[CAMPAIGN] Hey guys, looking to bounce some ideas around for campaign story arcs in a new campaign!


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So my group is starting a new campaign with 5E in a new setting (actually my old setting with the timeline advanced a good while and taking place on a separate hemisphere) and I'm taking the opportunity for a fresh start to avoid making some of the mistakes I made in our last campaign, namely getting into the big epic world-saving arc far too early, thus putting a damper on exploration/downtime/open world sandboxiness (since there was so much time pressure/clearly defined goals bordering on railroading).
My goal is to let things develop naturally and keep the overarching somewhat fluid and reactive so that I can tie things in with the stories/side quests/open-world stuff the party gets themselves into and finds interesting.
What I need some help/inspiration for is a vague/loose direction for an overarching narrative. I am pretty sure I want to incorporate Mind Flayers as the Big Bads, with some sort of insidious large-scale plot that involves the manipulation of several human nations.
A little background on the world so far (super early in development still):
Medium level of magic, diverse array of cultures (human and nonhuman), with the following being the major human nations (the first three of which are allies in a century-old Concord:

  • The Anointed Kingdom of Avathar: somewhat feudalistic Teutonic-ish monarchy with a super strong and influential church and zealous firebrand Arch-Lector/high priest figure. Large standing army, bountiful breadbasket-type nation with large population, pious, fearful of magic. Also there is an Inquisition :D
  • The Free Republic of Sibaelia: Seafaring mediterranean-ish trader culture with a sort of Corsica-meets-Phoenicia with a strong libertine bent, lots of riots and revolutions and a fiery population with strong opinions. Major naval power, used to be a bigass empire many centuries before so holds lots of islands/archipelago/coastal settlements scattered around.
  • The Unified Principalities of Trimoria: Oligarchic land of mercantile houses/guilds ruled by Princes, very cosmopolitan and diverse culture due to people from all over the world traveling to attend The Spire, the worlds only magical university-ish place of study. Also home to the largest and most influential bank in the world. Trimoria usually adopts a mediator/neutral stance when dealing with Avathar and Sibaelia.
  • The Eternal Caliphate of Ursh: Lush coastal oases bordering a vast desert on a landmass directly to the south of the Concord's lands, ruled by mysterious figures said to be powerful wizards or warlocks. Sort of arabian-nights-esque vibes but I will develop that further and more uniquely as I get into it. Possible history of conflict with other nations?
  • The Enlightened Dominion of Olybria: An atheistic nation sharing a border with the fanatical Avathar, vaguely Turkish/Indian in some cultural aspects. Strict caste system, values science/philosophy/alchemy/meditation...ruled by a Supreme Didact who is an unassuming gentle grandfatherly Gandhi-like old teacher in simple robes who sits under a tree and teaches people. Dude is actually a super shrewd leader with a strong military mind. The people of Olybria follow a philosophical practice kinda like some Eightfold-Path type :):):):), with branches for astronomy/astrology, physics, chemistry, the body, the mind, oratory, etc etc etc. Kind of like an Eldar Aspect Warrior vibe from Warhammer 40k.
There will be more nations and smaller powers (a hobgoblin empire on the other side of a big mountain range, a distant continent inhabited by an imperial chinese-themed Dragonborn empire locked in an eternal war with feudal japanese-themed Oni empire, an island chain of steamy jungles filled with Yuan-Ti and hapless humans, lorded over by Rakshasa etc) but these are the main ones.
A few long-term campaign seeds I've come up with so far that involve the Illithid thing are:

  • the Arch-Lector (or whatever high priest) of Avathar is secretly a Mind Flayer, replacing upper church hierarchy with Mind Flayers and using the Inquisition as a means to capture thralls to feed upon. Also using religious sermons/zealotry to whip people into a frenzy then feed on their psychic essences.
  • Illithids plot to kill the Sun God and blanket Valgard in darkness so they can walk upon the surface and dominate all lesser humanoids.
  • A comet appears in the skies, various discussions/debates about its nature arise; it eventually crashes into a major city and devastates it, then beings transforming the surviving citizens into aberrations. Its a Star Spawn (possibly summoned by Illithid?)
Any ideas you guys care to toss in the mix? I want there to be some political tensions, scheming, possible war/civil war/holy war, and all the other trappings of a big world with complex developed nations. My last campaign was some dark ages sword&sorcery points-of-light :):):):) so Im trying to go the opposite this time around. :)
P.S. you can peep my old campaign wiki at http://ancientechoes.obsidianportal.com

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