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Yttermayn's Infractus Experiment IC


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Red stained cloth. Still limbs. Shining wet pools. Slack faces and postures. These are bodies- Jorge already knew this. The cruelty of it though... They didn't only use guns and fire. Much of the killer's work was done with machetes. Jorge felt his legs seem to liquify beneath him and his face had a sudden heat and pressure, right around the eyes...

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Joe Beltran

Joe turns the key and wakes up fully as the engine roars to life. He flicks on the siren as he pulls into traffic, going as fast as he safely can. "GSWs again... I hope this time the gunfight is over by the time we get there, boss!"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Jprge tuns away, then leans into moving Away. He move blindly. Tears flowing. Angry. scared. are the assailants still here the thinks. somehow he is running. not quite sure where except away. . .


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"Boff!" Roman mocked Joseph good naturedly. "I'm trying to ascertain whether the scene is actually secured yet or not- that was a real snafu that one time. I'm getting conflicting information..."
The garage door was open before Joseph had finished buckling his seat belt.


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Jorge stumbles along, unsure of where he is going or what to do. Why is he still alive? Why did this happen? Something cold and dry caught around Jorge's foot and he twisted to free himself. Looking down, he saw a grey, dirty hand clutching his ankle. The small hand was connected to an arm and a child's face. The face was ravaged by mud and a large boot print showing in the bruises and torn skin. The child's mangled mouth opened and Jorge recoiled reflexively, trying to pull away.


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"I tell you, bullets whizzing past your ears while you give chest compressions is no fun... at least our O2 tanks didn't get hit!" He steps on the gas, his face grim as he drives.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Jorge stumbles along, unsure of where he is going or what to do. Why is he still alive? Why did this happen? Something cold and dry caught around Jorge's foot and he twisted to free himself. Looking down, he saw a grey, dirty hand clutching his ankle. The small hand was connected to an arm and a child's face. The face was ravaged by mud and a large boot print showing in the bruises and torn skin. The child's mangled mouth opened and Jorge recoiled reflexively, trying to pull away.

All that he was taught in seminary fell by the way side in a flash. "How can a benevolant GOD allow such a monsterous thing to happen!' he thionks to himself. he wrenches himsellf free of the hand and runs pell mell dcown the trail. then the GUILT: he left a suffering child . . .


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Jorge ran blindly through the jungle and at some point, he lost track of the trail. The change was beneath his notice. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew what he was doing was dangerous. The jungle dosn't forgive easily. As if in answer to that thought, a great drop off appeared ahead and Jorge skidded and stumbled to a stop, finally hugging a sapling to steady himself. He looked out onto the world revealed by the drop off. His eyes were drawn downward. Smoke and hellish flames licked up from below. Jorge could see the familiar shapes of his village amid the inferno. Then between the huts, he saw movement! Despite the distance and smoke, he recognized them, the people of his parish! Jorge's gaze moved skyward, looking toward the God who would allow such an atrocity. Somehow, the sky was unsullied by the smoke from below. Beautiful yellow light, too bright to look at directly, limned the clouds. Jorge could barely make out silhouettes past the intense glow. One of them came forward, impossibly, out of the clouds above Jorge. Through his eyes watered badly, Jorge still knew who He was. It was instinctual. The glimpses of His face were of a terrifying beauty, and Jorge was sure that to gaze openly at the face of God would do something to him which would be irrevocable. His lips did not move, but Jorge knew it was He who spoke. "YOU NEED THIS." was the message, and the Voice filled him.


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Fortunately, there weren't too many other vehicles on the road at this hour, Joe noted as he drive. He hadn't had to hit the lights or siren even once, though he did pass some crazy :):):):)wit in a busted-up ford with one light out. Arriving on scene, Joe was relieved to see two cop cars there already, with the lights illuminating surrounding warehouse walls in bright swatches of blue and red. A number of cops were around, some securing the area, others on radios or doing something inside their cars. One was talking to a visibly frightened man Joe took to be homeless, with a badly deformed jaw. Another waved the ambulance in closer to the scene.


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Joe eases the ambulance closer, and stops it where the cop signals him. :)He then grabs his kit. "Showtime!". He makes his way to the cops. :)"What do we have here?"

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