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Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne OOC


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Treasure list

Oil of keen edge
Wand of magic missiles
Wand of acid arrows

Miniature gold crown
Pouch of gold from threatened dandy
Harrow deck
Narrow teak cigar case inlaid with tiny bits of jade
2-pound gold bearing the Cheliax coat of arms
Fist-sized scrimshaw carving of a kraken with garnets for eyes
Silver ring bearing the inscription “For Emmah—the light in my nights,”
Highly realistic and highly scandalous ivory figurine of two entwined succubi

Ring bearing the signet of three sails in a circle (EDMONDS)

Adamantine arrowhead
Abalone-shell holy symbol of Shelyn
Bejeweled brooch with a broken clasp.

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Dr Simon

To save time, I've made the assumption that Lynn and Edmond (and Edward) appraise the items whilst Thorson and Djhan are exploring the boat. You get the following results:

Gold crown, small, well made, high quality gold, 350 gp
Pouch of money 5pp (duh!)
Teak case, mainly valuable for the inlay, 25 gp
Gold bar, standard Chelaxian trade bar, 100 gp
Ivory scrimshaw, good quality gems used for eyes, 200 gp
Silver ring, high purity silver, 150 gp
Ivory figurine, extremely well carved, 450 gp to the right buyer
Adamantine arrowhead, rare metal, 60 gp
Abalone shell holy symbol, well-made, 300 gp
Broken brooch, this is clearly the most valuable of the lot, despite the broken clasp. Depicting an intertwined imp and pseudodragon with jewelled eyes, this would probably be worth about 1000 gp. But Lynn also recognises it from a description posted a while ago - this brooch belongs to the Queen! It is the one that was stolen from a jewellers when it was sent to be repaired. The Queen has posted a reward for its safe return.


Did Edmond succeed in identifying the magic items himself? I wasn't aware that Yargin's wand was of acid arrows. With it's low damage I'd assumed it was a wand of acid splash. Any clue how many charges it has left? It's been used twice so it can't have more than 48 left.

For the purpose of splitting things up, is it fair to list the values of the magic items (Silversheen 250gp, Oil of keen edge 750 gp, Wand of magic missiles 25 charges 375 gp)? I've no idea how much Zalara's Harrow deck might be worth...

Dj'hân also has a garnet necklace in his hat that he picked up from Yargin. Any clue how much it might be worth? It's also worth noting that Lamm's hand crossbow is worth 100 gp!

Selling the Queen's broach is kind of out of the question since, it being so easily recognizable, we likely couldn't find a buyer for it anyway.
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Dr Simon

It's acid splash - not sure anybody but Djhan successfully ID'ed it, but doesn't mater now. It started with 28 charges.

The garnet necklace is worth 100 gp.

Zellara's Harrow deck - almost impossible to appraise. Priceless and worthless at the same time :)

Regards selling, there is a stand of shops called Eodred's Walk which has obviously been set up as an adventurers sale/resupply area, so if you want to RP any buying/selling I suggest we use that.


It's acid splash - not sure anybody but Djhan successfully ID'ed it, but doesn't mater now.
Dj'hân didn't actually ID it; I was just guessing out-of-character. Dj'hân believes, based on his firsthand experience, that it's a wand of desicating wind that occasionally spits acid. Wand of wonder perhaps? ;)
Zellara's Harrow deck - almost impossible to appraise. :)
Not unless it does something besides what you've told me. It's actually fairly straightforward to price actually.

Which reminds me; did we take the hat box with Zalara's head with us? It seems kind of callous to leave it in the fishery basement to rot.

Oh, and as a suggestion, I think a certain half-orc should get himself a spiffy pair of crocodile-skin boots made. Crocodile hide armor? Very sexy... ;)
Regards selling, there is a stand of shops called Eodred's Walk which has obviously been set up as an adventurers sale/resupply area, so if you want to RP any buying/selling I suggest we use that.
So does that mean that we can buy/commission magic items relatively easily in this campaign setting?

Dr Simon

;)Not unless it does something besides what you've told me.

To anyone else, it's just a battered Harrow deck, which would be worth whatever a Harrow deck is priced at in the Crimson Throne player's guide. It only does the Identify effect, and ... certain other effects yet to be revealed ... in the hands of "Zellara's Chosen".


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Item IDing

No, Edmond didn't ID the wand. And I frequently do such mistakes when writing without lookup (as is often while posting from work).

Yes, I meant acid arrow orison not THE acid arrow.

Is there a way to make one post available to all for editing? So we can have "treasure post" in which we would have running total of 'group' treasure...DM would add items as they are found and we would sell or split up items as we think it fair.

Edmond took Zellara's head. If you recall he even closed the box with Harrow deck inside. He will see that she is burried properly.

Personal todo:
burry Zellara
take care of the children
report to his prelate
heal Thorson
see the queen

he will use personal funds for any and all of these unless group chooses to pitch in
I'd like some semi-permanent residence where we can setup our base of operations and put children to work (honest work no slave labor) - an orphanage of sorts...or use existing church resources if there are such.

ITEMS: by my account we have 3156gp in items and 5pp in money pouch. Assuming we spend 156gp on healing, feeding etc. we have 3000/4 = 750gp per person.
Edmond would take:
- his family ring 150gp
- Abalone shell holy symbol, well-made, 300 gp
- money (300gp) - assuming sell enough - he would argue that immoral figurine should be destroyed, but it is pricy and children need support. :(
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Dr Simon

To answer a few of those questions:

Ambrus: I usually allow for minor magic items - potions, scrolls and low level wands, to be purchased relatively easily. Generally, anything more powerful than that is almost never produced for sale. You might be able to buy from high level NPCs (and Acadamae wizard, or Archbanker Darb Buttle, but not without good reason.


I don't know of a way of making a post editable by all, but I can put in a "Treasures found" post at the beginning of this thread so that it can be referred to easily.

Djhan has Zellara's Harrow deck, Edmond has the hatbox with her head in it, just to clarify. The Varisian communities are mostly on the East side of the river.


I've gone over the multiple relevant posts and compiled a (hopefully) complete listing of everything collected so far. They can be divided up into different categories.

Plot relevant items

  • Zalara's harow deck
  • The Queen's broach

Magic items

  • Oil of keen edge – 375 gp (sale price)
  • Vial of Silversheen – 125 gp (sale price)
  • Wand of magic missiles I (25 ch.) – 187.5 gp (sale price)
  • Wand of desiccating wind / acid splash (26 ch.) – 97.5 gp (sale price)

Art Objects

  • Ivory succubi figurine – 450 gp
  • Miniature gold crown – 350 gp
  • Abalone holy symbol of Shelyn – 300 gp
  • Ivory scrimshaw kraken – 200 gp
  • Silver lover's ring – 150 gp
  • Garnet necklace – 100 gp
  • Teak and jade cigar case – 25 gp
  • Edmond's signet ring – 2.5 gp (sale price)


  • Lamm's hand crossbow – 50 gp (sale price)
  • Adamantine arrowhead – 30 gp (sale price)
  • 3 flasks of acid – 15 gp (sale price)
  • Thunderstone – 15 gp (sale price)


  • 100 gp Cheliax gold trade bar
  • 5 pp
  • 100 sp
  • 200 cp
There were also some mundane weapons and armor (Hookshank's kukri, Lamm and Yargin's daggers, Giggle's flail, Giggles and Hookshanks' armors) but no one seemed interested in keeping those so I'm assuming they were left behind in the fishery. I also believe that the plot items (the Queen's broach and Zalara's harrow deck) shouldn't be ascribed monetary worth since they'll benefit the whole party in the long run, likely in non-financial ways.

So, by my count, we have a total of 2634.5 gold pieces worth of stuff between the four of us. I'd propose setting aside some of the cash for a party fund; with which we could buy a wand of cure light wounds for the group (important since we have no currents means to heal ourselves), pay for lodging and perhaps even set some money aside for the Little Lamms' long term care.

As for Dj'hân, he'd like to continue carrying and using Zalara's harrow deck on the party's behalf. He'd also like to lay claim to the perfectly sized gold crown (long live the king!) and perhaps Yargin's spiffy staff of desiccating wind. ;)

Edmond's Share
  • Abalone holy symbol of Shelyn – 300 gp
  • Edmond's signet ring – 2.5 gp (sale price)
Dj'hân's Share
  • Miniature gold crown – 350 gp
  • Staff of desiccating wind – 97.5 gp (sale price)
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.

You have too much free time :)

Thank you.

And for some clarification: I've mistaken silver ring for my signet ring. :blush: So, change Edmond's list of wanted items to exclude 'lovers ring' and add signet ring

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