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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Good luck on future endeavors, Jonathan!

(and thanks for leading the bonus tools effort, as I've found those to be highly useful, and made sure to download them all so as to make sure that I'd have them going forward if Wizards ever decided to get rid of the 3.5 era stuff...)

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Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts. Personally, I'm in good shape financially and emotionally. Wizards has offered me a generous severance package, things are in good shape on the home front, and work hasn't exactly been wine and roses for me lately. No one needs to worry about me.

The next thing I plan to do is nothing, and when I'm through doing that I'll look around for something new. Maybe RPGs, maybe games of some other stripe, maybe something entirely different.

Someone asked what I've been doing in the last however many years, so here's a list: Chainmail (metal D&D minis game), D&D Minis, Star Wars Minis, Axis & Allies Minis, Omega World, beginner products for Magic, and various unpublished new business efforts. I've been involved with D&DI for a little over a year, led the Bonus Tools effort, and recently started working on the Compendium.



Very good to hear that you're going to do well. I think it should be obvious from the out-pouring from the fans and your peers that you are the man. So here's one person saying that I hope you don't stay away from RPGs too long: I'd love to see the next Ars Magica/Over the Edge/Everway/etc!


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️

MarketWatch has it's standards and if they think a CEO retreading a lot of nostalgia brands (including making moves of them... again) is worth recognizing, more power to them.

I notice that Goldner did a lot of work out of Tiger Electronics, a company snapped up by Hasbro shortly before WotC. An example of the chemotherapy SKR commented about?


As an employer, I would not be able to offer a position to any applicant that requested a position to be truly permanent.
Well, it seems workplace rules are very different in Sweden than New Zealand (and other countries I've worked in, although I have heard that NZ is particularly pro-employee).

Also, there may be a terminology misunderstanding. I'm using permanent to mean "long term employee", as opposed to contractor which usually means someone who isn't considered an employee of the company and is only working for the company for a defined period and/or project.

Regardless - I wasn't trying to imply that someone offered a permanent position should expect a guarantee that the position would last forever, or seek any kind of contractual guarantee from a company (I doubt any company would be foolish enough to agree to something like that).

Rather, IME at least, the difference between a contract and permanent position is that when offered a permanent position the employee should be able to reasonably expect that the company intends for that position to be required long-term, and that the position isn't a temporary one or one related to a specific (short-medium term) project. Unless, of course, the company and employee have agreed to a short-medium term position (which IMO, is really more akin to a contract worker).

If the above is true, then (barring unforecast disaster), the position should exist as long as the employee is willing and capable of performing it... and speaking for myself, I'd certainly do a bit of research to ensure that the company was planning growth and could reasonably support the position it was offering me long-term.

So yes, I guess I would go into that position expecting to hold the position as long as I was willing and capable of doing it, as I expect most people in a similar position would.
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First Post
Because the person who ends up being the driving force in a plan like this gets known as the person who brought a union into a non-union workplace. That is a big black mark on your reputation that gets you labelled "troublemaker".
Man when this world is going to fix its wrongs? Generations long propaganda I guess..
These men should be labelled as "heroes".


First Post
MarketWatch has it's standards and if they think a CEO retreading a lot of nostalgia brands (including making moves of them... again) is worth recognizing, more power to them.

I notice that Goldner did a lot of work out of Tiger Electronics, a company snapped up by Hasbro shortly before WotC. An example of the chemotherapy SKR commented about?

I dunno, a quick glance at the financials of HAS show that its doing ok. Heck, from 2001 (ie the last recession), it looks like the dividind has either stayed the same or gone up, from 3c to 20c. I'm too lazy to dig deeper, but I don't see a lot of evidence in the numbers to justify SKR's claim.

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