• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

L4W Discussion Thread IV


First Post
Ditto on the wellwishing to everyone.

We're going through a bout of Flu here at my house. One son had it for a few days a week or so ago. Then my daughter started puking a couple nights ago, but didn't have any fever. Then the next day she stopped puking but had a low grade fever. Then today (or yesterday as its now 2:30am here) another son, my wife and myself all started having various combinations of fever and puking. The last 12 hours have not been fun for me needless to say. Then my one remaining son knocked on my door at around 1am to let me know he had just puked for the first time. And as I'm typing this, he just went into the bathroom and let go for his second time. On the bright side, I'm feeling pretty darn good myself currently and am hoping that I'm done and through with this. After talking with the 17 year old who is sick currently to give him advice, I found myself unable to sleep again and (praise the heavens) my stomach actually growled at me to let me know I was hungry! So I thoroughly enjoyed my 7 grapes while sitting here typing and sipping on my purple Gatorade. With luck, tomorrow will be better for all. :D

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I hope I don't sound rude by shifting back to topic :blush:, but I have two questions.

  1. I still need a judge for 'Wayne's Basement' (Covaithe is exempt unless he really wants to).
  2. Is there a minimum age at which one can have an account on ENWorld. My son and I play Table-Top 4E a lot, but he's fascinated by the adventures I read to him from ENWorld. He keeps asking me if he can get an account.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
  1. Is there a minimum age at which one can have an account on ENWorld. My son and I play Table-Top 4E a lot, but he's fascinated by the adventures I read to him from ENWorld. He keeps asking me if he can get an account.
There is no hard limit that I'm aware of (though there may be one legally somewhere); 13 is generally listed as a known lower limit (mentioned in the FAQ as one of the reasons for the Grandma Rule). Best to ask in Meta.


Is there a minimum age at which one can have an account on ENWorld. My son and I play Table-Top 4E a lot, but he's fascinated by the adventures I read to him from ENWorld. He keeps asking me if he can get an account.

IMO it's up to you as a parent. You know the kind of stuff that goes on here; if you're ok with your son participating, I don't see where it's any of our business to tell you no.


First Post
Wow, get down with the sickness! Man I love that swing version from Richard Cheese...

Well wishing from me to everyone that is ill!

Covaithe said:
You know the kind of stuff that goes on here
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend your son to read "The Closed Eye" if he is too young ;)


First Post
Hope everyone feels better, especially you Cov, as this community is a large part of my daily life now.

H.M.Gimlord - You've met Palindrome, if you are comfortable with your kid running around with a similar character, I'd say yes. The main thing, as Cov said, is that you are comfortable as a parent, especially when questions come up. You're likely going to have to read along with your child's adventure to explain any "questionable material" and how appropriate it is for repetition in public... I'd let my younger cousins (10 and 13) play here, so long as their parents understood the "questionable material." It's mostly violence, some sexually suggestive themes, and a small amount of coarse language. Nothing someone that age doesn't see in their daily reality.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Hey there, just wondering when will my proposed adventure will be approved. It has been more than two weeks now, and haven't received any communications since that of Ozymandias adjusting the xp of the skill challenges.


First Post
Hi all! Got back from vacation late last night / early this morning, and will be slowly catching up over the next few days.

Went to Hawaii, gave me a great idea for an tropical islander themed warden. :) Too bad I'm at my two PC cap. :(

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