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Heroes #3--One of Us, One of Them/Sept 2008


I didn't think it was horrible, but when you can finish a character's line before he does... (Zimmerman: "Do I know you...?" Chorus: "I created you!") And next week looks weak.

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Relique du Madde

Any story that relies on the stupidity of its' protagonists to cause conflict is a story that I don't need to follow..

I think the main problem here is that the writers are pretty much forced to rely on that trope because do don't have enough time to develop a traditional narrative structure and are not talented (or creative) enough to come up with a better way to further each of their ongoing plot-lines.


First Post
I think the main problem here is that the writers are pretty much forced to rely on that trope because do don't have enough time to develop a traditional narrative structure and are not talented (or creative) enough to come up with a better way to further each of their ongoing plot-lines.
Brilliantly put, that is my main problem with the show. Stuplidity is acceptable in season one, but now is a bit too late to be surprised. An origin story should only last so long. What they needed to do was fast forward a bit, show the heroes as heroes. Instead we still have momma petrelli putting a serial killer back on the street, hiro trusting everyone, Peter seeming dumbfounded whenever someone uses a power, Claire going out by herself, Mohinder shooting himself up with unknown potions and Parker surprised that someone has the power to paint the future.

The cool thing about comic books is that spiderman is never surprised by the hulk's super strength anymore. Or seeing some unknown guy shoot fire out of his belly button. Last night's episode made me frustrated. The writers need to step up their game. Does anyone know if any of these guys are active or former comic book writers, because they need the help.


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The interaction between Hiro and Pikachu (Daphne) is humorous. Hiro seems to have caught something from Mohinder though because I was wondering why he didn't teleport out as soon as he got the case.
I believe it's that Daphne refers to as Pikachu, not the other way around. She's called "nemesis" or "speedster".

Not sure why you're wondering why he didn't TP away. Besides being totally surprised by Ando cold-cocking the Haitian, he also seemed to assume his powers were still suppressed and only realized they weren't when Daphne made her move.


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Should have written Ali Larter right out of the show. Looks like a complete waste of character - and more importantly - time. "Hey guys! We need to explain why we're keeping Ali around, even though Nikki sucked and we dumped her useless character and boring storyline!"
Yes, this is Heroes jumping the shark for me. "We want to keep the actress around, but not the character".

Oddly though, Niki/Jessica/Strauss/whoever was one of the villains in the vision that we saw in the vision from the previous episode (can't remember whose vision it was off-hand).


First Post
What's up with Sylar's complete personality change (during the outside police scene)? Some nice left-field antics going on there (though it made him slightly more interesting compared to his boring monotone one-track-mind self).
I believe the point of Mommy Patrelli feeding the woman with the psychometry powers to Sylar was to give him a power that would infuse him with empathy. He now experiences other people's and memories through contact. Didn't seem to take completely though...

I'm not clear on exactly what Sylar can do, anymore. Did he get back all of his old powers after he lost them last season, or just his TK?
This issue is nothing new. For all the trouble Sylar goes to to steal powers, how often have we ever really seen him use anything but the TK? Almost never. He doesn't use the ice powers or the meliting power or the super-hearing or the transmutation powers. Peter, of course, is worse just by virtue of all the powers he should have by now (consider the ramifications of past Peter encountering his future self, with all the powers he's accumulated), but doesn't bother to manifest.
Grrr... They did such a great job making Sylar an interesting character last week now he's back to
Waaah... It's 'The Hunger' I just can't help myself. Oh, I am such a VICTIM'!
Shouldn't be too surprising. This is a classic tactic when the villain becomes the breakout character, reforming him and making him a good guy. Some might recall that after last week's episode, I suggested the possibility of Kring "pulling a Barnabus Collins" with Sylar, an 'lo and behold...(I guess "pulling a Spike" would have been a more up-to-date reference).

I actually see this as one of the good moves the show's made. If they're going to keep the character around, he needs some gravitas, something to overcome. Remorselessly snuffing people one episode after the next has very limited potential.
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First Post
Yes, this is Heroes jumping the shark for me. "We want to keep the actress around, but not the character".

Oddly though, Niki/Jessica/Strauss/whoever was one of the villains in the vision that we saw in the vision from the previous episode (can't remember whose vision it was off-hand).

I was hoping they'd go the oute and kill off sylar as well. He's a great villian... in season 1... now he's just mildly annoying and uber powerful. He'd be a great grand villian if his machinations were larger than open up someone see how they work move on.

The writers fear of killing characters is becoming the death of the show. Obviously saving the world is not going to drive a season, but destroying a major villian can. To have these villians come back (as powerful as they've always been) after being defeated makes the show seam stagnant. Turning sylar good is classic villian to good, but these turns in the comic usually take some time, not instantly in one episode. The only time that happens in the comic is if the hero is completely backed down where the villian is the only one that can help. Clearly not the case in this situation.

At this rate I don't think we'll make it to see all the villians on this show. I see a show that's expensive to make with poor writing to match.


First Post
The writers fear of killing characters is becoming the death of the show. Obviously saving the world is not going to drive a season, but destroying a major villian can. To have these villians come back (as powerful as they've always been) after being defeated makes the show seam stagnant. Turning sylar good is classic villian to good, but these turns in the comic usually take some time, not instantly in one episode. The only time that happens in the comic is if the hero is completely backed down where the villian is the only one that can help. Clearly not the case in this situation.
Well, I'm hardly Sylar's advocate, but I do have to say that I don't see that he pulled a complete 360 over the course of last night's episode. He did actually give in to his impulses and kill Jessie, after all. I don't think he'll become a full-blown hero, but antihero is a distant possibility (he's butchered a few too many innocent people IMHO).

The escaped villains do remind me of the Brotherhood of Evil, right down there to them having someone like Magneto, Pyro and Mastermind. Speaking about the X-Men, Mohinder is now a lot like Beast.

Then again Adam Munroe is in some ways Vandal Savage...

Anyways I'm beginning to think the Nikki is very much like Peter or Sylar, in that she can have other powers, but her personality changes when she manifests them.

What I think is that since Hiro compares himself to Batman and Daphne to Catwoman, they're eventually going to become a couple/rivals much like Batman and Catwoman.

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