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Adventure: Protection (Mal Malenkirk)


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Dante dashes past the hobgoblin toadie before him [move 2 west; provokes opportunity attack], mutters a few arcane words and swings his blade in a tight arc around himself, runic symbols floating in the air for a few seconds afterward [Sword Burst].

The githzerai's attack done, he points to the nearest hobgoblin, a translucant aura descending around him [Aegis of Shielding].

OOC: I mean to mark the hobgoblin on the other side of this vicious dog to where Dante ends up

Edit: Two 1s. Great start...

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Mikara scoots back, "Woah! That's a little toooo ugly, toooo close!" In a blur of ash wood and fletched hickory, the nearest toadies fall dead, followed quickly by two dogs that don't even have time to whimper, "OK boys, let's form a line over here. I can't hold 'em off forever. Hey ugly," she yells down the street, "No, no. Not you," she nods her head in the archer's direction, "The one with the bow. Yeah you. You're number Five!"[sblock=Actions]Move: Shift to L26
Standard: Draw Bow and Twin Strike
Target 1: Minion at J25
Attack: 1d20+11= 24 vs. AC
Target 2: Minion at H24
Attack: 1d20+11= 28 vs. AC
AP: Twin Strike
Target 1: Dog at F25
Attack: 1d20+11= 28 vs. AC
Target 2: Dog at D22
Attack: 1d20+11-2(Cover)= 23 vs. AC

And down they go! Didn't even need Prime Shot on the first minion (forgot).[/sblock][sblock=Ministats]Mikara Li Mesadh
Passive Insight 15
Passive Perception 22
Senses Low-Light Vision

HP 39; Surges Per-Day 7; AP 0
AC 20; FORT 14; REF 18 WIL 15
Speed 7 (Wildstep)

Str 10 (+0) Dex 21 (+5) Wis 17 (+3)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)

:bmelee: +5 vs AC 1d4 damage
:branged:+11 vs AC 1d12 + 7 damage
Nimble Strike
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+7 damage
Twin Strike
:melee: +5 vs. AC 1d4 damage per attack
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+2 damage per attack
Agile Recovery
Minor: Stand Up

Elven Accuracy
Free: Re-roll Attack
Evasive Strike
:melee:+5 vs. AC 2d4 damage
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 2d12+7 damage
Cut & Run
:melee:+5 vs. AC 1d4 damage per attack
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+7 damage per attack

Hunter's Bear Trap
:melee: +5 vs. AC 1d4 damage per attack
:ranged: +11 vs. AC 1d12+7 damage per attack

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First Post
"I am glad that friend Artemis and I did not come to blows with you earlier. I like your style of fighting.," Sound of Stone tells Mikara.
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Owen's smile drops from his face as the gang members close in.

"We ask for nothing. We merely chose not to accept what you offer."

Before the two hobgoblins in front of him can close ranks, or even realize they've stepped too close, Owen's sword has flashed out of its sheath and cut one of them down. He keeps a watchful eye on the other toadie, and circles around to one side.

OOC: Minor: Draw sword.
Standard: Threatening Rush vs. Hobgoblin Toadie @ M22
(Attack 1d20+8=17 vs. AC) Hit.
Hobgoblin toadies: M22 is killed, O22 is marked.
Move: Shift to N22

I'll use IC whenever I can, to appease your aesthetic sensabilities :).

[sblock=mini stat block]Owen Skarlson- Male Half-Orc Fighter 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
AC:16, Fort:16, Reflex:13, Will:12 -- Speed:6 (+2 when charging)
HP:28/28, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:11/11
Initiative +6
Action Points: 1


Combat Agility, Reaping Strike, Threatening Rush
Furious Assault, Second Wind, Spinning Sweep
Flanking Assault


First Post
[sblock=Gil's Ministat]

Gil Human Hybrid Wizard/Artificer Multiclass Assassin
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 17 Will 14
HP 27/27 Surges 7/7 Surge value 6
Passive Insight 17, Passive Perception 17, Normal vision
Second Wind Not Used, AP total 1, Speed 6, Initiative +7, Languages Common, Draconic
At-will powers; Thundering Armor, Winged Horde, Scorching Burst, Ghost Sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
Encounter powers; Grasping Shadows, Shadow Step, Moonstride, Healing Infusion: Curative or Resistive, Orb Shift
Daily powers; Caustic Rampart



First Post
OOC: If no-one else is going to use Artemis' battlefront shift, Sound of Stone will slide to N24 before the battle begins.


[sblock=Tactics (No peekie DMie ;))]All,

Pardon me for sounding bossy and barking orders. That's not what's intended here. I'm just really bad at writing in a suggesting tone. Please resopond with counter proposals and share your perspective.

H.M.'s 2 cents:

  • None of the enemy looks as if they have area effects, so I suppose we can afford to stay close.
  • Numbers are more important than heavy hitters. Minions first. Then work from lowest HP to highest. Use APs early to clear the road. Encounter powers are kind of a split. If you can target multiple targets, use them early. If they impart huge damages, save them for the big guys.
  • Terrain-wise the guys to the northeast (top right) are trapped, so Mikara will try to finish them off early. That way they can't flank us.

Lenard & Queen: Mikara would love your help against the archer and the swordman at the top of the map. If she gets it I think these bad guys will go down quickly.

Aeden & Sound of Stone: Let those guys in your corner come to you. I wouldn't bother chasing your archer. He's got room on the map to slip around front. If you charge off into that corner, then you'll be of no use to the guys in front if one of the enemy slips around them. Yishim can handle him, and if he has trouble, I'll help when Lenard and I are done with these two. Let rest of them come to you.

Artemis, Mercurial, & Gil:
You guys are our leaders and healers. Do whatever you see necessary. Your positions make you more like "Free Safeties". just DON'T GET KILLED or K.O.ED!

Yishim: Aeden & SoS might need your help with the archer on their side, sincere they're more of the melee type. I'll come to help when Lenard and I are done over here (if you need it ;)).

Halcyon, Dante, & Owen:
My advice: Hold the line and don't advance just yet. Remember. They're going to come to you. The rest of us will help you press forward when we've dispatched the guys in the back. Watch out for the wyrmling on the roof. Leave no more than a single square between yourselves. That way they can't penetrate the line without drawing an OA. Knock out as many minions as you can.

Dante: You're in a good position now, but I suggest that you don't risk getting flanked like you just did. Penetrating deep into their line sounds like a good idea, but if your attacks fail to clear the way, you can end up all by yourself, surrounded by the enemy. Oh yeah. And don't forget about the dragon.[/sblock]

Aidan Reed

First Post
OOC: Thanks for the advice, H.M. sounds like a solid plan.

As for that archer on AA30: this two-fisted shooter should have no trouble reaching him (range 15/25 xD)

I'll try to clear out the south before shifting my focus to the west


As armed warriors begin pouring out of the side streets and alleyways, Lenard begins to wonder if he should not have stayed inside the inn. The brief moment of panic costs him the first movement of the battle.

[sblock=re:tactics]Lenard is a little more built for minion-clearing and forcing movement than ranged damage. When his turn comes up, the melee enemies will probably be nicely bunched up at the front. It might be more useful for me to AP- Beguiling Strands twice, once north and once west (it's a friendly close blast 5 attack).

However, I think I can focus on the archer/swordsman if you'd like. Two attacks from a flaming sphere would work, or I hypnotize the archer (slide 5) into coming closer to the party. I think I'll just have to wait and see what happens on the DM's turn. Too many variables right now![/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=tactics] Nicely done H.M.G. The only other spot of advise is: Don't be afraid to use your second wind. We have very limited healing, so using your second wind could save you and the group a necessary healing surge from the leaders. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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