“Excuse me- what are they saying?” asks a very tall and wide humanoid. Thick scaly pods of toughened skin mark the creature’s skin. The patterns of this thick skin are uniform and symmetrical. Hardfist, a goliath from the Mror Holds, asks the shaved and bald dwarf. The dwarf looks up and is startled by the impressive sight. The dwarf quickly sizes up the humanoid. The giant of a man has no weapons and seems feebleminded. Usable.

“Don’t know. Don’t care.” Grumbles the dwarf as he looks at the crowd before him. His mind is elsewhere. Last week he made a bad decision. A very bad decision. He thought he could work with the Boromar “family”. He now knows one doesn’t work “with” the crime lords of Breland. The crowd before them is getting louder. There is a hooded figure talking about the corruption of the city and how the king needs to be replaced. The dwarven inquisitor, Ronin Wardrum, knows he should leave before the watch arrives. Too late.

Dozens of red cloaked Watch members suddenly appear from the various alley ways and bridges to converge on the small square in the Granite Halls district in Lower Central Plateau . “Aw %#@*” growls the dwarf as he tries to move away the Watch. Five red robed Watch members point wands at the group of people they are within. He stiffens as magical hold spells wash over him. The large man catches his falling body. “I have you lil’ buddy.” A mage with a different colored crystal gem on his wand turns to the goliath. “…but who has you brute?”

There is little the dwarf can do as the Watch collects him and many other onlookers (many just passing through- not part of the anti-government rally). Chained, he placed under arrest and brought to the cells in The Citadel. Three dozen people total were taken here. They are interviewed and/or interrogated by the Watch one at a time. It is now that the dwarf meets another highly unlikely prisoner- a lizardfolk. The dwarf stays near him for the opposite reason most of the crowded cell stays away from it. Since people fear the humanoid, they shy away from it. The dwarf sees this as a means to avoid most of the riffraff and harassment.

Kar-Draith, a traveler from the swamp lands of Q’barra, is angered by the imprisonment. The giant of a man that seems fascinated by his tail and scales furthers fuels this negativity. Wardrum is taken out first. Soon three large ½ orc brutes and a nervous looking mage collect the goliath. As the sun rises through the morning fog, Kar-Draith is released. He was given many stern warnings by the watch about the laws of the city and how they are the law. He had little to say to them and grumbled at them in draconic until a mage was called in. After an hour of the verbal harassment, he is released and finds the dwarf and goliath outside.

Not liking this, the lizardfolk hisses at the dwarf. The goliath raises his eyebrows in concern. “I am Ronin Wardrum and this large lummox is Hardfist. It seems we have something in common.”

The lizardfolk glares at him waiting for the rest of the comments. “We are all not liked by the Watch. We should look out for each other.”

The lizardfolk looks at the dwarf considering everything. He looks up at Hardfist whom is currently more focuses on a tall building nearby. What he is thinking is unclear.

“There is wisdom in your words.” He looks over his shoulder at some of the Watch members whom are watching them intently. “Let us discuss this elsewhere.”

“You are wise also.” Says the dwarf with a broad smile.

The goliath stares at the building then suddenly realizes he is alone and panicked, searches for his friend and spots him walking away with a lizardfolk. “Wait for me guys!” and he hurries after them.

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Hardfist and Kar-Draith had arrived in Sharn separately just last week. Only Wardrum knows the city. He and another inquisitive ran a small struggling business until last week. His partner involved him in a very bad business investment that cost him his life and the dwarf’s freedom. But that is another story for another day. Today they need income. Though it is not asked why, all three also need somewhere to stay.

Wardrum knows that Morgrave University often hires people to work on the university premises or as errand boys. It is not glamorous but it can pay the bills and lead to possible contacts that may help them. They spend much of the morning climbing up stairs until they reach the Morgrave area. Students dressed in black robes with red trim hustle about, late for classes. Others seem to be happy to sit around in clusters and discuss anything from magic theory to the limits of the Giant’s power to the cutest bard making a name for himself.

They come to the job obelisk that lists possible employment opportunities. Wardrum finds one of possible use. A Professor Zilshire is looking for couriers and adventurers. Pay and housing to be included. After trying several students (whom didn’t avoid / run away from them) they are directed to the Ancient Histories Lecture Hall. Students by the dozens are here. Many waiting for the university bell to chime marking the end and beginning of the classes here. One female dwarf glares at the goliath. As he passes her she clunks and mumbles “Hill Tripper” at him. Goliaths are not popular within some dwarven circles. If the insult is heard or harmful, the gentle giant doesn’t show it. There is too much to look at and take in for that.

Generally the students make a path for them as the lizardfolk stalks straight forward. He is not comfortable here. He is not a warm and fuzzy type. The dwarf attempts to ask for directions once within the lecture hall but for the most part the students ignore them or move away. They spot a tall statue with a blue glowing ball before it. Wardrum places a hand on the ball and it crackles to life. “Professor Zilshire” he says plainly. Several uncertain seconds later a grid appears on the globe. Two stars with a moving arrow connecting the two stars appears. The dwarf hurrumphs and says “Follow me- his office is to the right.” Hardfist tentatively reaches for the globe with his over-sized hand but before he can touch it he is summoned by the dwarf.

As they reach the hallway leading down the right hand side of the lecture halls a chime rings. Dozens of loud talking and hurrying students burst out of double doors. Again, the students give way to the fearsome looking lizardfolk and the wall known as Hardfist. A few students go to doorways and wait. There is a ½ elven female leaning against a door labeled as Professor Zilshire: Draconic & Fiendish Studies. She looks at the dwarf and bats her eyes. Then she looks up to the goliath stops flirting and leaves quickly. So quickly she nearly trips over Kar-Draith’s tail. “This is it. Hardfist- behave.” The goliath gives a look of “who me?” and smiles as he sees a professor wearing a strange cap made of various colored leathers with a large green feather. He likes it here. Much better than the prison cell.

The dwarf smells the incense before he opens the door completely. The small room here is extremely neat and tidy. There is a small desk with several chairs. A door to their left and at the back end of the room is a shelf with several books and plants. A tall and muscular ½ elf woman is here. She is wearing black leather pants and jacket over a white shirt. She also has thick glasses that are sliding off her nose. Beautiful looking but with some possible orc blood within her ancestry. The dwarf’s attention shifts as she addresses them.

“Hello. Can I , like, help you?”

“We are looking for Professor Zilshire. Are you her?”

“Oh my!”, she exclaims as the lizardfolk walks in. “Q’barra? Shadow Marches? Oh no ! Wait! Xen’drik! I’ll just die if you are from, like, Xen’drik!” She exclaims hunching over like a grandmother seeing her grandchild for the first time.

Then the goliath thumps his head on the door frame and steps back. Ducking and smiling he reenters. “ohhhhhhh….. you’re a B-I-G one aren’t you?” she says looking the goliath over fully. Then she checks each person out slowly.

“This is Zilshire’s office?” asks the inquisitive now uncertain how seriously he can take her.

“Yes. Like, this is Professor Zilshire’s office. How can we help you?” She asks as she goes to the desk to get a piece of parchment and an ink pen.

“We are here to ask about the job offering and apartments.”

“Oh- Like so many are. Let me see if the professor can see you.” In a quiet voice she adds- “Careful- he is a bit grumpy this morning.”

She gently raps on the door and listens patiently while smiling at the three. She pokes her head in and some grumbling sound that cannot be understood is heard. She slowly and quietly closes the door and smiles as she adjusts her jacket. “The professor will, like, see you in a few minutes.” Sitting down she smiles again to place the group at ease. “So, like, what are your names? Where are you from? What brings you to Sharn?”

“I walked.” Offers the gentle giant as he answers what brought him here. The dwarf closes his eyes and slightly nods his head in aggravation and annoyance. Kar-Draith’s tail thumps once on the floor softly.

“We met here yesterday and thought it to be wise to join forces and our unique skills to better ourselves.” Says the dwarf. He hopes she doesn’t reply with the word ‘like’.

“Fantastic!” exclaims the overly cheerful secretary.

Before she can say something else there is a muffled call from the door. “The professor will see you now. Tee Hee.”

The difference from the secretary’s room to the professor’s is extreme. Books, tomes, manuscripts, scrolls and various items cover every flat space in the room. It smells like a damp basement. Behind a pile of papers and books sits an old man dressed in green and blue. Though his skin and frail form suggests a very old man his eyes are sharp and bright.

“Sit if you can find a place.” Offers the teacher. The dwarf moves several books then sits on a scroll. Mumbling an apology, he then moves this. The lizardfolk doesn’t even attempt to sit. He tries to be very mindful of his tail which could easily topple a pile of papers. The goliath is amazed by the maps, awards and certificates on the wall.

“You are here for the job I presume. It is straight forward though I wonder how you could ever travel without drawing attention.”

“About that, could you tell us more about the jobs and responsibilities that will be required of us?” asks Wardrum calmly.

“As the flier said, I need someone to be a courier and at times seek lost items of interest that I have become too old to do myself. As a tenured professor here at Morgrave, I can also offer you a place to stay nearby.” The professor watches the goliath wearily. “Please large sir- don’t touch that.”

Hardfist freezes in mid-motion as he was about to finger a figurine on the top of a shelf filled with books with peeling spines. He smiles innocently places his massive hands at his side.

Along with the room, I can offer some pay based on the degree of skills and danger involved in the work.”

“Danger?” asks the dwarf with new interest.

“Yes well I study things that other people have a great deal of interest in also. Some of these people go to extreme lengths to obtain this knowledge. Possibly some of the work opportunities would include finding and retrieving tomes or artifacts from hidden ruins.”

The goliath leans over and looks at a figurine he wanted to touch earlier. He breathes in dust and sneezes very harshly. The figurine topples over but remains on the shelf’s top but now a cloud of dust is in the air. The three turn and stare at him like a bad child that has embarrassed a parent in public. “Snifff…. Sorry. My bad.” Apologizes the large man.

The dwarf leans over to the lizardfolk. “Any thoughts Kar-Draith?”

“What of supplies? Transportation?”

“I or the University will supply funds and means for these.” He offers.

The lizardfolk nods his approval. With a drippy nose, the giant smiles. “We agree to your terms.”

“Excellent. Welcome to Morgrave.”

“When do we start?”

“As it happens, I wish to trade tomes with a contact in Aundair. I would like to see it begin as quickly as possible.” He slides a file to the dwarf. Wardrum leans forward and picks it up. He opens it and finds an envelope and several papers within. There are tickets for an electric rail passage that leaves in two days. The papers include directions that use an electric rail to Fairhaven. From there they go to a ‘Stray Cat’ Inn. From there they go to Cleaved Stone.

Then the professor slides over two keys with a similar shape. “Keys to your suite.” The words suite brings a smile to both the dwarf and goliath. The dwarf likes the idea of an elegant room and living area to stay in. The giant likes anything ‘sweet’.

They leave doing their best not to disturb any further piles of papers or tomes.

“What are you, like, doing for the professor?” asks the woman.

“That is between us.” Replies the dwarf.

“I hope it is exciting. Do you get to travel? I love traveling.”

“Fairhaven.” Replies the happy goliath.

“Com’on you. Time to go.” Says the dwarf wondering if the potential muscle of the giant is worth his feeblemindedness.



The sun rises and the three are up. Though not ‘sweet’, the goliath likes his new home. Kar-Draith finds the room very dry and unlike his home. The dwarf sighs often. What he thought a suite would be like in truth is not what they have. It is four small bedrooms with a small water room and a small closet in one unit. There are several of these units on the floor. In the center is a series of stairs going up to the University or down to the student living areas and a large well of magically cooled water. There are two permanent heat metal plates here also to cook and prepare food.

They collect their goods and lock the door. They go down the stairway and across to Tavik’s Landing which takes them a long time to reach. Kar-Draith and Hardfist are certain they would become helplessly lost trying this without Wardrum. He knows the city and takes them up and down stairs and ramps and across bridges while walking through the morning crowds. The dwarf’s eyes wander and follow several Halflings that seem to follow them.

As they reach the rail station they are forced to wait in line which moves very slowly. Hardfist stares off into space at the top of some of the towers and buttresses above them. “Copper for your thoughts.” Says a woman wearing a traveling jacket and a small shoulder bag.

The goliath looks down at her and smiling asks- “Has anyone ever climbed these towers?”

“I don’t know. Would you want to?”

“Oh yes I do! I like climbing. It’s why I’m here.”

“Hardfist- com’on over and leave the lady alone.” Commands the dwarf.

A woman wearing blue and white with an unicorn emblem on her jacket asks for tickets. She looks at the three tickets and stamps them and tells them which platform to walk to. The three of them have never been on an Electric Rail before. In fact Hardfist has never even seen one before. He asks twice where the electrical powered wagons are when walking next to them. It amazes him when Wardrum points out the pyramid shaped power cells under the floating small homes made of wood and metal. The cars at each end have a crackling aura of energy that encircles them. So amazed and caught up in the sights the goliath doesn’t spot the Halfling that separates his one coin purse from his belt. It is a good thing this was his “petty” funds purse and not his main source of money. Later after he discovers this, he never tells his new friends but pouts quickly…. For a minute or two before seeing something new and neat that absorbs all of his attention once more.

“You have to be kidding me.” Grumbles the dwarf. Zilshire has purchased tickets in the common area of the craft. No private rooms. Not even a bed. This large 25 x 75 ft space has six long tables and maybe two dozen chairs total. Fifty plus travelers crowd into a car that already had a few passengers.

The dwarf and lizardfolk decide to make the most of it as the goliath sticks his face against the glass to watch the city as the craft begins to shudder. A loud whistle blows and a mere moment later it begins to move. Slowly at first but begins to pick-up speed as it clears the station. The craft rides on a bridge that hangs high off the ground connecting with towers. Except for a few children, the people visible on the towers ignore the craft as it reaches the top speed within the city limits. Like a happy child, Hardfist takes it all in and offers viewing for smaller children to see through the windows. When he sees someone open a window he is desperate to learn how to do this. A child shows him and he tries to stick his head out the window. It will not fit so instead he puts his massive pebbled and callused hand out instead. He smiles at the sensation of the wind on it. This entertains him for an hour or so before he joins his new friends.

“Did you know the windows open!”

“Don’t stick your head out there. You’ll get bugs stuck in your teeth.” Says the dwarf as he leans back in a chair he took while the original occupant stood up and stretched. Suddenly, the goliath is happy he could not squeeze his head through the window. No one wants to eat bugs. Unless you were a frog. They like bugs.

Kar-Draith and Wardrum take turns napping to secure their belongings during the night. The dwarf entertains himself watching people and profiling them. He notes a dice cheat whom is doing well in the corner. Several passengers loss all of their coppers to him, a few even some silver.

Kar-Draith looks drowsy as dusk comes. “In the future- we buy food.”

“Agreed.” Says the dwarf as they didn’t realize food was not a given on this car. Neither know there is a food car, expensive, but available.


Wardrum is barely awake when he notes a woman watching him. She is wearing a cloak and cowl that shadows her face. When he opens his eyes and sits upright she is gone. He assumes she has gone through a door into another car. Thinking nothing more of it he notes that the lizardfolk is still awake but staring at an elf eating some questionable jerky. Wardrum’s stomach growls as he tries to return to sleep.

Hardfist rolls over and sleepily stares at the dwarf. His eyes pop open as the dwarf is so asleep a bit of drool escapes his mouth. “Is he okay?!?” asks the goliath. The lizardfolk looks strangely at the big man.

“Best to be sure. Hit him.” He says not expecting what happens next. The big man raises his massive hand and he slaps the dwarf on the chest. Everyone on the car not awake is now as Wardrum calls out in pain then wheezes as he tries to get a breath. The goliath rolls back over happy his friend is alive. The dwarf glares first at the massive figure then at the quietly hissing reptilian.


Finally they reach Fairhaven, Aundair. Hardfist is not at the window which surprises the dwarf. Instead he is at the door shifting his weight from foot to foot. The dwarf felt somewhat claustrophobic by the second day. He wonders how the much larger man is doing whom obviously enjoys being outdoors.

People disembark from the car faster than they climbed onto it. Fresh air. The goliath looks at the roof and asks if next time he can ride there. The dwarf wants to say yes as he massages his still sore ribs but says no. It is not allowed.

This station is very similar to the one in Sharn. An Orien employee aids passengers. Wardrum asks about food and where the Stray Cat Inn is. Two blocks down are several food places including two that are Ghallanda certified. The employee only knows the Stray Cat is outside of town. Another passenger, a woman with thin white hair covered by a cloth tells them how to reach it.

After getting some food and a discussion about the need to cook the meat between the dwarf and the lizardfolk they begin the long walk out of Fairhaven.
One mile outside of the town on a Orien built road they reach the Stray Cat Inn. It is a two-story basic wooden structure that needs a paint job. Two twin wooden sculptures of cats sit on the arm rails of the porch. The three of them go inside. The inside is even less amazing than the outside.

Kar-Draith spots a female cleaning and dusting behind a cracked counter. “Hello.” The dwarf offers. The woman stands upright and reveals a possible second reason for the name of the Inn. She is a catfolk. Her fur is thin and a pale cream color.

“Hello travelers. Looking for one or three rooms?”

Wardrum pulls out the papers of credit given to him by Zilshire. She hisses slightly and twitches her nose. Her tail wags with annoyance. “Yes. I was expecting you. I am Sersi. Welcome to the Stray Cat Inn. Morgrave has arranged everything for you.” She collects a key and gives it to the dwarf. “Three horses will be ready in the morning.” She looks at the group and frowns. “You can ride…..?”

“Leave that to us.” Says the dwarf whose main concern at the moment is laying down on a bed to sleep.




These horses are sad.

Not magebred. Not even of any quality. The horse given to Hardfist looks like a tired delivery work horse which if so will not like a rider.

Sersi, as promised, has three horses readied and saddled for them. The dwarf climbs on and hopes the others are up for this. Hardfist puts his horse in a headlock and after forcing the head down climbs on. The horse looks pained. But at least he didn’t fall off. The lizardfolk’s tail is awkward at best within the saddle. Twice he fell off as his tall struck the horse’s flank before being seated. Once on, the horse is unsettled to have such a rider as this and proves hard to control. Hardfist is smiling and happy to be up on the horse. When the others begin to trot to the gate he asks for them to wait. “My horse won’t go!” he cries out like a worried child.

Sersi, wondering if this is the last time she will ever see her horses tells him to cluck two. “Cluck?”

“Yes or you can gently kick it with your heels.”

The horse wheezes as the gentle giant gives a hard and gut retching kick to the old workhorse. The horse more staggers out the gate than trots. The goliath is proud of himself. He is riding a horse. If he were home he would have to show his entire village. Frowning as he thinks about this, he decides that maybe it is best they do not see him riding a horse.

It is not long before the lizardfolk remembers something that they thought would not happen again- they didn’t stock up on food.

Though the animals are different and the rabbit he hunts jumps quickly about instead of swimming, Kar-Draith finally shots it. It is not much but they eat that day.

Slowly they get better at riding. Hardfist tries a new method of mounting his horse. He goes from behind and forces the horse to sit. The horse, if not prepared to have a rider, clearly is not used to be man-handled.

On the second day, Hardfist supplies the food. No questions are asked at how he got it (found it in an existing trap) but the food is good. Again, Wardrum and Kar-Draith discuss the need to cook the food.

They saw their first floating tower on the second day and their first dragonhawk with a rider on the third day. No food.


That night however something comes to them. The city dwellers decide setting up a watch was not required. They regret this decision as they awake to the screams of Kar-Draith’s horse. An owlbear has entered the camp looking for fresh horse meat.

Kar-Draith is quick to locate his bow. The dwarf is quicker. He fires at the raging creature and a bolt strikes it. It shrugs it off. The dwarf and lizardfolk are dumbfounded as the goliath charges directly at it.

“Darned fool thinks he can fight it hand to hand!” grumbles the dwarf as he reloads. Hardfist rushes up and punches the creature. It stops mauling the horse and turns its attention to this foolish humanoid. The dwarf summons up an illusion of a fire to protect the horses. The horses kick in fear but the owlbear’s ringing head allows it to ignore the “obvious”.

“Move it you stupid…. Oops.” Says the dwarf as he fires another bolt at the owlbear. He sinks it into the goliath’s backside. Much like the owlbear, if he felt it he doesn’t show it. The owlbear takes another arrow. With a smirk of joy, the goliath unleashes himself on the unprepared owlbear. A solid punch to the gut breaks several ribs and causes a puff of feathers to spring forth. Dying, the owlbear then has it’s head gripped by the “gentle” giant whom then drives his hard and crusted knee into it’s head forcing the beak to shatter and drive back into it’s brain.

The two ranged fighters look in disbelief. The goliath killed an owlbear by punching and kicking. Wardrum smiles. He chose well in picking the goliath as an ally.

“The horse is dead.” He nearly cries.

“Thank you for this bounty great Devourer.” Says the lizardfolk as he draws out a wicked blade. Neither the dwarf or the goliath heard this comment hinting at Kar-Draith’s spiritual beliefs.

The next day is a long one for the lizardfolk. He walks behind the others which slows them down. They come to a small stone carved monument next to the road. Reading it, the dwarf closes his eyes in respect. A bloody battle took place here between Aundair and Karrnath. Hundreds died.

They encounter a giant red frog in a shallow bog and later two defensive dire badgers. In each case, they merely steer wide of it. No sense killing something that is not inherently evil.


On the seventh day they can see a large rocky outcrop ahead of them. The rock appeared split in two, like a stone cleaved in two. A small building is at its base. Looking above the Cleaved Stone, a floating tower can be seen.

“We’re there.” States the dwarf.

“Good.” Says the lizardfolk. Hardfist was about to mention some of his favorite adventures for the third time. They weren’t that good to begin with.



Having been spotted from afar, a man waits for the tired riders (and walker). “Welcome to the Cleaved Stone. I have been expecting you.”

“Sorry. We lost a horse on the way here. Owlbear.” States the dwarf as he begins to profile the man. He appears to be a ranger or at least works with horses. Seems bright and friendly.

“Yes. I have heard they are unusually activate this spring. Then you must be tired and wish to rest. Follow me.”

They follow behind the man and they take in the area looking around. “My name is Dubris Durn. You may call me Durn if you prefer.”

Walking along, Kar-Draith, looks at the watering bin. A horse’s head can be seen as if laying down. It seems odd to lay down there. Then he spots a hindquarter recently removed with fresh dripping blood. His stomach gurgles from the thought of fresh meat. Then the inquisitor spots the dismembered horse and can’t help himself but places a concerned hand on the horse’s neck.

Durn spots his reaction and smiles. “Do not worry. We will place your rides in a separate area from our mounts.”

Still unsettled, the dwarf looks into the open doorway to the stables. Griffons! He looks up and spots a thick chain going from the stone to the floating earth above. They use griffons to reach the towers above.

Two stable hands take the reins of the horses. Hardfist luckily never saw the dead horse or a griffon feeding. He looks at the winged lions with an eagle head and in awe- “Can I pat one?”

Durn looks at the dwarf with a “really?” look of disbelief. “Yes. You can pat one and then ride it. I have one big enough for even a big man like yourself.”

Uncertain and knowing how well they rode the land bound horses, the dwarf looks about. “Is there another way?”

“Never rode a Griffon? Do not worry. These creatures are well trained. They will do most of the work themselves if I lead us up- which I will.”

Durn mounts an albino griffon. He pats it and whispers a soothing few words of encouragement to it. They take to the air and circle about. The aids bring three griffons to the group. Confident from his surprising ease of riding a horse, the dwarf goes first. The griffon begins to run about to fly but doesn’t. “Relax. It senses your fear.” Offers a stable hand.

“Easy for you to say.” Quietly grumbles the dwarf. The griffon runs once more and it takes to the air. Wardrum is glad he has not eaten today.

Hardfist is next. He falls off before the griffon gets a steady run. He is laughing at his misfortune. Kar-Draith is next. His tail batters the wings of the griffon and it bucks him off- hard. Durn and Wardrum watch from above as they circle the stable.

Hardfist begins again. After running about thirty feet the griffon suddenly bears down and stops which sends the goliath flying into a hard tumble. He is laughing through most of it. The lizardfolk’s griffon refuses to go. It shrieks in protest. He wonders if the dwarf can do this on his own. Maybe he doesn’t need to fly up there. Hardfist is dropped from about ten feet off the ground this time. He laughs.

Durn is beginning to wonder how incompetent these two are. The damned dwarf can do it……

Finally the lizardfolk’s griffon takes to the air. The lizardfolk is not happy and hopes this to be quick and uneventful. Even as he thinks this, he hears calls of alarm as Hardfist once more is thrown from his griffon…. And continues to giggle. Finally, after about ten minutes of circling over head, the others can not help but smile as the goliath finally takes to the air with a loud shout of glee and excitement. They circle for another minute until the griffons form a flight. They go up higher.

From here, the three of them can see the floating towers better. There is a floating land mass that is literally chained to the stones below. One tower floats about ten feet above the island. Another tower connects to the first by means of a bridge. All are in a condition of ruin.

Durn lands softly and his mount calmly walks to a post to be secured. Wardrum lands and though not graceful, he remains on the griffon. Kar-Draith is next. He is nearly kicked off as his griffon lands. Once more his tail has struck the griffon. Though they don’t mean to, they hold their collective breath as Hardfist’s griffon lines up to land. He falls off the griffon as it comes in too fast. It is not used to the extra weight and how it will increase it’s decent to land. However, with his magical Chainmail of Landing, the goliath skips and tumbles and slides to safety. For a brief moment, Durn fears he will slide right off the island but the goliath grabs at the ground and stops himself.

“Alright then….. follow me please.” Says Durn. New stable hands tend to the griffons. Looking about as he follows the leader, the dwarf notes a few strange things. There is a full grown fruit tree here. Nearby is a grave stone. A small hill is on this hundred foot around island. Inside the hill are stables for the griffons. Durn leads them to the side of the hill and to a ladder that leads into the bottom of the lowest tower. Looking to the underside of the two towers, the observative dwarf notes the nesting birds that call this home. He figures then this place is generally quiet and peaceful. The birds would also act as a warning of visitors by taking flight. Both towers are made of stone, wood and mortar. He notes that the second larger and higher tower has magical runes inscribed on the bottom. He is uncertain what they do.

“Go ahead and climb up. Someone will instruct you from there.”

“Not going with us?” the dwarf becomes suspicious of this.

“I will wait here. I was told you should not be long. Besides, someone should calm poor Tarrell, the griffon your large friend rode.”

With a nod of acceptance, the dwarf is first to begin to climb the ladder.



Wardrum climbs through the square opening to the tower. He takes in everything before going all the way up. There is a ruined stone and wood stairway that spirals along the outer wall to the next floor. A series of bars block passage to the bridge that connects the two towers. Along the wall hangs many portraits. Over-stuffed chairs and a table are in the center of the room.

The dwarf finishes his climb as the lizardfolk comes up next and finally the goliath. Once he is in a gentle breeze stirs. A barely visible form of a small humanoid appears. “I am Auran. Master Saas, the Lord of Acid Tears is aware of your arrival and eagerly wishes to meet you. He needs to but address a few lose ends first. Please sit and wait for him here. I strongly suggest you don’t leave this room by stair or walkway.” The misty form seems to break up and leave in the breeze.

The dwarf guesses it was an Air Mephit. The dwarf sits while the lizardfolk stands in the center. Only the goliath explores the room. “Remember- manners. We shouldn’t touch anything.” Warns the dwarf.

The goliath smiles and nods in understanding. He looks at the portraits. “They look funny. They have horns like a ram and tusks like an orc.”

“Really Hardfist. Sit down before you break something.” Suggests the dwarf.

“I would do as the dwarf has suggested my large guest.” Agrees a voice from nowhere. They turn and see a horned man with reddish skin and small fangs. He is dressed in a green and black mix of leather and cloth. In his taloned hands, the tiefling holds a golden scepter. Wardrum guesses the scepter has a copper dragon head on it. It seems to mist faintly from the opened and fanged mouth. “I am Ank-Lace Saas.”

“I believe you have something to give me from Morgrave.”

The dwarf is not happy to be working with a tiefling. He doesn’t like them. “Yes. And in return we are to given a book to bring back to Professor Zilshire.” The dwarf pulls the wrapped book from his pack and hands it to the threatening looking host. Waving an open palm over the paper wrapped book, the wrapper unfolds itself. A wax seal of a golden color bubbles then slides off. He opens the gold scaled book. In quiet awe, he murmurs “at last- The Tome of the Gold Dragon- Surf-fan-grand-axis.” The dwarf makes a mental note of the name to reference at a later date.

Satisfied, the tiefling raises a hand and snaps his fingers above his head. A small rift of space opens up and a wrapped book appears. “I am sure the professor is eager to read his gift. You should leave immediately.” A maleficent glint appears in his eye as he mocks you more than speaking out of sincerity. Still, he doesn’t need to ask twice. You take to the ladder and return to the island below.

Though Hardfist thought about climbing down the chain instead of using the grumpy lion-birds, he agrees to try them again. Only Hardfist has any problems landing. Once more his magical armor’s enchantments lend him help and luck to not hurt himself as he tumbles off the landing magical beast.

Their two horses have been fed and watered (not fed to the griffons as feared) and are eager to leave the predatory creatures.

Kar-Draith hisses in frustrated acceptance. He will need to walk all the way back to the Stray Cat.

On the third day they meet a House Cannith Tinker. She hopes to acquire payment by fixing or mending anything of theirs. They decline aid from the stranger.

NYMM 01, 1000

On the fourth day, they spot something in the near distance. Pulling out a viewing spy glass, the dwarf yelps in surprise. The creature has charged at him and leaps onto the horse’s head biting onto it’s ear. It is everything the dwarf can do to not be thrown from the attacked horse. A small Green Dragon Wyrmling is savagely attacking the horse without any sort of attack.

Wardrum hits it with a bolt putting a small hole in its leathery wing. The goliath is quick to race over take a swing at it but misses (he feared hitting the horse). Kar-Draith is far enough behind the riders he cannot get a good shot. Wardrum manages to reload and fires again. The bolt grazes the top of the horse’s head making it buck wildly. The dwarf is thrown clear and nearly lands on Hardfist’s spooked horse. An arrow finishes off the dragon baby.

“What in the world was that about?!?” exclaims the ruffled dwarf as he picks himself off the ground.

“It bit the horse’s ear off” cries the goliath.

“I want the dragon’s hide.” Says the dwarf seeing a possible means out of a bad situation.

“No. I did the finishing blow. It is mine by rights of combat.” Hisses Kar-Draith. He once more pulls out his blade.

“Two gold.” Offers the dwarf.

Feeling the empty weight of his coin purse, the lizardfolk hesitates then agrees. He quickly skins the baby dragon and gives the dwarf the hide for two gold.


Sersi once more greets them. She slides a key to the dwarf. Once inside their room she checks on her three horses. There is only one intact and the other is bloodied. “You will pay for this also” she grumbles.

They go into the city and learn the next electric rail leaves in another day. They return to the Stray Cat and enjoy another day of rest and sleep. Sersi keeps a Talli.


They board the common room car once more. Though not as excitable, the goliath still insists on watching from the window. The lizardfolk archer is content to sit back and stare at any one person that will stare at him first. He likes making these people uncomfortable. The dwarf half-snoozes / half-concentrates on a sole thought- Surf-fan-grand-axis.


Wardrum watches as a red headed male human creeps along the outer wall of the car. The hair and color of his traveling coat suggests he is a House Cannith member except his hair is unkempt and his jacket is dirty with holes. Curious about what he is doing, the dwarf walks further down the car to where the man will walk past him. He nods and sits down next to a woman with a terribly large mole on her chin. Two thick dark bristles protrude from it. The dwarf tries not to look at her face again.

The man is crazed. He believes the car is about to break up and kill everyone on board. As a Cannith member one has to wonder. The woman is startled by his comments but for the most part, everyone ignores the two of them, including the bored dwarf.


Happy to be “home” the three of them disembark from the car and take the long walk back to their new apartment. The walls prove to be too thin and they not too tired. Hardfist sleeps through the activity next door. Frustrated and unable to sleep, Kar-Draith takes a short walk. As he returns a nice looking female student (based on the black robe) quietly steps out of the room and searches for witnesses. She spots the lizardfolk and gives him a shhhhh and an embarrassed look as she adjusts her robe and walks away.

Questioning what he is seeing, the archer stands there for a moment then another human exits the room. A professor of Morgrave. He also looks for witnesses and when he spots the archer, he stands up straight and marches past him as if he doesn’t exist.

A hiss of amused bewilderment is all he can do.



“Like, what did you see?” the ditsy secretary asks as the groups waits to see the professor. She smiles and bats her eye lashes at the dwarf. Today she is wearing a dark green dress with the same black jacket.

“The country” says the dwarf in a guarded manner. He tires of her giggle and curiosity.

“I rode a lion-bird!” exclaims the goliath with great pride.

“A lion…. A Griffon?” she asks. “Fantastic!”

Fearing a high-five the dwarf asks her how much longer the professor will be. On cue, he calls for them to enter. Smiling in silence, she nods and shrugs to go in. “The professor is waiting.”

He is eager to see the tome. Like a child given a wrapped toy, he tears into the wrapping. He holds the book up in a way the dwarf cannot see the cover. The old man stops and stares at the dwarf from the other side of the held book. “Yes….?”

Before anyone can say anything else he dismisses you. Clearly he wants to read the book and have no one bothering him. The dwarf and lizardfolk is first to leave. The goliath turns to leave but hesitates. He half turns to face the man again.

“Yes.” He grumbles impatiently.

“We were told we would be paid……” begins the hungry big man.

“Hurrumph- yes and close the door behind you.” Growls the cranky old man as he tosses a small coin pouch to the goliath.

Back at their apartment / suite they look at the money. 60 gold. 20 apiece. The dwarf is not pleased. He needs more. He looks at his travel pack and has a wonderful, desperate, but wonderful idea. He collects a wrapped bundle and excuses himself. He is getting some air. The goliath says okay. The lizardfolk knows better but honestly doesn’t care.

Taking the long way to avoid any suspicion of being followed, Wardrum wanders to the Firelight District. A club with many scantly clad women of several races greet him as he enters. They all promise him a good time. He ignores them and continues to the back of the entry room. Two Halfling appear suddenly.

“Where have you been little inquisitor?”

“Heard you left town without a goodbye. Makes us sad.” Suggests the other Halfling.

“Thavash is very unhappy. He missed you.”

“Funny thing- I returned to make good on a payment to my dept.”

“What is in the bag?” one Halfling asks as he begins to paw at it.

The dwarf pulls it away. “It’s not for you. It’s for your boss.” This angers the guard whom draws a small blade. He remains angry but pauses as a voice comes from the next room.

“Is that Wardrum? Send that pathetic piece of street filth in here. I need to clear up some rules with him.”

Nervously, the dwarf enters the dim room. Behind a large dark wood desk sits a Halfling. He has a serious- deadly serious- look on his face.

“You owe me a lot of money for what was done. I had hoped you understood leaving the city would be a bad idea.” The crime boss and associate of the Boromar clan leans forward. “What have you there? My money?”

“Close. It is something of great value. I bring it to you as a gift.” Says the normally confident dwarven inquisitor.

“None of your beguiling mind game illusions. You know that won’t work on me.” The Halfling pulls and twists at a jeweled ring he wears. Wardrum suspects it makes him immune to illusions. Bad for him.

“You are aware of the power and prestige of items made from dragon scales…..” begins the dwarf as he places the bundle on the desk. The Halfling sits back wearily.

“Go on.”

“I have for you a genuine dragon hide. It is untouched so you can make anything you wish from it.”

Never taking his eyes off the Halfling, he unrolls the hide. Confusion. The Halfling is not impressed. He appears angry instead. Looking down he sees to his horror the true condition of the hide. Patches of scales are missing. Other scales are heavily damaged. A lone bright colored beetle wiggles within the green scales.

“What-Is-This?” growls the crime lord. Wardrum stumbles back a step in fear and shock.

“I…I… I don’t understand…. It was not…. What is this….”

“Don’t treat me like a fool that YOU are Wardrum. Take your filthy diseased …. Skin and leave. You know the clock is ticking. Interest is accumulating. I WILL have my money.”

The dwarf begins to leave quickly. “Take it!” shouts the angered little man whom shoves the skin off his desk. The dwarf stumbles and fumbles with the skin. He trips and crawls out of the room.

The crime lord sits. Anger clearly on his face. After a few moments he demands his two guards to enter. Fearful they did something wrong they instantly enter.

“What was THAT about?!?” he demands.

The two guards stumble on their words to answer him.

Suddenly a toothy grin is on the halfling’s face. “Did you see how he ran with his tail between his legs? That image will carry me through the rest of the day!”

The three Halflings laugh….. and laugh…. And laugh.

The dwarf makes it to the next tower over and stops to catch his breath. “Damn you Tobus and your ideas. Damn you. And damn this!” he shouts as he throws the ragged skin over the edge of a bridge. Trying not to sob in public, the humbled dwarf leaves to return to Morgrave and figure out how to raise the money he owes Thavash and his Copperheads.

The skin flutters and dances in the air. It blows up against a tower then peels off. It glides down to a bridge hidden in a darkened area in the lower sections of the district. The hide shifts and rustles but there is little wind or breeze this deep in the City of Towers. The barely seen beetle crawls out from the skin. It flitters it’s hard shell wings before turning in small circles. Suddenly, as if it has decided what to do it moves quickly… deeper into the shadows of Sharn. Hunting.


NYMM 24, 1000

The sight before them is amazing. The walls are mirrored throughout. The floor is green marble with silver and white veins of an unknown mineral. The room is very wide and long. Four comfortable looking sofas surround a small table of live wood. To the back there is a large bird cage with four multi-colored birds with very long tails and crowns on their heads that are as long as its neck- over a foot in length. The air smells of exotic flora and fauna. The soft cooing of the birds attracts Hardfist. Wardrum and Kar-Draith sit at the sofas where chilled fruit flavored water awaits them.

As they take gentle sips of the water the scene begins to change. Green tall grass seems to grow up around their chairs and the table. The walls look like the edge of a forest with the morning sun peering through. It is very calming and tranquil. A soft breeze makes the grass wave gently. The dwarf knows this is an illusion but it is truly amazing. Hardfist considers touching the birds that show little to no fear of the big man. “it is okay. Just be gentle” comes a soft female voice. The bird takes a few steps and reveals a female gnome standing on the other side of the cage. The goliath has no idea how long she has been there watching him and the birds.

The other two watch her as she walks around the cage through the tall grass. Her long green and blue dress sparkles as the morning sun caresses it. It has a tall slit going up the leg and hip. The dwarf is caught up in the figure of the host. But in the same token he suspects trouble. Too many illusions. And it’s a gnome.

“Welcome to my home. I am known in these parts as Lady Alina ir’Lyrris. I was the one that requested your company and now your host. Thank you for coming so quickly.” She stands next to the goliath whom is amazed as she places her arm into the cage. The closest bird softly hops onto her arm and allows her to remove it. She walks slowly through the tall grass with the goliath following her. She sits down and the dwarf feels warmth on his face as he sees the slit of her dress allow much to be seen. She smiles and winks slowly at the dwarf. “Enjoy the water. It is magically cooled and flavored with a now rare Cyrian grape known as the Hendra Fruit. It is said to arouse strong primitive emotions. I don’t know about that but I do like it. Do you Master dwarf?”

“Ahem…. Fist- sit down before you step on someone.” Wardrum says to change the subject and her focus on him. He thinks deeply about her name. He remembers she is well respected within the gnome community. She has much wealth and it was said to have been made during the war. Rumor has it she is a smuggler of weapons and magical artifacts. He looks up as he hears her grasp a glass of the water. She wears many jeweled rings and necklaces. No doubt some are magical. She motions for the goliath to have a drink. He picks it up but never drinks from it. He is enraptured by the bird.

“I am in need of a procurer of a lost scroll. After asking around in my many circles of influential friends and contacts your names came up. You work for Professor Zilshire. Correct?”

“Yes.” Answers the lizardfolk. His scent glands seem to be picking up smells other than the grass and flowers. It makes him uncomfortable and he begins to shift regularly.

“I hear he has locked himself up to study a tome you brought to him.”

‘How did she learn of this’ wonders the dwarf. “Yes.” He notices a morning “mist” is laying heavy in the grass now. The air even feels damp. Amazing.

“There is an abandoned temple to Aureon, the god of Law and Knowledge. It is located in Northern Zilargo. My contacts and resources say the scroll of Durgardus is here. As it is abandoned, I would like to lay claim to it. Unfortunate events have lead to a misunderstanding between myself and Zilargo. I cannot go in person. I ask that you go in my stead. I will pay you- pay better than Morgrave has.”

They talk about terms and conditions. They will receive 100 gold each before and after the mission is completed. They may keep non-magical items as they find them. Historical items and magical items interest her and she wishes exclusive first rites to buying them. She will give gold for the items. The team agrees. She waves a hand above her head and three small coin purses appear and a small leather pouch about six inches around . She gives each member a small pouch. Kar-Draith looks at his pouch quickly- 100 gold. The dwarf takes his pouch and finds himself staring into her eyes. Magical eyes. Blinking rapidly a few times he refocuses his mind onto the weight of the gold and motions to the fourth bag now on the table. “What is this?”

“Gifts” she says as she opens the pouch. She removes from within it a small map of the area they are to go to. Three tickets to Zolanberg via Electric Rail from Sharn and back. Vouchers to House Vadalis for three magebred horses. Then she pulls out thirteen tubes and small bottles of potions. “Gifts to aid your trip.”

The lizardfolk continues to weigh the coins in his taloned claw-like hand. Visions of extra items found and forgotten cross the dwarf’s mind briefly. The gnome looks on with a self-assured look of confidence. “I like your birds. They are pretty.” Says the goliath with a child-like smile.

“Be gentle but you may pet Gerdie. I think he likes you.” Turning to the dwarf she continues, “Gerdie misses her home in Aerenal, the land of the elves. Fascinating island-Aerenal. It has many rare plants and animals. Everyone has heard of soarwood and most of live wood. But what do you know of the Purple Silk Orchid?”

He nods now wondering where this is going.

She slowly gets up and circles around the chair. The bird just out of Hardfist’s reach now. “The blossom only appears once per two years. The pollen it creates then is deadly. It cuts off air and blood flow to the organs slowly. A painful way to go…. And slow. Still, it has a wonderful fragrance and the elves developed a cure… an antidote if you will.” The dwarf’s face turn bitter red in anger and sudden understanding. “It comes in two parts. The first part is taken in a fluid. Something like this sweet water.

The lizardfolk gulps the last of his water and demands the goliath to drink his- NOW.

“Anyhow, we are not here for botany lessons on such morbid subjects. I hope we have an understanding. I must go as there are other subjects and projects that require my supervision. Have a beautiful day.” She seems to blow away in the mist before their eyes.


NYMM 24, 1000

That afternoon Wardrum tries to learn anything he can about the gnome. Most everyone whom has heard of her says she is good to her word but is not against fear tactics to get her way. One person suggests she has contacts with many groups from the Watch, the Citadel, Nobles of Breland and other countries. Even groups like the Emerald Claw, The Twelve and other groups of power


Once more they are on the rail and in the common area. It is not as crowded this time which is a slight blessing. The over-sized brawler sits by the window and awaits the car to move along again. The dwarf and lizardfolk sit in a corner and browse over the maps and notes with no sense of commitment. The dwarven inquisitor cannot believe he was poisoned by her to maintain their honesty in completing of the mission. What may be worse- did Hardfist drink or not? From talking to a few contacts, the water would have a delaying tactic to the poison. Without it, the poison will take effect much sooner.

A few hours later the dwarf is annoyed by an old man reading the Korranberg Chronicle. The headline mentions a new king and queen in Darguun. He is more upset with the lies involving a war criminal and the Mournlands.

NYMM 26, 1000

Hardfist is turning his head side to side like a dog trying to understand its master. The dwarf watches him move slowly to an orc sitting by himself. He is wearing a brown dirty robe and carrying a potted plant. Hardfist gets closer and closer until he is nearly sharing the seat with the orc. Fearing the orc will grow tired of the innocent actions of the goliath, Wardrum gets up to ask the goliath to sit with them instead. “It is okay young dwarf. I do not mind your large friend. He was helping me comfort Gary-Lynn.

“Who?” asks the dwarf.

“Gary-Lynn” repeats the goliath. “He is afraid of the traveling house.”

“Sorry…. I don’t see a Gary-Lynn here.”

“It’s okay Gary-Lynn. The dwarf doesn’t understand is all. He is a city man. Gary-Lynn has never traveled on a Rail before. He is nervous.” The orc looks down to patted plant.

The dwarf takes Hardcase by the ear and leads him away without looking back.

NYMM 27, 1000

They reach the gnome settlement of Zolanberg. They know little about it (best Know: roll was a 5 between the three of them…. Go figure). It appears to be a mining town as many dwarves are here also. Mining tools and carts are visible in the streets.

They spot only two taverns here- The Rusty Dragon Inn and the Blue Cloud Tavern. The dwarf wishes to be with his ‘people’ while the lizardfolk believes one should be with the locals which he believes is strictly the gnomes. Undecided, the goliath follows the first to direct him- the lizardfolk. The scenes and environment are as different as night and day.

Ronin steps over slumped bodies of dwarves drunken and beaten to reach the bar.
Kar-Draith and Hardfist step into a quiet bar with orderly tables and a sweet scent of flavored smoke pipes.

Frowning, Ronin lifts his ale and the map he was trying to look closer at as a stray mug skids down the bar. A fighting and bad-smelling dwarven miner slams up against him. The inquisitor calmly takes a bottle from the bar keep and strikes down the unruly dwarf.
Hardfist sits on very small and dainty stools (yes- two for him- one per cheek) and he gently kicks his feet to and fo in a need to do something. The archer gets a drink from a bar keep who served him but is uncertain what the archer is… lizardfolk? Dragon-kin? Yuan’ti? Paying costumer.

Arm-wrestling, spitting and darts that strike other miners as often as the board break up any means of being able to study the map.
The goliath breaks up the quiet conversations by the gnomes when he nearly falls asleep and his head thuds on the bar. Based on the dirty looks, Kar-Draith wonders if they should be going.

The dwarven commotion settles down some as a female begins to dance on the table in the back. Wardrum looks at the map. He drags his finger along the map following the route of the Electric rail. He then notes the location of Darguun. He sighs then moves his hand down and sees where they are going.
Directly next to the Mournlands! (DM screw-up. Misread map late at night- Zilargo doesn’t touch the Mournlands…. Sorry)

A sleepy goliath and a bored lizardfolk get up and begin for the door as Wardrum bursts into the tavern. “Do you see where we are going!”

Soon, in a room upstairs within the Blue Cloud they work out some of the fears of the possible Mournlands encounters. They thought they would sleep here as the Rusty Dragon was so rowdy. Hardfist’s snoring brings this into questioning.

NYMM 28,1000

After getting their Vadalis Magebred horses, they begin to travel north to the marshes at the base of the mountains. It is not an easy trip as the land is marshy and has some fog. They spot a small hammock of trees and try to stray away from it fearing an encounter. As they circle around it three short ugly troll-like creatures and a full troll charge out of the water.

Kar-Draith’s horse is struck by the troll (crit on a charge) and the animal is killed instantly. The lizardfolk is thrown into the mud and water nearby by the impact. Even as the brawler climbs from his horse, the dwarf castes an illusion of a bursting fireball that even feels of heat and smells of burning grass. The goliath stops in his tracks. The trolls and troblins move around the fiery wall. Wardrum changes the shape and the trolls are at bay. They circle the group for several minutes before Wardrum nearly loses his concentration as his horse bucks him off in fear. After twenty minutes, the trolls look for food elsewhere.

Once more, the ranger is forced to carve up pieces of his slain horse and move on but on foot. It could be worse, he likes the wet lands more than the forest he walked through before.

LHARVION 2, 1000

Three large swamp trolls attempt to attack the travelers. Using fire illusions, the dwarf once more drives the trolls away.

LHARVION 3, 1000

In the distance they can see the rising grey mists of the Mournlands. Neither of the three need to ask about it. The great country of Cyre died on Oralune 20. 994. Everything inside its borders dropped dead and the very buildings and landscape heaved and reshaped in its death throes. The gods, uncomfortable with seeing the dead country placed a shroud of thick grey mists over it. Few dare to enter it, fewer leave. Somewhere at the border is the temple they seek.


LHARVION 3, 1000

The valley is misty with running water under the ground just audible enough to hear if you don’t move. They try to follow what appears to be an abandoned path. They hope it leads to the temple. It does.

The temple is green marble with white marble for the roof and trim. All of it is tainted with a grey fine ash presumably from the Mournlands. The mists are a mere twenty feet from the back side of the temple. They look around briefly for any threats or activity. There is a well with a statue of an angel on the side. They do not check if the well is dry, tainted or good. The grass and trees seem to be healthy near the temple itself. Feeling it is safe, they dismount and go to the entrance.

Stone heavy doors with rusted iron hinges bare their way. The dwarf cannot open it so he asks the goliath to do it for him. He attempts several pushes and finally charges the doors. The hinges break and he tumbles inside. Lights within the temple ignite and six balls of glowing static allow them to see everywhere within the small temple. It seems strange to the dwarf that something so valuable could be hidden in such a small and insignificant temple. On the floor in the center of the temple is a glowing glyph that represents the god of law and knowledge. They look at it but do not touch it. Moving around it they come to an alter. As the dwarf looks this over, the ranger spots something near the ceiling over twenty feet up. It is a slowly moving crystal. Strange but they cannot reach it so they leave it alone.

Looking around the alter, Wardrum finds a secret panel and removes it. A medium sized tunnel with a ladder leads straight down. “Just as I thought.” Declares the dwarf. “A secret passage to the main area of interest.”

“Before going down we should secure the horses and this temple.” Suggests the ranger. They bring in the horses and once more the big brawler has a hard time closing the stone doors.

After waiting for the others to walk over to him he slowly goes down. The lizardfolk has some difficulty as his tail adds to his girth. Then the goliath looks at it uncertainly. It takes him time to figure out how to go down. Even then, he must suck in his gut and essentially fall through the hole. It is not a pretty site nor very graceful. The dwarf is really uncertain if he will be able to squeeze back out.

As they reach the bottom, more lights magically turn on to illuminate their way. There is a long hallway that ends with two doors to either side and an exit to another room at the very end. Slowly they walk down. They search for traps and ambushes as they go.

Ignoring the doors, they go to the end of the corridor first. Within this large room is a huge storage area with crates, barrels and various mundane goods. Searching around, hoping for something of value to use or sell to the crime lord he owes money to, Wardrum begins to open crates and check barrels. The other two do this also. Most of the goods are so mundane they have no value. Somethings may have helped them if they were not so aged. It proves to be a disappointment to them. Wardrum finds only a few unused ledgers with decorative edges and trim. Hardly worth the effort of carrying it around.

Coming out of the storage room they turn right. He checks the door for wards, traps or anything harmful and finds none. If fact, the door is not even locked. Carefully he pushes it open and it creaks loudly. There is another long hallway that magically lights up as they enter. Four doorways, two per side, can be seen. They move to the first room. Inside they find a map room.

Several shelving units have nothing but various maps. One map is on the table. It appears someone was looking at it when the temple complex was abandoned. It has notes in a language they do not know (elven) and shows an island that they cannot place. The inquisitor takes the map hoping someone else can translate it and then sell it for a profit. After spending some time looking for the scroll they give up and move to the next room.

The next room is very messy. Something or someone has spilled out the contents of several book cases and thrown them onto the floor then scattered them further. Kar-Draith waits in the hallway. This is not what he excels at doing. The goliath is curious at what the dwarf is doing and largely just watches and mimics his actions. Shortly a moan can be heard which unnerves the goliath. An image of a ½ orc warrior can be seen in a ghostly form. The two of them quickly leave the room hoping it will not follow them. It doesn’t.

The next room has many shelves and cabinets filled with scrolls and tomes. Most of it looks like pure gibberish to the three of them. With effort, the dwarf translates a tome’s title as “Tome of Enlightenment.” He collects it for future reading. The lizardfolk finds a book he cannot read. Looking inside it depicts six pieces of something that is connected do something. He has no idea what it is but collects it sensing it has value (book about the Creation Schema…. Kim Elderich would have loved to have had it). The book the goliath finds of interest has colorful pictures of gems and crystals. Thinking the dwarf would appreciate the artwork, he offers it to him. Understanding it involves creation magic he gladly takes it making the brawler happy.

The final room at this end has a shelf with several boxes and crystal containers on it. A table and several chairs are also within the room. The handful of books here are so old and fragile, they tear and crumble while touching them. Wardrum spots a book on the bottom shelf that looks out of place. A rolled up piece of parchment was used as a book mark. Carefully, while the others are looking for something that will not break or crumble he opens the book. The page marked seems to deal with farming. Unrolling the crushed scroll, he discovers the prize they came here for- The scroll of Durgardus. The sparkling gold and silver ink is hard to read. The others come to see what he has found. He pockets the scroll and shows them the picture of the farming shown. As they begin to leave they hear something shuffling down the hallway.

Looking out they spot an undead creature that is more skeleton than zombie. It has several of it’s organs visible and a long tongue. Long claws for hands suggest there is great danger there. The brawler charges at it. He punches the undead. The head spins around with the tongue wrapping around it. (wasted crit) For his effort, the goliath is clawed by the undead and feels himself becoming weaker. It meanwhile seems to shrug off most of the damage just done to it. The others attack it doing little damage to it. It then claws at the dwarf whom feels weaker soon. The dwarf’s attacks cause it to bleed and spray the floor. The blood is very oily and slick. The dwarf falls down and tries to avoid further attacks as he crawls backwards from the undead. Arrows do little to it. In time they beat it down but two of them suffer greatly for it.

Finding nothing else, they turn back to explore the other doorway. Again, the dwarf is careful and checks the door. Once more it is not only entrapped but also unlocked. He hopes there are no more undead as they go through the door.

The first room they explore has a circular floating silver mirror about eight feet across. Being careful not to touch it, the dwarf finds runes on it. Taking the time to try to decipher the magic on it he figures it was used for teleporting. Whether one would teleport somewhere within the temple, on Eberron or even to another plane is uncertain. They agree to leave it alone.

The next room has a bookcase with hundreds of handwritten journals. Some of it can be read but cannot (Elven). A chair and a large crystal globe are deeper in the room. Looking at the journals, they give dates and records of various often mundane events of everyday life. Wardrum takes out a lose page he has found. It is dated as year 934. Assassins dressed in green and black (possible Emerald Claw?) are seen killing a noble. As a result of this, an Aundarian fleet met defeat in navel battle against Karrnath. One of the ships had an experimental weapon on it that was never used. It sank within the ship to the bottom of the Karrn Bay. Looking again at the globe the dwarf sees there is a journal there that is open. Someone has begun writing in it. There is a powerful ward guarding the globe and chair. It has evocation spells built into it. The dwarf asks the brawler to get the journal. As he reaches for it he is struck by a powerful electrical field. Between this and the draining undead, Hardfist doesn’t feel very well.

The next room has a mysterious magical effect. A multicolored energy ripples within it (Prismatic Wall). Beyond the wall is another chair and desk. A journal sits here also but is too far away to read. A large oval crystal floats before the desk. The wall is solid. They are forced to turn away.

The next and final room appears to be a mess hall. Several tables with chairs and food are here. The food looks fresh but is cold. Kar-Draith suggests the goliath should try the food but his tummy is unsettled and doesn’t want to. Then a thick dark mist filters down from the cracks in the ceiling about twenty feet up. The mist has moving shapes within it of fanged mouths and reaching claws. It strikes the goliath whom shrieks in fear. It then covers him entirely making him flail about. The dwarf correctly guesses this is a Living Spell (Fear) and commands the giant to move away. Though holding back, the big man helps the others to beat it down.

“Time to go.” Declares the dwarf.

“But the missing scroll….” Begins the ranger.

“Found it a room or two back.”

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