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Character Builder Beta available

Vista 64 here, and it just ain't working. Install works, but when I click the shortcut on the desktop, I get an error message. I have the Net 3.5 Sp1 installed.

Something along this. The message comes in danish, and I am far from computer savvy, so...

The file or assembly "D20RulesEngine, Version= Culture=neutral. PublicKeyToken=null" or one of it's dependencies could not be read (or run). A program of the wrong format was unsuccesfully run (or read).

64 Bit definitely does not work at the moment, a developer confirmed this. :(

I remember we had some problems with this, too, once upon a time. I can't remember what we did exactly. Either it was a Visual Studio setting or something in the Installer itself...

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Char gen on VMWare Fusion on OSX

I got the Character Builder working on OSX using VMWare Fusion. The problem I was having had to do with 3d acceleration being on. I turned it off and it works great! I just wish it had more levels.


First Post
As a .NET developer myself, my number #1 burning question is: did they implement using Blend and XAML, or did they use Windows Forms? Because if they used Forms, they did some hella dressing-up of it.


Vista 64 here, and it just ain't working. Install works, but when I click the shortcut on the desktop, I get an error message. I have the Net 3.5 Sp1 installed.

Something along this. The message comes in danish, and I am far from computer savvy, so...

The file or assembly "D20RulesEngine, Version= Culture=neutral. PublicKeyToken=null" or one of it's dependencies could not be read (or run). A program of the wrong format was unsuccesfully run (or read).

on x64 problems
Michael 'elf' Feuell said:
We have a fix we're playing with here, it's passed initial tests, we're now thoroughly vetting it before packaging it up and sending it out to you. It could be a couple days, it could be next week if more issues crop up during our vetting, we'll let you know when we have more information. Check Randy's blog tomorrow night for more details.

As a .NET developer myself, my number #1 burning question is: did they implement using Blend and XAML, or did they use Windows Forms? Because if they used Forms, they did some hella dressing-up of it.

I'd like to know, too! Wasn't one of the errors in System.Windows.SplashScreenWindow? Wouldn't this namespace point towards WPF?


As a .NET developer myself, my number #1 burning question is: did they implement using Blend and XAML, or did they use Windows Forms? Because if they used Forms, they did some hella dressing-up of it.

It is definitely not Windows Forms because you can see the WPF Builder application running as a thread in the background in Task Manager.
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