Interactive Story Role Play. This board is where you can ask general questions about how to play or take part in out of character discussion the events happening chat-side. Subforums of this board allow for in character participation.
The place to check for rulings, setting and area updates, seminars, new information, and where to participate in discussions for ISRP rooms changes and improvements.
The Emporium is place where the citizens of Juxta leave messages, challenges, and even the occasional wedding announcement. (This is an in-character board, please observe its rules.)
A flourishing tree covered in spiky bark where lovers have impaled notes for their loved ones on the thorns throughout the years. (This is an in-character board, please observe its rules.)
The CRT is where the locals of Greyhawk go to relax. There's an empty table near the fire, why don't you take a seat stay awhile? (This is an in-character board, please observe its rules.)
A high-class "temple" to Tymora in the city of Waterdeep that includes everything from gambling to entertainment, excellent foods and exotic drinks. This is a place where people from all walks of life can mingle without judgement. (This is an in-c
The marketplace of Sigil, the City of Doors, center of the planes, is a maze of tent stalls and shops that sells anything and everything to those from a thousand worlds. (This is an in-character board, please observe its rules.)
A small computer lab in the corner of TMP where customers can have free access to local public message boards. (This is an in-character board, please observe its rules.)
Bounties and Updates on Most Wanted criminals posted here. You can help the often too-short arm of the law out by reporting a ne'er-do-well to this board! Please read and abide by the directions for this board before posting.