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Chicago Gameday 27 is October 23rd: sign up to play now!



[size=-2]Read the FAQ to learn more about Chicago Gameday.[/size]

[h1]Chicago Gameday 27 Sign-Up Thread[/h1]
ENWorld Chicago Gameday 27 is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus.

Gameday 27 is October 23rd.

To participate, simply post to this thread with your intention to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the event schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made to the schedule after that point. PM or email me (buzz (at) buzzmo (dot) com) with any questions.

[highlight]PLEASE NOTE: This thread is the primary means of communicating information about Gameday 27. Please keep an eye on the thread for any updates or schedule changes, especially in the day or so prior to Gameday. This goes double for GMs. If you'd like to be on the Gameday mailing list, just shoot me an email.[/highlight]

Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

  • Slot 0: Breakfast
    To be held from 8:00am to 9:00am at Le Peep Grill (located across the Metra tracks, kitty-corner from Games Plus).
  • [highlight]Arrive at the store by 9:15am to settle in to your game tables.[/highlight]
  • Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
    1. [highlight]This event is now full[/highlight] The Dresden Files RPG, "Shadow Player", buzz
    2. [highlight]This event is now full[/highlight] Supernatural RPG, "Toil & Trouble", Ninjacat
    3. [highlight]This event is now full[/highlight] PDQ, "A Ghost of a Chance", Reidzilla
    4. Pathfinder, "The Pallid Plague", William Ronald
    5. [highlight]This event is now full[/highlight] D&D 3.5, "WHATEVER YOU SAY, MIRACLE MAX! (That's right...it's time to storm the castle!)", TracerBullet42, private room
    6. Mars Colony, Tim C Koppang
  • Meal break from 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
  • Slot 2: Afternoon events from 3:30pm to 8:30pm (or later)
    1. [highlight]This event is now full[/highlight] The Dresden Files RPG, "Shadow Player", buzz
    2. Hand of Fate, "Fate of Leningrad", Vyvyan Basterd
    3. Umlaut: The Game of Metal, Bront
    4. Descent, Der Spot, private room
    5. Danger Patrol, "The Helbound Hart!", Nev the Deranged
    6. [highlight]This event is now full[/highlight] Paranoia XP, "Stealth Train", WJMacGuffin​

[h2]Slot 0 (Breakfast)[/h2]
No limit to number of attendees.
1. buzz
2. Trevalon Moonleirion
3. pvt. patterson
4. Tofu_Master
5. Painfully
6. ekb
7. Cathy (ekb)
8. WJMacGuffin
9. William Ronald
10. Nev the Deranged
11. ...

[h2]Slot 1: Morning[/h2]
Morning Game 1: Shadow Player
The Dresden Files RPG, buzz

Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment.

When a seemingly innocuous tour of "Haunted Naperville" proves ghostly folklore to be more than just tall tales, Harry Dresden is called in to do some real-life ghost-busting. But will Harry Dresden succeed when faced with the most horrific landscape this side of the Neverever? Will he be able to survive... the suburbs?

Play the role of one of five characters from Jim Butchers' popular series using Evil Hat's new Dresden Files RPG. Characters will be provided and rules will be taught. This game uses FUDGE dice, so if you already own some, please bring them. Please be aware that the Dresdenverse's content tends to be PG-13 at its most modest.[/bq]
1. dskibo
2. grizzo
3. Trevalon Moonleirion
4. sailorkitsune
5. WJMacGuffin
[highlight]This event is now full[/highlight]

Morning Game 2: Toil & Trouble
Supernatural RPG, Ninjacat

[bq]Well, it's finally happened. . .the Gates of Hell have been opened, not to release demon hordes upon the earth– –just Lucifer himself. When Ash sends the crew information about a bizarre series of deaths in Sparta, Wisconsin, all of "good" people, it's worth investigating. After all, how often are coincidences actually coincidences, when it comes to Hunting?

Looks like it's time for another RoadTrip.

Toil & Trouble is a mystery adventure RPG for six players, using the Classic Cortex ruleset, based on the CW's Supernatural television show. Cortex is a fluid, story-focused system that's easy to learn, with mechanics for both conflict resolution and influencing the narrative. No familiarity with either the Cortex system or the Supernatural TV show is required, though it could of course prove useful. The only thing you really need to know is that the supernatural is real. . .ghosts, demons, hauntings, possession– –all real. And some of those who know about it fight back: Saving People, Hunting Things...

(Additional information is available at my site, here: Toil & Trouble)[/bq]
1. Vyvyan Basterd
2. Laurie
3. enigma1122
4. Der Spot
5. Puffdebbie
6. Tofu_Master
[highlight]This event is now full[/highlight]

Morning Game 3: A Ghost of a Chance
PDQ, Reidzilla

[bq]You and your friends from the local college decide to check out the legendary old "haunted house" at the edge of town. Rumor had it that even the police will not step foot on the property. Turns out it was haunted by something very nasty and by morning you were all dead.

Now you are trapped there as ghosts with IT. While you can't escape the house, you have learned how to evade IT using your new ghostly powers. Which is good because, although IT can't "kill" you, IT can still hurt you. You even have some ideas regarding what is binding you to the house and how you might escape. Unfortunately, it would require the aid of the living.

The monotony of your existence is broken when you see that the Ghost Chasers, a web-famous paranormal investigation team, have come to check out the house. Can you help save them all from a painful, grizzly death? Could you possibly get them to break the curse that imprisons you in the house?

No EXP necessary. Rules taught, bribes accepted. Just bring a few d6 and desire to have a bit of spooky fun.[/bq]
1. pvt. patterson
2. ekb
3. Cathy (ekb)
[highlight]This event is now full[/highlight]

Morning Game 4: Pathfinder Society Scenario #43: The Pallid Plague (PFRPG)
Pathfinder, William Ronald

[bq]Reports from Andoran's Darkmoon Vale indicate that a new plague is causing the deaths of untold fey. The Pathfinder Society sends you there to aid the nymph queen in stopping the plague and finding and destroying its source. When the plague spreads to the human population of Falcon's Hollow, the need to find a cure grows more frantic. Can you save the many denizens of Darkmoon Vale from certain death?

Written by Mark Moreland

This product is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7). This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

You can either create your own 1st level character, under the rules of the Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized Play (PFRPG). (I also recommend using the PF SRD for some information and tips as well. Make sure to chose a character faction -- faction missions can be fun.) Or you can bring an existing Pathfinder Society character or you can run one of the Pathfinder iconics. (I will figure out what tier (essentially level) to run the event.[/bq]


Morning Game 5: WHATEVER YOU SAY, MIRACLE MAX! (That's right...it's time to storm the castle!)
D&D 3.5, TracerBullet42, private room

[bq]Trouble seems to follow this group wherever it may go. Perhaps "follow" isn't the right word, in this case...more like "hunt." Lately, trouble has taken on the form of giants. Big, frosty giants...and they seem to be coming from that castle over there. You know...that one floating up in the clouds.

WHATEVER YOU SAY, MIRACLE MAX! (That's right...it's time to storm the castle!) is a D&D 3.5 adventure that features the PCs from most of my previous gameday's D&D games, though it is not necessary for you to have played in them.

This adventure is designed with love, care, and a little bit of whimsy for up to six players (although there will, likely, be eight characters to choose from). We will be using some of the alternate rules from Unearthed Arcana, including the facing rules. (Don't worry, they're easy, and I'm not an ogre about it.)

Some previous experience with D&D 3.5 would be nice, since they'll be 17th level PCs. I'll help you along, though, if you're new to the game. Just bring some dice and a willingness to have a little fun.[/bq]
1. rvalle
2. oneleggedman
3. Kelleris
4. RFlatstone
5. the_grot_shoppe
[highlight]This event is now full[/highlight]

Morning Game 6: Mars Colony: A two-player roleplaying game about personal failure and government.
Mars Colony, Tim C Koppang

[bq]The colony was created by a coalition of Earth governments that advertised the project as a multi-national utopia. Now, after years of incompetence and disaster, the colony is dying. You have been nominated to turn things around. While you were a celebrated expert on Earth, Mars is a different environment entirely. Good luck...

Mars Colony is a roleplaying game designed specifically for two players. One will take on the role of the colony’s appointed "savior," while the other will be responsible for all the various problems that are plaguing the citizens of Mars. As the game progresses, the savior will face a constant struggle between competence and failure, honesty and deception. It is a game custom built to explore the cult-of-personality present in modern-day politics.

For Gameday, I will be organizing up to three simultaneous Mars Colony games, which means that I can accommodate up to five players (I want to play too). No experience necessary.[/bq]
1. Lifelike
2. Nev the Deranged
3. Mike W.
4. ...
5. ...

[h2]Slot 2: Afternoon[/h2]
Afternoon Game 1: Shadow Player
The Dresden Files RPG, buzz

Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment.

When a seemingly innocuous tour of "Haunted Naperville" proves ghostly folklore to be more than just tall tales, Harry Dresden is called in to do some real-life ghost-busting. But will Harry Dresden succeed when faced with the most horrific landscape this side of the Neverever? Will he be able to survive... the suburbs?

Play the role of one of five characters from Jim Butchers' popular series using Evil Hat's new Dresden Files RPG. Characters will be provided and rules will be taught. This game uses FUDGE dice, so if you already own some, please bring them. Please be aware that the Dresdenverse's content tends to be PG-13 at its most modest.[/bq]
1. TracerBullet42
2. Ninjacat
3. Laurie
4. rvalle
5. enigma1122
[highlight]This event is now full[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 2: Fate of Leningrad
Hand of Fate, Vyvyan Basterd

[bq]You hungrily devour your bread ration. The taste of the sawdust used as filler has grown stronger since the last batch. The German-led siege is truly the worst of times for the city of Leningrad. So what could possibly be so horrid as to draw your attention? What is worse than the scars of war? And why do most of the people around you seem to be ignoring what is going on?

Hand of Fate is a story-telling role playing game that uses the tarot for character creation and task resolution. Characters will be generated at the start of the event.

This event includes serious subject matter and is intended for mature players only.

Download the rules here[/bq]
1. Lifelike
2. ekb
3. Cathy (ekb)
5. ...

Afternoon Game 3: Umlaut: The Game of Metal
Umlaut: The Game of Metal, Bront

[bq]Build a band and narrate the growing music scene with your fellow players as you strive to become the happiest and most famous metal band from Chicago. Raise money, practice, get into fights, pull promotional stunts, and rock the house in this collaborative and competitive narrative game.[/bq]
1. Tim Jensen
2. Tim C Koppang
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...

Afternoon Game 4: Descent
Descent, Der Spot

[bq]Descent: Journeys in the Dark is a semi-cooperative game in which two to five players will take on the antagonistic roles of heroes and Overlord. Up to four players will choose characters with a wide assortment of skills and innate abilities to be the heroes who will explore dungeons in search of treasure and adventure. One player will take on the role of the Overlord and will control the dungeon's many traps, puzzles, and monsters.

The heroes' goal will be to cooperatively conquer the dungeon, seize its many treasures, and achieve other objectives as set by the scenario. If the heroes cooperate and achieve their goals, they will all win. The Overlord's objective is simply to use all the means at his or her disposal - from deadly traps and ferocious monsters - to kill the heroes. Each hero has a certain Conquest Point value to the party and if too many Conquest Points are lost through hero death, the party loses and the Overlord wins.

Likely we will get in more than one game. I'll run a short one as a sample then one that is more typical.[/bq]
1. Puffdebbie
2. grizzo
3. William Ronald
4. ...

Afternoon Game 5: The Helbound Hart!
Danger Patrol, Nev the Deranged

[bq]What? An empty slot? At the last minute? Catastrophe looms!

Such a void can only be filled with... DANGER!

...PATROL, that is!

No experience necessary, rules taught, bring a full set of polys if you have them.

Rules available for free for the interested at Danger Patrol - Action/Adventure Roleplaying in the World of Tomorrow[/bq]
1. Nev's guest 1
2. Nev's guest 2
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...
6. ...

Afternoon Game 6: Stealth Train
Paranoia XP, WJMacGuffin


Congratulations on being volunteered to assist The Computer in a research matter of critical importance. Said duty consists of providing one shift of security and defense for classified research project ST-700, the prototype All-Aspects Unobservable Multicar Mass Transit System. Rumors that said project is so unobservable as to not even exist are treason and punishable by summary execution. Any damage to said project is treason and punishable by summary execution. Not completing assigned run-throughs and testing is ... ah, you get the idea.

Paranoia XP is fun. Other games are not fun. Play Paranoia XP.

Ages: 18+ [/bq]
1. Trevalon Moonleirion
2. Kelleris
3. pvt. patterson
4. Reidzilla
5. sailorkitsune
6. Nazriel
[highlight]This event is now full[/highlight]
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Der Spot

First Post
O Great & Powerful Buzz:

Please sign me and Puffdebbie up for Supernatural in the morning and Descent in the afternoon.


First Post
W00000t, GameDay!

I've been looking forward to this for possibly far too long.

Buzz, I would absolutely LOVE to be in your afternoon Dresden game, please!


Tim Jensen

First Post

Of there's still room, please sign up Willow and myself for Dresden Files.

If Dresden is full (and you can't organize more games of it) I'd like to try rocking out in Umlaut.
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