Three wizards against two adult dragons


Three wizards in my game have expressed a desire to go out, find and slay two dragons (drakes) that took part in the first attack on their city and homeland.

The wizards are:

1 Tenth level summoner who only summons, no spells. For those who play Shadowrun he would be a conjurer adept. His tactics are to summon a few fiends and sic them on a target. He has a ring that allows him to control a succubus. He gained this ring by indirectly killing the previous owner and then using luck to take possession of it as he and the succubus wrestled for it. Where the former owner used the succubus as an abyssmal library, the wizard forced her to use favors owed to her for his behalf and made her his joy toy. She is not happy and wants the ring for her own designs.

2 Ninth level elementalist who has some elemental benefits, can breathe underwater for a short period, hold his breath for longer than normal, can eat soil instead of food, and takes less damage from fire. He does flirt with the succubus and wants the summoner to share her, which was declined. The succubus has communicated that if he were to give the ring to her that she would be his. All his spells have to be elemental based.

3 Ninth level Music Master, she casts her magic by playing musical instruments. In her case she has chosen the harp. If she loses her harp she cannot work magic. Her harp has the ability to shatter nearby weapons after which it will need to be tuned. She does have the skill to cast with the harp when it is out of tune but is restricted to lower level magics. Level 1-2

The dragons are a variant called drakes and resemble the dragons shown in Game of Thrones. They are weaker than typical dragons but are far more dexterous, fly faster and are more agile in the air. When the initially attacked they were attacking a group of mercenaries, they were driven off by another ally with grievous wounds, however, rather than finishing them off the ally went to aid his men to avoid casualties.

Currently the drakes are in a camp on an island in the marshes. They have piled up debris to form earthen barriers and have a miserable band of orcs bringing them pilfered livestock to eat as well as providing some form of security.

My players are assuming that the dragons have healed somewhat but not fully. They have no idea if there are allies with the drakes. They will be making their way on foot and by canoe. The summoner is a dandy and has an entourage of hirelings. He has to have his hot bath and massage, detests being dirty. All three have an additional enemy, the original ring owner's apprentice who is merely level four. They tossed her out of her master's tower when they took it for themselves.

Should I allow them to bring their alternate characters to increase their strength even if it also increases the chance of the summoner and elementalist going at each other for the ring?

Alternatively how many additional hirelings would you let them bring if they go the route of hiring men at arms?

Their goals for doing this are mixed. The summoner and elementalist want drake body parts for enchanted clothing, the music master to keep her home safe.

For now I would bet on the drakes I envision the summoner under the water of his bath, rising up to complain at Jeffery for adding too much hot water only to find his tent burning.

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Let them bring whoever they want. The bigger the entourage, the easiest it will be for the drakes to know they are coming and to either flee or lay an ambush. Dragon fear does wonders to an entourage of low level hirelings and beasts of burden. Scatters them to the wind, causes all sorts of chaos, provides plenty of dragon food, and makes the party pay out lots of death benefits.


[MENTION=6906155]Paul Farquhar[/MENTION] ...creatures in my game do not follow the traditional characteristics that are printed in the various rule books. The dragons in my game are more akin to what has been presented in the Game of Thrones show. As an illustration for how npcs work in my game, if playing a traditional game upon entering a church one might expect all of the priests to be able to pray (cast spells). In my game the priests might only be there because they have some litany and liturgy skills to conduct sermons and artist skills to produce illuminated manuscripts.

This picture illustrates how large the two drakes are.


They are not fully grown, yet are considered to be "adults" because they are capable of laying eggs. They both breathe fire (hot or cold flame), spit acid and exhale toxic fumes. They both have skill levels that reflect their interests and combative abilities.

I still expect both of the boys to go at one another for the succubus. If they do, then would be the time to attack if in an applicable location.


I cannot determine the strength of the encounter without seeing how much your dragons are different from normal ones. You have more breath weapons that the PCs cannot protect against and looks like a higher AC from being more dexterous, but 3 wizards should be able to take them down unless you have some lair actions.

Hirelings most likely will run away or have a couple shoot arrows rather ineffectively. The summoner will most likely have a few fighter-types up front, but most the actual wizards will be staying in the rear casting.


The wizards are pretty strong, but the drakes seem like they could easily escape in any direction. BTW, those PCs sound pretty interesting. Are all of the hirelings going to bring ranged weapons? How hard will it be to actually get to the island? How many orcs are there protecting the dragons? That's another factor. If it's just 10 no big deal; if you've got 50, that changes things.


[MENTION=31465]Nebulous[/MENTION] The hirelings will be carrying daggers, hand axes and any tools which might double as a weapon. This is due to the local Count's orders on what may or may not be carried within the city. The characters do have an opportunity to hire help from the Wyvern's Wing Inn and Tavern if they choose to.

There are 100 orcs in four equal groups. One at rest, one on guard, one patrolling no man's land, the last securing supplies by any means.

The female dragon has 323 hp 22 ac
the male dragon has 285 hp 21 ac with one more melee attack than the female and does more damage.


[MENTION=31465]Nebulous[/MENTION] The hirelings will be carrying daggers, hand axes and any tools which might double as a weapon. This is due to the local Count's orders on what may or may not be carried within the city. The characters do have an opportunity to hire help from the Wyvern's Wing Inn and Tavern if they choose to.

There are 100 orcs in four equal groups. One at rest, one on guard, one patrolling no man's land, the last securing supplies by any means.

The female dragon has 323 hp 22 ac
the male dragon has 285 hp 21 ac with one more melee attack than the female and does more damage.

Ok then! That changes everything. Lol. This is a highly formidable force of orcs. Sure, a few fireballs and lightning bolts can wipe out a vast majority, but the orcs are gonna slaughter the hirelings armed with daggers if they engage. You also have a force of 25 orcs to sweep in to flank after the PCs think they're all dead. Also, you have significantly bumped up the dragon's hit points and AC from the baseline young Large dragons. Nothing wrong with this, but now I have some serious doubts that these wizards are going to be able to handle this without hired Fighters with real weapons.

How much damage do the dragons do with claw and bite and breath? I'd think that two hovering dragons concentrating their breath on a target or two (or more) simultaneously is going to wreck somebody. And they have a high enough AC and a boatload of hp to soak up enough damage to keep the fight going, not to mention all the room they need to fly away, lick their wounds and return.

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