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ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG - a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay retroclone


Guide of Modos
Wow. I am way overdue for checking this out. I mean,

1) It called Zweihander! Plus an umlaut!
2) It's free! In the words of Lou, "isn't that something?"
3) And I just love this part from the website:

"...death is almost a certainty. Injuries sustained in ZWEIHÄNDER often have nasty consequences, requiring prolonged periods of recovery and care. Creatures are incredibly dangerous and rarely taken down without mortal injuries. In a grim & perilous world, common peasant rabble, when gathered into large enough groups, can drag a veteran knight off his steed and beat him to a bloody pulp. We don’t wish to thwart this style of play, but you have been warned!"

Thanks Mr. Fox for giving to the gaming community! I'll be back to comment, question, or just report on how much my game group loves it!

Edit: thank goodness the playtest page mentions Fight Club...
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Daniel D. Fox

Wow. I am way overdue for checking this out. I mean,

1) It called Zweihander! Plus an umlaut!
2) It's free! In the words of Lou, "isn't that something?"
3) And I just love this part from the website:

"...death is almost a certainty. Injuries sustained in ZWEIHÄNDER often have nasty consequences, requiring prolonged periods of recovery and care. Creatures are incredibly dangerous and rarely taken down without mortal injuries. In a grim & perilous world, common peasant rabble, when gathered into large enough groups, can drag a veteran knight off his steed and beat him to a bloody pulp. We don’t wish to thwart this style of play, but you have been warned!"

Thanks Mr. Fox for giving to the gaming community! I'll be back to comment, question, or just report on how much my game group loves it!

Edit: thank goodness the playtest page mentions Fight Club...

Thanks for the kudos and feedback!

If you are willing to wait about a week or so, we will be releasing the final beta to the public titled "GRIMDARK Edition". It runs combat much quicker, has a better Injury chart and relies on Damage and Peril Condition Tracks. No more adding/subtracting "hit points". It's all abstracted.

Watch our home page for more information: http://www.grimandperilous.com

Daniel D. Fox

We ran a poll a few months back, requesting what race the community would like to have added to ZWEIHÄNDER. A number of choices were suggested. The top two contenders were Ogre and Ratkin. As complement to the other Races in ZWEIHÄNDER, we’ve added the Ratkin to our upcoming beta 2 entitled “GRIMDARK Edition”.


Daniel D. Fox

Here’s a sneak peak at one of the foes from the Bestiary: the Ruffian. Note that the layout is not finalized. We have also stripped the “fluff” description of the Ruffian and the “seeds” suggestions for the GM how to use them. However, it should give you an idea what to expect as a GM.


Daniel D. Fox

The community has been asking about how larger creatures are handled in ZWEIHÄNDER. Naturally, we didn’t want to simply “buff up” their Primary Attributes, as it would throw off the delicate math balance on the back end. Instead, we use Primary Attribute Bonuses to reflect how each size category of creature is handled. To better understand these distributions, we’ll show Gamemasters how to craft their own creatures in the book.

For now, take a look at the Lumbering Giant. You’ll note they’re heavily influenced by the Giants of Warhammer Fantasy Battle with their abilities. Let us know what you think!


Daniel D. Fox

One of the most glaring omissions from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay second and third editions was the Gnome. One of our favorite Races, we've decided to include them into ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG. Although we are still working through their Racial Traits, take a sneak peak at the description of the Gnome at the link below!


Daniel D. Fox

A grim & perilous world is fraught with danger from all sides. Beyond the sword blows of marauders and gunshot of highwaymen, there are other ways to perish. Raging infernos, drugged foods, exhaustion, plummeting from upon high and even the Poisonous effects of alcohol can whittle down the weary. Aught for enterprising barber surgeons and apothecaries, the lichyards would be filled with the bones of the dead!

Categorized below are several types natural hazards you will face in ZWEIHÄNDER. They include Disease, Falling, Fire, Intoxication, Poisons, Sleep Deprivation, Starvation and Suffocation. In addition, you can learn how to Heal Damage with bandages, treat Injuries using surgery, stem Bleeding with a hot poker and treat Infection with leeching!


Daniel D. Fox

From isolation, utter powerlessness, ambition denied, paranoid delusions, perversions of nature and nightmare-inducing terrors from beyond, madness punctuates all but the mildest of adventures in ZWEIHÄNDER. There are countless horrors waiting to prey upon the intrepid, foolish enough to blunder into their midsts. However, nothing is more insidious and treacherous than one’s own mind. As the veil is pulled back upon reality, the unwary begin to realize the decrepit remnants of something far more insidious than merely the dark secrets men hide within their hearts. Nightmares are real, dwelling upon the threshold while seeking to consume or despoil those who wander too close to the wretched truth.

Inspired by other wonderful horror RPGs such as Ravenloft and Unknown Armies, take a closer look at how Madness and Corruption works in ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG.


Daniel D. Fox

Since the dawn of time, the forces of chaos have sought to corrupt the seeds of life and twist the soul of mankind. Locked within this eternal struggle, the Templar Fanatic knows there is no place for half measures. Vows of unwavering faith and fealty drive them to face the abominations of this world, and perhaps more importantly act as the scourge to those tainted souls that would lead their kin down the path of destruction. It is their duty to be ever watchful, ever prepared, and ever ready to use any means necessary...

Preview the Templar Fanatic from the Bestiary at the following link: http://grimandperilous.com/?p=623

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