces into a secret mission which had yielded nothing but a magical lamp and stuttering Danoran naif. The only valuable piece of information they had learned compromised the King's beloved Peace Talks and his marriage to Lya Jierre, on which he had staked his legacy and reputation. And now, Wolfgang von Recklinghausen, the unit's most promising lead had vanished into thin air. Delft was beside himself.

At that moment, Malthusius arrived, fresh from the Governor's mansion. After soaking up Delft's spluttered deprecations he told the group what Stanfield had just told him: that if Lorcan Kell was linked to the Ob, then his days were numbered. The Governor had promised to throw the full resources of his office behind the attempt to bring Kell to book. Delft couldn't help but express cynicism, but Malthusius could see that this news had given him fresh hope. Previously the Governor had expressed no such willingness to tackle the crime boss, and the RHC simply did not have the resources to do so alone.

The group agreed to approach the Kell mission subtly at first so that the Ob would not see them coming at cut their ties with him. Delft revealed that he had put Beta Unit on several Kell affiliates some weeks ago, and they should be able to report back with positive news very soon. In the meantime, the unit would need to establish exactly what charges would be brought against Lorcan Kell himself. One hope was that when Khoomrung Morkanstall was healed by Azon later that week, he would be able to testify that Kell had mutilated him.

Mollified, Delft agreed to give the unit one more week to bring their political campaign to a close, mainly to avoid tipping their hand, but also as a sign of his faith in Korrigan, who had yet to let him down. But as they left he threw out a parting shot: Benedict Pemberton was a massive contributor to RHC coffers. If the unit was successful in thwarting him, they might not enjoy such substantial stipends from now on...


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 83b - Downtime Week Nine

Korrigan was running out of time, not just because of Delft's impatience: Deneric Jayce - his political ally in the Flint Council had said from the outset that he would table a motion to sanction the mercenary fleet only if a majority of city mayors were clearly on-side. While Roger Pepper, Doyle Idylls, Isaac dan der Grimnebulin and now Rosa Gohins were all in support of the motion, that still left one more mayor to 'turn'. (Worse, a simple majority would be enough to see the motion ratified, but it would not have the weight of a unanimous or 9 to 1 vote.) Some weeks ago, the unit had learned that Griffen Stowe, mayor of Bosum Strand and a married man, frequented brothels throughout the city. Despite pressure from his team, however, Korrigan refused to stoop to blackmail (earning a benny in the process). Their political enemies had not been idle. Valchek had deflected a lot of the controversy over his false Avatars by widely publicizing the murder of one of his supporters at the hands of an RHC officer. Meanwhile, word had reached Flint of a keynote speech delivered by Benedict Pemberton to a gathering of industrialists in Slate. Pemberton emphasized his fundamental belief that the private individual owed a debt to the state, and showcased his public works as evidence of his sincerity. However, he said that if recent political developments forced a separation between public and private, wealthy philanthropists such as himself would be forced to withdraw their resources from state projects and perhaps even relocate elsewhere...

Korrigan's publicity campaign needed a shot in the arm - he wanted the chance to speak directly to the people. And so the idea to hold a rally in Dawn Square was born. This was easier said than done, and Korrigan spent the rest of the week putting it together with help of his many contacts, connecting with as many people as possible from all walks of life. The team invited Rock Rackus to play at the rally and he accepted.

Korrigan's lawyer friend Alderic also uncovered sound legal argument for the election of a mayor in the Ayres, as the population there had substantially different needs to those in the rest of North Shore. Korrigan hoped that Guy Goodson would be installed and that he would support Deneric's motion in the council. Efforts were also made to publicize the unsavory cult Leon had uncovered in the Bayou, and its connection with both Black Star mining and the Deep Ones.

Such a huge amount of work left Korrigan exhausted in the evenings, and yet he still found time to read the philosophical tome on the life of Triegenes that had been recommended to him by Ottavia. He found it gave him increasing confidence and courage in his own convictions.

Having initially struggled with his academic studeis, Matunaaga experienced a revelatory flood of knowledge the next time he tapped into the racial memory of his people. He felt suddenly as if he had a strong connection with every warrior who had ever lived, such that it was all he could do to cut through the chafe and focus ton those elements that were important to him. At the same time it occurred to him that the thesis he was attempting to write, the title he would earn on its completion, the whole formal, academic approach was entirely superfluous. He stopped work on it immediately and devoted himself to the task of winning support to the anti-fleet cause. He spoke to Mutya Offendor, Yosaria Neldris and Roger Pepper, and convinced them to appear at the rally in Dawn Square. Through them, he also learned that Kranz Bordray, the dwarven industrialist, would be more than happy to take up Benedict Pemberton's investment in the underground rail system in Central. Oncala Puttnam was hugely impressed by the figures quoted (and had been very concerned when she heard word of Pemberton's speech). Almost overnight, she was persuaded to openly support Deneric Jayce's motion (despite the fact that he was her opponent for the Central seat), and thus - with a simple majority - it was finally proposed to the Council, to await a decision in just over a week's time. (Matunaaga played his 'Greed' Plot Twist Card here and secured Oncala's vote.)

set about spreading the word of the forthcoming rally to the Dockers, and his contacts in the Panoply. He stressed the connection between the Black Star Fleet and Pemberton Industries who had begun to supply automated 'gearmen' to unscrupulous factory owners. How long would it be before gearmen were employed in the docks? His study of the tome of deva reincarnation came on leaps and bounds, and Malthusius began to feel that with meditation and practice he would be able to unlock the knowledge and secrets of past lives much more easily. He also did some digging and established that there were various legal papers and documents without which the fleet would be unable to sail through Risuri waters unhindered. Of course, all of these papers were already present and accounted for in the offices of the harbourmaster. That is until Matunaaga and Uru broke in and purloined them...

Other than the above bit of larceny, Uru spent a considerable amount of time in his garden, where the continual laughter of spirit children made him feel that it had all been worth while although he still hadn't fully recovered from his ordeal on the hill, and wondered if he ever would. When he caught sight of his own reflection he noticed that he still seemed slightly faded - smudged around the edges somehow. More alarming still, he experienced a shortness of breath if he exerted himself too much and took to taking long naps in the daytime. But he felt good about securing a safe place for the spirits of children who had been so badly betrayed by those who were meant to care for them. It made him angry to think about the peace of death being disturbed in such a way, and his righteous ire reminded him of the tales of the Voice of Rot he had heard as a youngster, and how he had hunted and slain it in his childish make-believe world. Now he had seen the great titan up close he couldn't help but wonder how hard could it be? To help Korrigan in his political wrangling, Uru went out at night and with the help of Little Jack, and Winkin, Blinkin and Nod, daubed creepy graffiti about the deep ones all over North Shore. He also worked on his shuriken crossbow, and designed some clockwork bombs that he hoped would come in useful...

DM's Note: Leon's player was unexpectedly absent this week for the second time in three sessions. Given that his character is the most proficient face of the group, it made things very difficult for them as the skill challenge they are involved in relies very heavily on Charisma-based skills. There have been a number of hiccups along the way already - a couple of weeks in which no successes were scored - and I set the bar for success very high.

This being our penultimate session before a three-week break, I had a couple of setbacks planned to rack up tension for our 'season finale'. I waited until the very end of the session, just after Matunaaga played his Plot Twist card to convince Deneric Jayce to table the all-important motion, before revealing them, and I'll detail all three in my next post.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 83c - Bad News

Of the three events that took place towards the end of week 9, perhaps the least dramatic was the revelation that - following a successful vote in the Council to grant the wealthy residents of the Ayres a representative of their own - Korrigan's ally Gu Goodson would not be standing unopposed after all: His own father-in-law, the humorless and hostile Elroy Stainer had thrown his hat into the ring, which could only be bad news for the campaign.

Much more troubling, was Uru's encounter with a fey emissary who appeared at the edge of his garden, setting off one of the spiderwire alarms that criss-crossed the well-shaft entrance. When Uru went to investigate, he found one of his own kin, a deep faen, sitting in a crevice about halfway up the well, waiting for him. The creature was not a black-skinned Yerasol islander, but a mainland cousin known locally as a gremlin. It acknowledged Uru and introduced itself as Ellik. The name rang a bell. Then it said, in an insistance voice, "Ekossigan, Ekossigan, Ekossigan calls. You are we. Us is you. You must come."

Without further ado, the gremlin turned to guide Uru away, and Uru began to follow, out of sheer curiosity. After a short while, though, he thought better of his decision and decided to send an animal messenger to Malthusius and let him know where he was going. He found he could not. Ellik rounded on him and said, "No, no. Unseen. Unseen!"

Uru decided he did not want to follow under such circumstances, but when Ellik set off again, his legs were compelled to follow. He realised at that moment that he was being called to service by a much higher ranking member of the Unseen Court. His regalia of the creeping fey compelled him to follow, and the only way he could resist would be to renounce his title as Lord Clatterspin. Though it pained him greatly, Uru at once plucked the regalia from his chest and threw it to the ground. Ellik turned and hissed at him, called him a traitor and then scampered off.

Later, Malthusius reminded Uru that Ellik was the creature who had guided Gale into the Bleak Gate and shown her the fires of industry that burned there. Matunaaga also remembered the name Ekossigan: When the unit had foiled a fey incursion from the Dreaming, its leader, the tragically deluded Flax had whispered as he fell in battle, "Ekossigan, forgive me. I have failed you..."

Disturbing though this whole incident was (and especially egregious from Uru's point of view) worse was to follow: On the day that the ritual to heal Khoomrung was due to take place, a courier came from the Rumschatologist meeting house saying that Harn, Azon and their security detail (comprising Thangir, Thered and Kvartiy) had set off to pick up several hundreds of platinum pieces from a vault in Central Flint, before proceeding to a clergy church in North Shore to purchase the ritual and the necessary reagents. Several hours had passed and they had not returned.

It took half a day to put the pieces together: A dead body showed up in Bosum Strand. It was Harn. He had been shot, dying with a pistol in his hand. His spirit told Malthusius that Azon and the security detail had taken the money from him. He had resisted, wounding Azon, and Thangir and Thered had both shot him dead. Needless to say, Hildegaard was beside herself. Malthusius went to the jail to tell Rumdoom, but the guards were surprised to see him. Rumdoom had been released from jail two days ago! A police officer had arrived from Stray River to inform him that his alleged victim was not in fact dead. His injuries were serious, but his death was a ruse and under the circumstances it had been decided to release Rumdoom. No attempt had been made to contact the RHC or anyone else, because it was assumed that Rumdoom would do that himself. The unit tried to contact Rumdoom by messenger wind, but he did not respond.

So Khoomrung was not healed, 10000gp in funds had gone missing, along with Azon, Thered, Thangir and Kvartiy Gorbatiy, Harn had been killed and Rumdoom had vanished as well.

Matters had taken a decided turn for the worse.

And then Leon showed up with even more bad news...

DM's Note: Bit of foreshadowing for all three major threads of Cauldron Born this week: Stanfield's diversionary ploy aiming the unit squarely at Lorcan Kell; the appearance of Ellik, calling Uru to join up with Ekossigan (which, being a very curious player he almost did); and the Rumschatologist 'security detail' defecting to join Grundun Zubov. They'll show up as foes at the appropriate point.
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Man, what kind of frustration it must be to have a chance to run headlong into a bad situation, and then to decide not to because it might get your character killed.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Man, what kind of frustration it must be to have a chance to run headlong into a bad situation, and then to decide not to because it might get your character killed.

Ha ha. Yes. That's what it's like with this player sometimes, driven by a sense of curiosity about where even deadly-looking threads might lead. Here's how the conversation went*:

Me: So it looks very much like you're being summoned to serve this 'Ekossigan', whoever or whatever he is.
Uru: Okay. Let's get going then.
Me: (After a surprised beat) You're actually going to follow him?
Uru: Yeah. I wanna find out who this guy is and what he's up to.
Malthusius: (Who really shouldn't be chipping in at this point, but I make believe it's Uru's conscience) How do you know that's what's going to happen at the other end?
Uru: Okay, I'll quickly send Malthusius a message telling him where I'm going.
Me: I'm glad you said that because you quickly discover that you can't. That's when you realise that there's a degree of compulsion in this. Ellik turns around and says, "No, no. No whispering of secrets. We are us now. They are them."
Uru: Right, well I guess I'll just keep following him then.
(Other players fidget and shake their heads in disapproval, having been warned not to say anything else.)
Me: Okay. Well, to save time, it might be better if you hand your character sheet over now and think about generating another for next week. (Clearly subtlety was never going to work.)
Uru: Wait. What...?
Me: Of your own free well, you're joining the other side.
Malthusius: Like when I was offered the chance to be mayor of the Nettles, but if I took it 'd have to give up adventuring.
Me: Kind of. Only worse. Malthusius could at least have resigned. You can feel this compulsion growing stronger with every step, and pretty soon, you're not going to be Uru anymore. It's emanating from your regalia.
Uru: Because I'm a member of the Unseen Court, or whatever?
Me: Maybe.
Uru: Well, I don't want to lose my membership. I worked hard for this!
Malthusius: You mean you killed that ettercap and stole its stuff.
Matunaaga: Maybe you could kill another one.
Me: (Shrugs in an 'it's your decision/funeral' kind of way.)
Uru: Agh! Well, can I... is it too late now? Can I do something about this?
Me: You've got about ten seconds before I roll an attack against your Will that could be quite final. As Uru, you feel your options dwindling to a single one: follow Ellik and obey Ekossigan.
Uru: Right. Okay, I pull off the regalia and throw it on the ground.
Me: So you react instinctively once the alarm bells start ringing, and the moment you renounce your title in that fashion, Ellik hisses like a feral cat, calls you a turncoat and disappears as completely as you might do.
(Pause as the dust settles.)
Uru: So I lost my title, huh? That's just great. Screw them. I'm going to set up my own court. The Unheard Court, that's what I'll call it.
Me: I look forward to seeing how that progresses.,
Uru: Whoever this Ekossigan is, I'm gonna...
Other player: (Interrupts) Shouldn't you not be talking now? As a founding member of the Unheard Court I think you're making too much noise.

*Kind of.
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 84a - Downtime Week Ten

At the start of week ten, Leon returns from what, to him, felt like a month-long journey into the Dreaming. What was intended as a short trip, to be formally inducted into the Unseen Court and receive his Incisive Blade*, took an unexpected and disturbing turn, when he learned of a strange new threat – an alien darkness that was swallowing up whole tracts of the Dreaming, despite every effort of the Unseen Court to abate and control it. While in the court of the River King, Leon was challenged as an oath-breaker by his erstwhile patron, the toad-like swamp fey Avagdu: not because he had switched pacts, but because of the promise he once made to the lizardman minister (also bound to Avagdu) – to study the Jade Idol and return it. Leon was surprised to find himself confronted by the elderly lizardman who demanded to know what he has done with the artefact. Leon explained that he gave it to the dragon Tatzel, who claimed to have posed as the minister in polymorphed form. Consternation and uproar followed: not only had Tatzel broken the conditions of his sanctuary with this act (laying claim to greater power than he already possesses and deceiving a fey warlock), it was immediately realised that the dragon might very well be the source of the alien darkness. In the company of Dantes and the lizardman minister, Leon travelled the Dreaming at the behest of the River King, and confirmed this unfortunate fact – Tatzel had been corrupted by the idol and was in turn corrupting the fey realm. With a further promise to Unseen Court to return with aid in haste, Leon headed back to Flint, where more pressing matters had to be dealt with first:

It was the day of the rally in Dawn Square. In the first few days of the week the unit has spent their time as follows:

Malthusius used his growing list of contacts in Flint to swell the numbers of people who would attend the rally. He spoke to the leadership of the Docker movement, and planted philosophical seeds at the Rolling Potato and the Thinking Man Tavern. On the night before the rally he climbed up into the Cloudwood and had a skyseer vision that warned him not to confuse his priorities.

Korrigan spent his time in focused preparation for the speech he would give at the rally. He read more of the book on Triegenes and pictured himself rising to the challenge of the moment. He also visited Elroy Stainer, shortly after his father-in-law was elected Mayor of the Ayres, in opposition to Korrigan’s candidate Guy Goodson. To his surprise, Korrigan found that Stainer was on-side, swayed by their conversation several weeks ago to give Korrigan ‘the benefit of the doubt’ and do what he could help Korrigan succeed politically (and unlock the means to free Elizabeth). Elroy also revealed that Goodson had infiltrated Korrigan’s group on behalf of some concerned industrialists with whom he was keen to ingratiate himself, following his public disgrace by association with Gale.

discovered that his recent brush with the Bleak Gate had very much left him half-in, half out of the real world, to the extent that, given great concentration, he could travel briefly through the Gate and appear elsewhere in the world, even if he couldn’t see where he was going! He used his newfound power to have some fun, and tap Malthusius on his shoulder while he was in his study, with the doors and windows closed. He felt lighter than he did before, and discovered that he could flit through the air for brief periods, and scamper about more easily and more quietly. These discoveries filled him with a child-like glee and he spent the rest of his time shadowing Malthusius, just to see if the old deva could spot him.

Matunaaga recalled some incredible displays of physical prowess he had seen some of his people display as a means of celebrating their mastery of the mind and the body. These demonstrations were the only flippant expressions of power they allowed themselves. He decided to add to the carnival atmosphere of the rally – designed to entertain the crowds with fireworks, Rock Rackus’ performance and now his own, and thereby sweeten the pill of the political speeches that would follow.

also spent his time gathering support for the rally. In a spare moment, he looked into a recent case handled by the Beta Unit, involving some strangely mutated dragonborn with weird psychic powers, similarly to the kinds of corruption he had witnessed in the regions of the Dreaming that had been tainted by Tatzel. He didn’t have time to get a full report, as Unit B was on another assignment.

*The Incisive Blade allowed the wielder to step in and out of the Dreaming (and therefore teleport) more easily. Leon’s version was a bastard sword. It had runes upon the blade and hilt which, when grasped, extended up the forearm of the wielder.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 84b - Mini finale

For our last session before the summer break I was intending to simply play out the last week of the extended skill challenge and see how the party had done. But the early departure of Rumdoom's player gave me the opportunity to do something more dramatic.

This was also the party's first session at level 10. They earned a minor bonus for narratively including each of the new feats, powers, theme benefits and training boons they had developed over the last ten weeks, and a benny (now a plot twist card) if they managed to name-check all of them.

I knew we would need some extra time for the surprise fight that would close the session, as it has been ten weeks - ten! - since the whole party was involved in a dust-up, so having quickly cycled through their final days of downtime activity (detailed in my previous post) we got to the following nice and early:

On the day of the rally in Dawn Square, Erdo Moon, one of the Panoply adherents known to Malthusius arrived at RHC HQ in a panicked state. He said that both he and Klaus Kanincher had gone to the Karl Krauss’ compound to see if they could reclaim any additional notes, works or writings by the infamous ‘Grumbler’. They had seen lights on in the main workshop and, using wire cutters, had approached to get a closer look. But the mechanical dog outside had alerted the occupants to their presence and, while Erdo had fled, Klaus had fallen and had not emerged from the compound. The unit thought to put this matter off until after the rally, but Malthusius thought better of it, given his skyseer vision of the night before, and insisted they investigate first.

It was well that they did. Uru picked the gate lock (Krauss’ keys no longer worked) and they approached the workshop doors. They were locked from inside. Metallic sounds could be heard from within. Fearing for Uru’s safety if he went alone, Korrigan concentrated and manifested the plane of Mavisha, slipping under the door in water form, while Uru teleported through. They were in an empty antechamber where Krauss wrote, studied and slept. While Korrigan unbolted the door to let the others in, Uru stole round the corner to get a better look at what was going on.

Huge crates blocked his view so, being very careful to remain out of sight of the arcane arbalester that he could see, he stole even further forward and clambered stealthy up the crates. Sounds of tools on metal ceased – the entrance of the others seemed to have disturbed the occupants. Uru peeped over the top of the last crate and had to squint through a huge gelatinous bubble that filled the main chamber. Inside several figures were suspended, all dressed in the garb of the ordinary citizens of Flint, bearing tools of various sorts. They seemed to have been working on the large, unidentified device Karl Krauss had kept hidden under a tarpaulin. When ‘closed’ it had reminded Uru of a sphincter – a circle of coiled wires. Now, the sphincter had been stretched out and attached with pipes to aelectric rods, presently without charge. He was about to turn back to tell the others what he had seen, when his gaze fell on a figure at the centre of the bubble: Rumdoom! And like the others, he wore a strange, distracted gaze.

At once Uru stole back to the entrance and, armed with this alarming information, the unit went to confront Rumdoom. Instantly, they came under swinging attack from two arbalesters, and the strangely affected citizens of Flint – one of whom turned out to be Klaus Kanincher – surged forward to assail them too. Rumdoom charged into the fray, and the globule of slime roiled with him. It soon became obvious that he could not be reasoned with, and no sooner had this fact became clear than a wave of psychic energy blasted out from him and shook the unit horribly.

Malthusius recognised his condition (and that of the miscellaneous citizens) as identical to that suffered by Krauss when he had been dominated by the Deep One they had encountered in the sahuagin lair, and when Leon aimed mind-controlling powers at his dwarven comrade, he confirmed that the mind he was failing to assail was much stronger than Rumdoom’s.

Knowing what a fell opponent he could be, while Malthusius dealt with the Flinters (trying his best not harm them), the rest of the unit aimed everything they had at Rumdoom. Korrigan spontaneously cried out, calling upon the memory of Triegenes, and drew Rumdoom’s attacks upon himself. Meanwhile, the mind that now controlled the dwarf lashed out again and again and sought to dominate the others. The fight was hard and saw every unit member winded and felled and what turn or other, only to be brought back into the fight by Korrigan or Leon. At one point, Korrigan himself was dropped, but a surge of adrenalin bought him back to his fight in time to issue a very firm order to Rumdoom: “This ends now!” With that, he took the dwarf out of the fight.

The gelatinous bubble burst and the unit gasped for breath. Malthusius stood sadly over the body of Klaus Kanincher, who he had accidentally slain. It was the first time he had killed anyone and poor Klaus had done nothing to deserve his death*. He was spurred into action when Leon began inspecting Rumdoom’s unconscious form, and together they discovered a very thick hair on the nape of his neck that turned out to be the tail for a tadpole-like implant. It was removed with care and disposed of.

Korrigan and Matunaaga left to organise the Dawn Square rally, while the others remained to secure the compound and figure out what the dominated crew had been up to. With the mechanical contraption almost complete, it was easier to figure out what its function was: The metal ‘sphincter’ could be expanded and contracted, creating a larger or smaller aperture for a portal. A long time ago, Rumdoom had had a vision in the Ziggurat of Apet, of himself, diving or falling off Cauldron Hill as waves crashed over Flint. They realised that, with a connected portal on the floor of the ocean, it would be possible to cause thousands of tonnes of seawater to crash through a portal of appropriately large size, drowning a city the size of Flint in minutes. Perhaps the Deep Ones were not confident of the unit’s ability to deal with the Black Star Fleet, and were taking matters into their own hands?

*We have a rule that, even when players are fighting to subdue, if they crit on a blow that takes an opponent under 0hp, they have accidentally killed them. This was the first time it had happened to Malthusius, though it comes up surprisingly often – most notably when they were trying to take Lady Margaret Saxby alive for questioning. It was unfortunate that his first accidental kill was someone he both knew and sympathised with, and he played out the situation rather well.
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